1 How Should I Start?

I honestly don't know how to start this story, so... I'm gonna do it in the boring way. Hello, my name is Mara, and I'm pretty sure Mara means "bitter" in some old language. Jeez, thanks dad! Well, whatever..

I look up to the ceiling. Sigh.. Why are the last school days are so stressful AND boring? Im tired already.. Just need to write the last exam and... It will be over.

Do I.. Even have a future? I know I'm being pessimistic, but, do I really, have grand future ahead of me? Its not like I chose my profession (thanks to my awesome mom), so whats the point? Whats the point of life, that just sucks? My family don't like me, I never had any friends, and if we are coming to that, I also never had a boyfriend... Trough, I don't care about the last part. Geez, why I even decided to add the boyfriend part here? Gosh, people of this stupid town really are starting to affect me.

I was thinking like that for a while, until..

"Oi, Mara! Come here right now!!"

Not again.. Please save my soul from this monster, that is called "mom".

"I-I'm coming!"

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