
I'm the enemy of the whole game

This is an extremely difficult game. If you don’t have enough ability, you won’t even be able to get out of the Novice Village!

Daoist2ootOY · Juegos
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275 Chs

Demonized Rat King

Creatures tainted by demonic energy lose their rationality, showing aggression towards all other beings regardless of their affiliations, except for an inherent kinship with their own kind. Daniel patiently explained this, then gestured dismissively, stating, "Some matters, even if known with your current strength, hold little significance. The most crucial aspect is to grow swiftly. You must understand, Dark Swordsmen have a notorious reputation within the Light Camp. Once you enter the sight of the powerful, you might lose opportunities for growth."

"Very well."

Jiang Han refrained from further inquiries, having received his task and noting that it was already midnight.

"Survival takes precedence."

After some contemplation, Jiang Han decided not to stay up late tonight. He peacefully logged out, took a shower, and went to sleep.


The next day.

Two mushroom buns filled his stomach, and Jiang Han quickly logged in, leaving the City Lord's Mansion as planned to clear out the wild rodents outside the city.

[Clearing the Rodents] (Difficulty: B)

Introduction: Eradicate the rodents that have been attacking skeletal soldiers. If you can find the source and eliminate it, all the better.

Requirement: Kill 500 demonic rats.

After a quick glance at the quest panel, Jiang Han asked a passing skeletal soldier, "Brother, where are the most demonic rats?"

"I'm clearly a girl; why do you call me brother?" The skeletal soldier complained with a resentful tone.

Jiang Han: "..."

How can I tell if you're a girl or a boy with all these skeletal frames?

"Sis... sister, where are the most demonic rats?" Jiang Han, sweating, had to change his address.

"South of the City of Shadows, in the Dark Abyss. They gather there, and..." Pausing, the skeletal soldier hesitated.

Jiang Han, very curious, asked, "And what?"

"And they always try to burrow into my body, it's really annoying. I feel so sorry for my boyfriend." The skeletal soldier said with sorrow.


With a great deal of speechlessness, Jiang Han left the City of Shadows and headed south. As expected, he saw demonic rats scurrying on the ground. They were entirely black, with bright red eyes, about the size of a man's forearm, and had long, constantly wagging tails, looking truly eerie.

[Demonic Rat] (Common Monster)

Level: 22

Life: 35,000

Attack: 150-160

Defense: 70-80

Skills: [Gnawing]

Introduction: Originally ordinary rats, they were tainted by demonic energy and consumed the flesh and blood of soldiers attacking the City of Shadows. They gained considerable strength, reproduced rapidly, and the skeletal soldiers of the City of Shadows detest cleaning them up.


"So many?" Jiang Han felt it was troublesome.

Upon a rough count, he found that there were more than twenty demonic rats at a single spawn point. If he provoked their hatred, at least twenty would attack him simultaneously.

Although their attacks weren't high, their small size allowed them to all attack at once, creating a considerable nuisance.


Just as Jiang Han was observing them, the demonic rats, unusually sensitive, sensed an intruder, got agitated, and began to flee. In the blink of an eye, not a single demonic rat was left at the spawn point.


This scene left Jiang Han dumbfounded.

I haven't even run yet, why are you running?

"Ding! ~"

System prompt: The demonic rats instinctively detected the evil aura hidden within you!

Fortunately, the system kindly answered Jiang Han's confusion.

"My hidden evil aura?" Jiang Han was speechless.

It's truly unbelievable. So, this inexplicable "evil aura" can be useful?

Quietly admiring the privileges gained from becoming a Dark Swordsman, he no longer hesitated. He searched for spawn points and, upon seeing the demonic rats, promptly used Evil Tread to approach, initiating control.



Demonic rats had decent attack but low defense. With Jiang Han's current attributes, even without a critical hit, he could still deal four-digit damage. After that, he followed up with a frenzy of slashes, taking away one-sixth of their life, earning 650 experience points for each kill.

In other words, at Jiang Han's current level, leveling up required over a hundred thousand experience points. He needed to kill more than 150 demonic rats to reach level 18.

The leveling difficulty was evident.

However, Jiang Han was not in a hurry. Since demonic rats needed to be agitated for them to retaliate, and without their demonic rat allies, they posed no threat. The task would be completed sooner or later.

Though the City of Shadows was in a precarious situation, on the brink of conflict at any moment, the general routine of the game required players to reach a certain level of strength before participating in "large-scale activities" like a siege.

Currently, players needed a couple more months to enhance their strength to resist a Dark Gold-level BOSS. He had plenty of time.

One hour... two hours...

Time flowed slowly, and Jiang Han immersed himself in monster farming. Facing demonic rats, which were originally challenging for group attacks, he had the privilege to take them down one by one.


After two and a half hours, Jiang Han leveled up. With the bonus from the "Fallen" title, his health increased by over a thousand, and all his attributes grew significantly.


Finally, after killing the 187th demonic rat, apart from the thirty copper coins that dropped, there was also a pair of bracers—

[Black Iron Bracers] (Bronze-tier)

Defense: 10-12

Effect: +3% Defense

Required Level: 20

Introduction: A high-quality equipment from the third-tier town's blacksmith shop, unaffordable for ordinary adventurers.


A great item, but unfortunately, like the Yellow Rock Armor, it required level 20 to equip. Jiang Han had to stash it in his bag and continue his monster-farming journey.

However, at this moment, he heard three consecutive system notification sounds—

"Ding! ~"

System prompt: Congratulations to the player [God's Forbidden Zone] in the Meirui region for obtaining B-rank talent [Agility]. As the first adventurer to acquire a talent, you will receive additional rewards: Talent rank +1, Reputation +10,000, Free Attribute Points +10!


Looking at the system message, Jiang Han was bewildered.

Someone got a talent so quickly?

"Indeed, there are too many skilled players among the players." Jiang Han couldn't help but marvel.

Although not becoming the first player to gain a talent was regrettable, he wasn't arrogant enough to think he was the only one capable of receiving special opportunities in the game.


Suddenly, the ground nearby trembled, cracks appeared, and a giant purple rat monster emerged from the earth. It roared, producing a piercing sound that resonated in everyone's heads.

"Ding! ~"

System prompt: Adventurer, be aware that your rampant slaughter of demonic rats has angered the Silver-tier BOSS [Demonic Rat King]!

Demonic Rat King?!

Before the opponent's "show-off entrance" could finish, Jiang Han immediately cast a detection spell—

[Demonic Rat King] (Silver-tier BOSS


Level: ???

Life: 150,000

Attack: 220-230

Defense: 140-155

Skills: ???

Introduction: The Rat King that has come into contact with the source of demonic energy possesses power far beyond demonic rats. It usually stays hidden and is difficult to encounter.


The defense was okay, but the attack was excessively fierce. The level and skills were invisible, indicating that it had surpassed the detection range of detection spells!


Silver-tier BOSS!

Jiang Han tightened his grip on the Buffalo Sword, feeling a burst of excitement.

In his view, if demonic rats assisted it, he might hesitate a bit. However, since the demonic rats were driven away by his evil aura, in a one-on-one situation, he was confident in defeating the Demonic Rat King!

"I can't let someone else steal the first kill benefit after missing out on the first talent reward!"