
I'm Hollow

A big web of interconnected lives is oblivious to their connection. Every one of them is looking for their purpose, some hoping to find it in others and the rest hoping to find it while they still can. You never know what fate has in store for you. they're bold. They're scared. They're optimistic. They're cautious. They're scared and bruised. They're careful. They want to be loved and cared about. They wish to be held. Uganda, the pearl of Africa. Ever wondered how the ordinary people there survived? Let the drama unfold.

Hannah_Bwiiza · Ciudad
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14 Chs


A get together is a little party where family and close friends meet up to have fun and catch up with each other's lives, probably to even introduce new family members. They were usually joyous celebrations and times to remember. Lots of laughing and music, reminiscing old times and planning future get-togethers for each age group. A typical Ugandan get together would like an outdoor party, sometimes would even include one or two coinciding birthdays, birthdays that are close to the date, anniversaries, or any celebration you could think of.

All get-togethers were beautiful, depending on your definition of the word.

Oliver and Oscar were your typical twins; they looked alike, had grown up together and still had the same sense of style even after spending years apart. When Oscar had invited Oliver over, it had been nothing short of a surprise to the latter. He had accepted it nonetheless because that had been their mother's dying wish, "As long as you are both alive, take care of your brother and always have him and his best interests at heart."

Being the first-born child was just like taking over from your parents in this country, but he had failed. He wouldn't do it again.

"Kids!! your uncle and cousins are here!"

"What? No wife?"

"Be nice Rin! We don't know them. At least until we get to know who they are, be nice."

They entered and for a moment, everything came to a standstill when Prince and Shelly saw each other. Even Paula was in shock. But they all managed to keep it in and greet each other as if they all didn't know who they were. The day went on pretty well, they all sat around the table and got to know each other. A person would be surprised by the things they could learn when they sat back and watched their family interact with another family. As Oscar sat back and watched both families interact, he noticed how beautiful Kim looked when she laughed and wondered how long it had been since he had last seen her or made her laugh.

"See, I told you they weren't that bad. I like Shelly. We have a lot in common."

"Good for you. You have it easy."

"I know, but you need to stop grumbling, Rin. Just go connect with Rogers, you'd be surprised the things you'd learn from that kid."

"But he hasn't left his sister's side since they arrived. Getting close to him means getting close to her."

"Neither have you left your sister's side! You're the same. Look, bro, you're the one making things weird for yourself. Do you see Shelly acting weird and avoiding you? Suck it up. We've both put what happened behind us, and so should you."

Prince watched his sister go towards Shelly. They said something at the same time, and they laughed so hard, he could imagine them having snot flowing from their nostrils. He looked over at Rogers who was looking at them too with the same expression, grabbed two glasses and headed over to him. At least now he knew where to start.

Oliver and Oscar watched their children talk and laugh with Kim while they sat and tried to catch up.

"So how have you been?"

"To be honest, I've been messed up. I made a mistake, and now I'm paying for it."

"Oooohhh, I see. Is that why your wife and children are acting weird around you?"

"You noticed?"

"No, Shelly did. She told me, asked me if something was up or if that's how you usually are. Luckily your daughter came to the rescue and told us you were okay. But I knew she was lying. She has your characteristics by the way. You got yourself a clone."

"Yeah, I know. She and her mother scare me the most. One is exactly like me and the other is capable of more things than you and I can count. A combination of the two just scares me."

"So what exactly did you do?"

"I had an affair."

Silence. Oscar wanted to say something to break it, but he knew his brother needed time to process the information he had just received, so he kept quiet too and held his breath while waiting for what his brother was going to tell him.

"And mum used to say I was the naughty one."

"The irony of life."

"Where is she?"

"I don't know. I broke it off and told her never to contact me again."


Another spell of silence.

"How old is she?"

"Must be celebrating her thirtieth birthday soon."

"Why were you with her in the first place?"

"I don't know. Kim had been distant, and my workload was becoming too heavy. I had tried to talk to her but she was busy with other things, she had time for everything else except me."

"So you found solace in the girl?"

"To be fair, she's a grown woman. Looks a little older than her age."

"That makes a difference?"

"Minute as it may seem."

"I hope you didn't leave her pregnant."

"Yeah, me too."

Oliver looked at his brother and laughed, he knew that was the only way he could lighten the mood and blow away the dark looming cloud over his brother's head. He looked back at their children and started noticing things that he knew were exaggerations. "Your son looks just like me. Are you sure he's yours?" they laughed once again and this time managed to keep the environment light and happy instead of tense and serious. They sat and reminded each other of the old times when they had no worries and their biggest care was getting a good grade.

The kids looked at their fathers laughing and smiled. There was a comfortable silence at the time, and Rogers decided to ask the question he knew they all wanted an answer to.

"Aunt Kim, how come we had never heard of you guys before? I feel like all the past Christmases and Easters would've been so much better if we had met way earlier."

"That is true," Paula added with a laugh.

"Well, I can't say. I last saw your dad when you were born." Kim said while looking at Shelly. "He was so worried for your mum, he thought he was going to lose one of you. But thankfully, you both survived. He wanted to call you some ridiculous name and your mum rejected it the minute she woke up."

They all laughed, but Shelly's laugh faded after a few seconds.

"What name did he want to call me?"

"Something miracle-related. But I can't remember it, it was long and probably not even in English."

They laughed again, and this time she managed to laugh without fading.

"I hope you kids brought extra clothes because there is no way you're leaving before today."

They all looked at each other and then back to her.

"Mum, are you serious?"

"Does it look like I'm joking?"

"Yay! Oh, my word. I've booked Shelly. Rin, you're with Rogers."

"Go prepare yourselves. Don't worry Shelly, I know the look on your face. I'll make sure your dad lets you stay."

And so the week continued like that.