8 Chapter 1.6 The Beginning of a New Life for Those in Suffering

Dragging the boar down the road was tough, the muscle and fat on the boar weighed against any movements I made. Slowly I began to move it towards the road that would eventually lead me into the village.

Then I remembered something I had long since forgotten, it had been quite a while since I've seen Naruto, after all, the characters in naruto often displayed incredible superhuman feats of strength, speed, endurance, etc, and while a lot of it was mentioned to be because of training fanfiction often thought it had something to do with chakra... I mean, it was worth a try, right?

Checking my stats I found... they got an upgrade?

*Name: Sekai Nosheka Okuno

Hp: 126/850

Cp: 130/850


Str: 13

Dex: 14

Agi: 15

Con: 21

Int: 17

Wis: 14

Luk: 10

Elemental Affinities: Greater Fire, Strong Earth

Fps: (feet per second) 22*

Yeah, it was small but... it didn't use to show how many total chakra points I had, same with the health points.

Something funky was going on here, and one of the ways to solve it would be to open up my skills tab to see if anything else changed.

*Tree Walking Lv 2


The user sends chakra to make their feet stick to a solid surface, saying fuck physics and allowing people to walk even on horizontal surfaces.

20 cp per minute*

*Fire Release: Snap Flare Lv Max


User snaps their fingers and creates a small fire that they can move with their pointer finger

Cost: Summon for 10 Cp, maintain for 5 Cp a minute*

*Earth release: Hole Lv 4


Creates a 10 inch deep, 7-inch wide hole in the ground.


3 Cp per hole*

*Earth release: Bunker Lv 1


Rises the ground in a circular shape making a small shelter from the rain.

Ox → Snake

40 Cp*

*Teaching Lv 23


To teach is to pass your skills onto another, teaching can only be done right by a few, do you believe to be one of them?

+ 12% experience to the skill you are teaching

+ 11% experience to the skill your student is learning*

*Brawling Lv 2


Brawling is not a graceful dance or a complicated set of movements, it's slamming your fists and feet as fast as they can go and hoping to hit something

+ 2% damage done with unarmed combat*

*Berserk lv 1


Let your primal fury emerge, fuck strategy and logic, let your anger take over, and punch all that moves until they stop moving.

- 30% Int and Wis

+ 30% Str and Con*

*Fire release: Finger Fireball Lv 1


An incomplete technique made by Sekai that uses the snap of the fingers to create a fireball, the fireball is meant to be launched but is unable to be launched currently

hand signs: Serpent → Horse → Ram → Tiger

120 Cp to make

10 Cp per minute to maintain*

*Earth Release: Pebble Shot Lv 2


The user imbues a pebble with earth chakra to reinforce it before launching it with regular chakra, sending it forward with a bit of force.

Hand Signs: Ram → Ox → Dragon

80 Cp per pebble*

*Piercing Blow Lv MAX

Type of Skill

the user gathers a large amount of chakra into their fist before punching something pushing the chakra through the target.

280 Cp*

I was right, it not only added to a few of the skills descriptions but now it also showed the hand signs required for said skill! Something had happened to my menu, but what?

Shaking my head, I turned to my reward, the blueprint for a coat made from mutant boar hide.

It was awkward enough carrying it and the boar, honestly there had to be something I could do- my inventory!

Calling inventory out loud I was shown the simple grid with my various technique scrolls in it, I had to take out my Bunker the Camping Wonder scroll, that's the name of the scroll that teaches Earth Release: Bunker but I guess I never told you that did I, to make room for it.

I didn't care too much, and in the end I just stuffed the book into my pocket, which coincidentally reminded me of the other book I had in my pocket, you know the fire one I picked up from the library way back when? Yeah, that one.

Probably should read that one sometime, but I'm sorta busy with this. As I think on it, a part of me wants to use my final chakra points right now, to increase my strength and help me drag this boar over, but... if I did that I wouldn't be able to teach when I got to the village.

I would be out of chakra, unable to demonstrate how these things work, unable to show them what to do, and that was something I refused to let happen.

So I walked and walked and after half an hour I arrived and began to drag the carcass into the center of the village as the villagers watched with interest, hunger, and in many cases shock.

As I finally reached the center of the town, I looked out at the people there, then spoke up "Who is in charge of this town?" my voice echoed as the surrounding people muttered to each other, no one wanted to answer so he said it again, this time he got an answer.

"The mayor's name is Torbi you brat, he isn't here right now," a large man with light skin and soot littering different parts of his body and outfit, something that brings attention to his bulging muscles, said in reply. This dude had to be a blacksmith like there was just no way that this dude wasn't! Although then again, truth is stranger than fiction so better to check.

"...you're a blacksmith right? If so then could you get me a knife," I said with all the politeness of a tired four-year-old.

Luckily he had one and reached in his pocket and threw one on the ground next to me. He still had some fear of the four-year-old that killed a giant fall boar, "thank you, sir, now could one of the ones standing around doing nothing go and get the mayor?" I looked pointedly at the crowd and saw a few leave, hopefully, to get the mayor.

However, in the scanning of the crowd, I saw that same little boy, looking hungrily at the boar so I did the obvious thing.

"You there, come here," I said out loud pointing at the boy, he suddenly became very hesitant looking cautiously at me and tensed, ready to run at a moment's notice.

It took a bit but eventually, he got in front of me, despite being a year or two older than me I couldn't help but notice how frail the kid was.

