
I'm in love with a Pop Star

Beck is just an ordinary girl. She was kept sheltered by her parents since an only girl. Ever since she was little she dreamed of weird and scary things, people, but what does all this tell her. One night a voice asked her, Who is Christ? Sino si Kristo? Will she be able to answer the QUESTION? Now that she became a big time businesswoman, will she be able to hide her feelings for Liz. And would she be able to face her destiny with a powerful secret group who have been wanting her to join ??? Vic hates Liz but what if tables turned and Liz happens to adore her? Being the CEO and holding power was what she alwasy wanted but what if she needs to rule over the world and need to do it soon? Superhumans are only seen in the movies or you tube vids, what if you yourself is one? What would you do?

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · Adolescente
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71 Chs

Alex aka Ali 2

HI!, here, red wine and some strawberries if you're a fan, Ali added while handing the gifts. That's so sweet of you, thanks. Okay, come in and I am watching something at the living room. Make yourself at home, please!

Ali walked and looked around at my house and smiled. You have a lovely home, pretty cozy, like I could live here especially when you're… ah!, she said then stopping when I was frowning cause maybe I didn't understand what she meant, living with me.

Ah, yeah, right, too straightforward, huh!, I mean, it's true, I like you and I could live here if things go right, you know as friends!

Ah yeah, right!, sit and I'll get some bowl for these, wow, my favorite and the wine, yup!, I replied while I walked over to the kitchen to get the stuff I need and went back immediately to see Ali sitting near the television, her feet in an Indian pose and eating the ships I have placed on another bowl. Wow!, Korean series, I love the animation ones though. But I love their films, they're more emotional and realistic, Ali said checking out on my holo DVD's. Thanks, I love them too, wow, we pretty much have in common, what else can we talk about that we aren't close to liking just the same, I added smiling and now feeling a lot better since I feel so at ease with Ali. As if I knew her ever since, like she's been part of my family and just moved somewhere and now we're reunited, I feel so happy, I don't know why.

Yes! Maybe we are soul mates or long lost best buddies in the past life. Or maybe lovers haha!, Why not!, there's always a possibility, if you're into gays or lesbians!?, Ali said jokingly but the last phrase seemed honest and a question that I think I need to answer.

Ah! Yes, well, I'm not lesbian but I never closed my doors on having relationships with one, though! I'm open-minded and if there's that one person who can sweep me off my feet, why not!, I added in a dreamy tone. Okay, then, try me!, Ali said coming over to help me with the bowl and looked me in the eyes seriously.

Hmm!, Ali, we can get to know each other first and then let's see, I replied honestly and smiled at her which she nodded outright and smiled like it's been the happiest day of her life. The odd things is Ali looks familiar to me and though on a hoodie. As if I really knew her form somewhere. You can take off your hoodie you know it's really hot and all, I said trying to help her out on taking it off but she refused. Nope, it's okay I'm comfortable with this feel. Don't worry I'm used to leather jackets when I;m in my con….erh!!! Condominium, aha, yup, there, so let's eat before the strawberries get soggy! Hewe!, Ali breathing rapidly since she almost revealed her true identity to Kat and it's going to be a disaster when that happens.

Kat talked about her family and friends, then her boyfriend. She felt so close and honest since she said that as if she knew me from somewhere. But it's sad that Dean or her boyfriend couldn't make her happy in spite of all the money and expensive things he bought for her. He almost bought her a HeliCruiser, it's like a helicopter but smaller where only one or two people can occupy it. It's like a minia-ture drone but hundred times bigger and faster with seats and all.

