
Questions & Answers

"Okay, next question," I fired. "How can you sit on the bed but pass through it too?"

"I have answered this before as well. I am not sure exactly how it works, but seems to me like it is more of a mind-over-matter thing."

I was contemplating this, wondering how that made sense, when he surprised me by pulling my nose. "You are just as intelligent and silly in real life, as compared to the other one."

"The other one?"

"I call it the fourth dimension."

"I remember someone telling me about it before." Realization struck. "Oh, it was you!"

He grinned triumphantly. "But I am not sure where I am now. Maybe somewhere in the middle of two worlds."

"I am sorry," I apologized.

He probably didn't know what to say to that, so kept silent. I tried to distract him.

"Can you fly?"

"I don't know. I, ahm, never tried."

"What! Try it now," I urged enthusiastically.

"God! You are even crazier than I thought!" He exclaimed, chuckling, "Any other requests?"

"Err, yes, and this one is a little awkward. When you say you can touch me, can you touch the clothes I am wearing?"

"I don't understand," he asked, confused.

"You know, when you touched my back to save me from the accident this morning, I felt your hand directly on my skin and not on my clothes, as though…as though I were naked." I flushed His ears turned red at that.

"Really? I was so concerned about your safety that I didn't notice, and I was too shaken up afterwards to realize that." He shuddered at the thought of the bus running over me.

"Right! But how does this touching work?"

"I don't know. Shall I try right now?" he asked carefully.

"I guess so. Try my shoulder."

He slowly, carefully raised his hand to my shoulder. My first instinct was to slap it away, but I resisted it. When he finally touched it, the hand sank through my clothes and caressed the vulnerable skin there. I felt his smooth fingers grazing my shoulders and the feeling was so delicious that tingles ran down my body. I jerked and he withdrew his hand instantly.

"I guess it's your skin then," He said, massaging his hand as though it had been singed too.

For a man who had slept with ninety-six women, a little touching certainly got to him.

"So, you can't touch anything apart from my skin; how about my hair?"

He immediately grabbed a few strands and twisted them around his fingers.

"Wow! Your hair is so soft and silky. I never thought…"

"What?" I asked, smiling at the compliment.

"Nothing," he instantly let go.

"Tell me, please," I insisted.

"I never thought I would feel this again. It feels so real," he said, grabbing a few strands of my hair again.

Zara's voice broke our little bubble. "Why is your hair moving like this?"

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