
I'm in Hyrule? - A Zelda Fanfic.

Our main character is reincarnated into a Breath of the Wild/ Tears of the Kingdom mashup—lots of progressive strengthening of MC, possibly a sprinkle of r18 / romance. I can guarantee the story will get better as my writing skills improve. I am also going back and updating older chapters. I encourage all readers to give the first ten chapters a try!

Mctoasty_Jr · Derivados de juegos
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45 Chs


My eyes flutter open, and I blink, adjusting to the shaft of light streaming in from the window.

Wait... window? Was I reborn again?

But no, looking down at my body, I see the now-familiar white tattoos covered in clean bandages.

Looking around, I realize I'm in a one-room cabin furnished with a kitchen, table and chairs, a fireplace, and many large bookshelves.

Someone must have rescued me, but where are they?

I quickly clothe myself with the woven tunic and pants folded neatly on the end of the bed and grab a walking stick in the corner to support my wounded body.

I then limp out the door, following a noise coming from the outside.

I am greeted with a view of a lush, beautiful canyon. The roof of this structure is a plane of transparent stone, letting in sunlight but not heat, as the temperature is perfectly pleasant. The canyon is so big that small clouds have formed up high near the massive ceiling.

The cabin that I woke up in is located on top of a hill, and small trails weave out through a meadow with high grass and flowers, some of which I recognize from the games, like Blue Nightshade, Swift Violet, and Silent Princess.

A forest surrounds the base of the hill, and a group of deer bounds off as I slowly take a path toward the noise, relying heavily on my walking stick.

I make my way through a small bit of forest before reaching a small clearing.

The origin of the noise turns out to be a shrouded figure in the middle of the clearing, chopping wood.

As the figure turns toward me, I recognize him. This is the shrouded old man with a large white beard that Link first meets on the Great Plateau.

It is later revealed that this seemingly inconspicuous old man is actually Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule, the last king of Hyrule

The old man sets down his axe and smiles warmly at me.

"Now, what are you doing out of bed? Come, I will prepare us some soup."




Back at the cabin, the King and I sit at a small table set with some tea and sweet biscuits. The pleasant smell of soup fills the cabin, creating a cozy atmosphere.

The old king speaks to me in a tender baritone, "When I found you in the desert, I thought you were dead, but no, you were in a deep coma, which you remained in for a month after I brought you back."

"Thank you for saving me," I reply, "But who are you? And how do you know English?"

"Hm, this strange dialect is called 'English,' then. In my youth, I picked up an ability to converse in all languages."

"I have never heard this one before, though. As for my name, you may call me Rhoam or, for a child as young as you, Uncle Rhoam. What is your name, young one?"

My name... I never really thought of my new identity in this world. I think it would be fitting to keep my last name but come up with a new first name. I want to keep a little piece of my old life, but I think I should embrace this new opportunity I was given, to be a different man, one who makes better choices than who I was before.

"My name is Arjon Sinclaire," I tell Rhoam.

"It's nice to meet you, Arjon. You may leave this place anytime you like; it is only a few days' journey to Kara City, I can provide you with a map and ample supplies, but I encourage you to stay here to recover, and even after that, I believe there is a lot I can teach you."

Of course, I accept; he's basically a less sexy master Oogway!

I spend the next month recovering. My mana slowly trickles back over the course of my recovery, much slower than it normally replenishes; I suspect my mana sustained some kind of injury due to the stress I put it under in the desert.

My days are spent reading books and learning Hylian, Zora, Goron, and Gerudo languages from Uncle Rhoam, a figure with whom I am becoming increasingly affectionate.

Not having a father figure in my previous life sucked, and Rhoam was a patient, kind, and strong figure, so different from the cruel and abusive men I had interacted with in my previous life.

When I am not studying, I play the instruments I asked Uncle Rhoam to make for me; a guitar and a flute. At night, I painstakingly rewrite from memory my favorite songs from Earth.

I also sketch blueprints for the many contraptions I could make using sheikah and Zonai technologies, as well as the possibility of constructing objects imbued with mana.

Finally, I know my recovery period is over when I am woke up early in the morning, by Uncle Rhoam banging his walking stick into a pot.

With a hearty grin, The old man cheerfully says, "Get up you tiny little fuck, today, I will begin whipping you into a suitable warrior!"

This is crazy, people are commenting and giving me power stones; I don't know what those are, but they sound cool, so THANK YOU ALL!!!

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