I'm sorry to hear about Dean and so what are you going to do now? I mean about you and him and your relationship?, I asked really concerned about Kat now. Though I am happy that their relationship isn't going well, I still feel sad for her not being able to get what she deserve, and I know she deserves everything in the world can offer. I didn't mean to pry, but, yeah if you want to talk about it, I am here to lend an arm and a shoulder to cry on, Ali insisted while looking at Kat in the eyes. Kat smiled and felt a deep admiration for her new found friend. She feels she can talk to this person all through-out the night and never get bored. Ali has the most expressive eyes and though on a hoodie, I can see her face clearly and she is gorgeous. Her lips so perfect and her face so cute I can bite it and…and.. what am I saying?, ahhh!,

Am I, no, no, no. no, a girl and well not just an ordinary girl, but a very gorgeous human being who always makes me feel like I am on a rollercoaster and this butterflies in my stomach seem to have died down. Yet, she makes me feel excited and safe. Ahh!...Kat, hello!, Ali said interrupting my imaginations about her. Ah, yeah!, well, that's okay, we will work it out, if not then I don't have a choice but talk to him about it and how I feel about us and our relationship, Kat replied taking her eyes off Ali for a bit. Then, when she faced Ali, the girl is already just five inches apart from her. Ali couldn't contain how she feels about Kat and kissed her with the sweetest five minute one. Ali held Kat's face so delicately and while she kissed the girl, she touched her cheek and then suddenly realizing what happened. Ali took her lips away from Kat who was surprised but still tasting the kiss which made her close her eyes and seem to want more, yet Ali stopped and so she opened her eyes questioning why Ali did that. I'm sorry Kat, we just met and I don't want to impose.

I know you're hurt and I am a friend really. I didn't meant to!, Ali added apologizing and turning her back from Kat who is still astonished with the kiss Ali gave her. For the first time in her life, she never felt so loved and desired for all her life, the feeling she felt with Ali's kiss. No, I…I liked it, can you kiss me again, please!!!, Kat said still couldn't believe what she felt. Huh!, are you sure?, Ali asked again and now moving forward, closer to Kat who is still seated down the carpeted living room, near the center table made of glass where their food are getting colder by the minute on it. Yes, I am sure, Ali, I want you to kiss me, again!, Kat added now standing up from her seat and moving closer to Ali. The astonished girl came up to Kat and held her on the waist. Ali now became shy and as if she couldn't look into her dream girl's eyes. Kat, on the other hand, couldn't believe she desires and maybe starting to fall in love with a girl this time, when all her life she only dated boys and men who are older than her. Isn't it that she found true love with Ali, she doesn't know.

Kat just wants to live this moment which she doesn't want to end soon. Ali made the move and kissed Kat on the lips, slowly and lightly like a smack. But Kat responded with fire and she wanted the kiss to be deeper and wanting, so she took her tongue out and licked the part of Ali's teeth and bit her lip a bit. Ali felt challenged and now her desires for Kat started to heat her body up and wanted to lay the girl down for her to be on top of Kat. Ali touched Kat's back and moved inside the girl's shorts. Kat, felt the heat of Ali's hands that made her moan a little. The two girls fell on the sofa and Kat hugged Ali so tight that she doesn't want to let her go. This time both automatically exchanged kisses and Ali did it with so much affection and delicacy that Kat felt good and treasured. Kat wanted more of Ali and she doesn't want to stop the girl from caressing her on her back, inside her shorts, now on her neck and chest, then Alis slid her hands to her privates that made her flinch and waited for that finger to come inside her, but it didn't. Ali stopped, took her hand off Kat's shorts, and kissed the almost wanting to faint from ecstasy girl, to a disappointed big-time one.

