
I'm not good for typing but I still hardworking thi project

Historical Romance
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What is I'm not good for typing but I still hardworking thi project

Lee la novela I'm not good for typing but I still hardworking thi project escrita por el autor Aayat_Khan_8993 publicada en WebNovel. ...


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"What the hell are you doing here in my room Vennesa?" Lucas seethed looking at her with his cold red orbs. His icey gaze was everything to explain that how much hatred he has boring in his heart for her. "I... I... came here to...to give you this Luc..." "Your highness!" "Huh?" "I'm your king and it's only 'Your highness' for you. If you ever dared to call me by my name then the consequences will not be good! Now get the hell out of here!" He said in the same cold voice. When she didn't even bulged from her place he growled angrily, "Now!!!" With her tear filled eyes she went out of his room and reaching at her room she started to cry out her heart. Never in her life she had thought that her life will be change like this in the blink of an eye! ••• "Let me show you how much I hate you!" He said and she could clearly see the broken Lucas behind his cold eyes. Hearing out his words a shiver ran down her spine. "No please your highness..." Venessa cried out loud. "Ain't you too desperate to see my real side huh? Then what happened now?" Saying this he tore off her gown completely from her body. And in the next moment his mouth was on hers kissing her roughly as if he is punishing her. It was not gentle filled with love but was total opposite and she could only gave into him letting him do whatever he wants to do with her. Afterall she knew she deserves this punishment fully... ••• We all know that falling in love is very easy and staying in that love is the hardest part but letting go of someone you truly loved was the most hardest thing you have ever been done. Same thing happens with Rose. But what is the reason behind Rose's betrayal ? "Do you know Lucas you are the most interesting and beautiful thing that has happened in my life... No matter how much you hate me but my love for you is unconditional and will always increase day by day, even you yourself can't change the fact" Said Vennesa in a very heartbreaking voice. Lucas can't understand why this girl is affecting him so much. After getting the heart breaking betrayal from Rose he is no more the same Lucas who used to believe in love blindly, but this certain girl was hellbound to make him fall in love with herself. Who is vennesa and what is Rose's secret? What is the relationship between Rose and Vanessa? Can Rose be able to make a special place in Lucas's heart again after causing the betrayal? Will he allow her to remain in his heart and in his life again? To find out the answers to these questions read the full story which contains lots of mystery, secrets, suspense, betrayal, love and hate. Which will lead you a rollercoaster ride to the ever happened beautiful love story of Rose and Lucas. ***WARNING*** Contains Dark romance and mature content ahead! 18+ (No rape) ***This book is solely the product of my imagination and it is protected under the copyright law.*** Cover is not owned by me. It belongs to it's respective owner. Only the editing part is done by me! Try out my new book "If hearts could speak".

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[COMPLETED] Isn't it very weird when you're life gets too normal and calm without any chaos, a peaceful life with so much silence that you end up questioning yourself to know whether it's really even possible, whether it's real or not? Well, there was a girl who really didn't want that reality for herself and wanted something more... but, little did she know that everything had a price to pay or that she would end up losing everything that she held dear, that her consequences would end up being more than she could ever imagine? ... Melanie, a cheerful but hotheaded girl, with a lovely life finds herself scholar-shipped on a trip by her school. Her once-calm life changes completely as, she meets the mysterious, Brenden White! Her once calm and lively life gets filled with chaos!!! ... Sneak peek: "Why did you stare at me ?" He asked seriously. She paused at the table and sneered " It was pure fright, what do you expect, love at first sight?" saying that she left the table. He smirked, amused by her words, ' Only you will dare to sneer at the Dark prince.' ... Is the trouble really worth the price? or was the price already paid before being the bait... ... " Just like a devil never too near, but not too far! " ... Add the book to your library if you like it. Leave a comment to let me know your opinion of my book!!! ... The book cover is not mine and the credit solely belongs to the artist!!! ... Follow me on Instagram for aesthetics. UserID: author_mysticdragon1257

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