"Alright, now do as I show you" and with that, I showed him what you were supposed to do to unlock your chakra, a simple meditation with some mystic mambo jumbo, and while I understood the science behind it, this kid wouldn't. Unfortunately but not unexpectedly the kid only had a small chakra pool, which was a lot less dense due to his malnourishment, essentially meaning he would need more chakra to experience the same result.

"Alright, now take this." I gave him the knife the blacksmith gave me and he looked at me incredulously "W-why, why are you g-g-giving this to me" his voice was raspy and ragged as he looked at me confused.

"Simple, I need a helper to skin all of this boar, you don't expect me to be able to skin it on my own do ya?" I said it with as big of a grin as I could, with the kid looking down.

"Y-you could get someone else, I'm weak after all and I'm too scrawny to work on something as important as this" he sounded out scrawny while saying it, causing flashbacks to many kids I knew around the same age as him, giving an odd sort of nostalgia and making my mind firm in my choice to teach him first.

"Yeah, well I'm not in the best shape either, so we'll just have to do it together eh?" I made as big of a grin as I could, causing a look of surprise to enter the kid's eyes.

So I taught him how to cover the knife in chakra to increase the sharpness of the knife, something I did with regular chakra not wind chakra, it was a feat I had managed earlier but not made battle-ready as it took too long to coat the knife and without the added wind element it wasn't nearly as sharp as it could have been. He ended up able to use it after another hour of work, but his blade was less solid than mine, wavier and see-through, when tested against mine it showed that he was much weaker more likely than not as a result of the poor amount and density of chakra he had.

When he asked what it was called I gave it the name "Scissortail Jutsu" after the state bird of my state, and to stick to the general bird aesthetic that Asuma began with the names.

*Scissortail Jutsu Lv 1


The user coats a knife in a thin coat of chakra which makes the knives much sharper than they should be.


50 Cp activation, 10 Cp per minute upkeep*

Then I went through the motions of teaching him to skin the boar, being extra careful with the head, and in the end, I had a fully skinned boar on the ground, a clean tarp set up with the meat on it a bit away.

It was during that small time of celebration at having finished the boar that the mayor of the village walked up, I just grinned, it was going good so far, now I just had to finish things up. So I simply bowed "Mayor Torbi, it is nice to finally meet the mayor of this fine town."

Now many would wonder why I started off with this out of everything, really elementary my dear Watsons! It was said in such a way to see if it stroked his ego, or made him pissed off, if it was the first then he was probably a bad mayor that didn't really understand what was going on with his town, but if he got pissed off then he was probably older and grumpier, maybe lost quite a few more people, and so would more likely than not be against any change I had in mind.

However, I was pleasantly surprised he seemed confused at the fact I had fine in a sentence speaking about his town that means he's a surprise, and everyone loves surprises.

"It seems you have me at a disadvantage child, you know my name yet I don't know yours," he shrugs semi helplessly, which added to my amusement, he understood the implications, that I was an unknown to him as a person who just walked into his village while he was a known person to me, basically meaning I had every advantage here.

"I'm sad to say that spreading my name wouldn't exactly help me, I'm trying to be semi ambiguous here you see, so instead I'll give you a... codename, for ease of memory, is this agreeable?" I got a quick nod and a 'get on with it' motion from the mayor.

"For now call me Bishamonten, or Bisha if you want to keep it simpler," I said with a shrug, noting the slight sharpening of his eyes, Bishamonten was one of the Seven Lucky Gods and stood as the God of Luck in War, I wonder what he was thinking about the name? Maybe believing me dangerous for comparing myself to one of their gods, or maybe that I am arrogant, perhaps he's even thinking I am a reincarnation of the god himself!

That last one nearly got me to snort out loud, I was a teacher after all not a god, nothing would change that.

"Alright, Bisha then, what is it you want?" his voice was slightly more firm this time, less uncertainty tainting his voice, more like an actual mayor should be.

"We can speak about that, but first we eat! Come on, I didn't hunt this boar for nothing," he says gesturing to the meat currently sitting on the tarp

"I'm going to need every able body that can cook to help cook it, then we will distribute it as we need to, does this village have a bookstore?" he got a quick shake of negation "Well that just won't do, how will the children grow if they don't have an endless store of knowledge to pull from whenever they wish to find out the weird and random facts of life! Let's see here," I think I remember having a book on survival things, seeing as how I wasn't a survivalist in my last life I had a book for some basic stuff, but also on how to turn a stomach into a waterskin, although this boar's stomach was big enough to work for a whole backpack!

I finally found the book, "This town has a tanner and leatherworker yes?" a nod of confirmation from the old man had me quicjly continuing.

"Then please ask him to come here and use these instructions to turn the boar's stomach into a container, and that I may need his assistance for turning the hide into leather to work with later, but that's beside the point! Come now we need to get cooking!"

It took the village a little bit to get into gear and for the few people that had objections to listening to the midget to shut up, but the mayor helped that process along. So for about an hour, Sekai ran from house to house, restaurant to restaurant to help the people who had no idea what they were doing make a variety of different food out of the pig meat, including pork chops, bacon, heck they were even making use of the anus of the pig which, say what you want about it, was completely sanitary considering all the filth was washed out of it first then it was thoroughly cooked, so any leftover bacteria would have been killed during that time. At the end of the day, however, these people would be eating more ass than you would so I'd count it as a win.

I also got a few points in Agi, I think it was like 2 or 3 but I dunno, I was too busy teaching! Which was another thing that leveled up!

It was a nice little celebration, good food eaten, jokes exchanged, a light mood, everyone had fun. We could leave things like negotiations for the morning, and enjoy life in the moment. But sadly soon that moment was over, and now…

We had a meeting to attend.

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