Aha..haaaa!, Ali what, the h*ck?, Kat said not thinking of what word to say since she almost got laid by the most beautiful and hot gilr she just met but got beaten by, I don't know what. I like you Kat, and I want us to wait. We just met and you hardly know me, Ali added touching Kat's face and then kissed her nose and forehead, then stood up the sofa. She lifted Kat up who is still shocked with what happened. You didn't want me?, I mean, you…Kat said sadly but Ali stopped her lips from saying anything. No, I like you a lot Kat, if you only knew, but you're sad and I don't want to take advantage of that. I want us to be together and be official and there I will do everything in my power to please and love you, Ali explained honestly smiling at Kat who is about to cry now. Yeah, okay, Kat said but still embarrassed with what happened. Dean made me feel crap and now with Ali, she made me feel so good but left me feeling more crappier than Dean ever did. Just leave Ali, leave me alone, it's okay, if you don't want me, I am okay with that!, Kat said hurt and confused now. No, Kat, I like you and I want to be with you, but you're still with Dean and I respect your relationships, please believe me!, Ali added apologizing, and now begging Kat to forgive her. Kat stood up and ignored Ali.

She fixed her blouse and shorts and her back turned against Ali, she remained quiet and didn't say anything at all. This time, Kat just stood there in oblivion and as if the room was filled with sadness and dying desires. Kat, please, say something!, Ali persisted but to no luck, Kat didn't speak and so the girl who had her hoodie taken off, which Kat didn't notice her hair stuck out, the black and pink colors so vivid to see that the girl she is with all this time is her long time crush Alex Roma. Ali defeated, walked out of the room and ran down the stairs feeling lost and confused. Her bike rampaged a an angry sound, Ali not angry with Kat but herself of not being able to tell her girl the truth about her and who she really is. Ali drove her bike like a mad dog and almost got arrested for over speeding.

When Ali left, Kat fell to the sofa and cried. She is crying because she wanted to be with Ali and she wanted the girl to make her hers but Ali doesn't want her, making up excuses and all. She hated the feeling but the more she did, the more she longs for Ali to touch and make love to her. Aha!, now I'm in trouble. The new girl friend of mine is like magic, she just came into my life and made me feel awesome and shitty all at the same time. What a night!, Kat thought to herself still thinking about the kisses she and Ali had which turned out to be the most exciting and desired love making, ever. Haaa!... Ali, who are you, really, Kat said her thoughts roaming at Ali's kisses and hugs, caresses and licks. She can still taste Ali's smell, that D&G perfume and her breathe smelling like peaches and pomegranate on my tongue. Haa!, stop, it!, Kat now trying to sleep but couldn't, tossing and turning on her bed and suddenly heard a text.

Ali is apologizing and asking for her to forgive her. Kat isn't mad at her and it's just that she wanted Ali to make out with her and she didn't get what she wanted so she got furious since she lost from overpowering the girl. But she likes Ali so much to let her go. It's okay, I forgive you, but the next time you kiss me or we make out, you shouldn't lead me on and then ditch me after!, Kat texted Ali back and explained how she felt. Yes, I'm sorry about that. I want you to get to know me first, plus,now I know you like me back, I am not at loss and I feel so happy for you entering my dull and routinary life, Ali texted with a smiley and a heart at the end of the sentence. Goodnight my princess!, Mwah!, Ali texted and slept soundly that night. Kat sent a kiss symbol and slept afterwards without changing her clothes. She can still smell Ali's perfume in it and she loves it more than ever, as if she's sleeping with her now, and it feels so good inside.

Ali is standing at far with her hair pink and black on dreadlocks. She is smiling at me and she is about to kiss me when my alarm clock rang. Aha!! Fudge!, what time, is….ahhhh, no, no. no, my meeting, wait!, It's Sunday today, ahahaha!, Okay, cool!, shower is good!, Kat said in pauses and phrases, as if she woke up like an alien hypnotized by a sorcerer or a demon or maybe because this is an after effect of Ali's kisses and charms. Haa!, Kat thought smiling at herself and tossed her whole body inside the tub happily. She never felt this delighted since her last stay at her home with her family. I miss them so much too, as soon as she said this her phone rang and it's her mom. Yeah, yup, I'll be home soon, but not this week, we have lots of photo shoots and advertising gigs. Thanks mom, I love you too, See you soon!, Kat said while her hand is still soaked in soap and splashed the suds all over her carpeted tub.