1 I died?

*sounds of maids outside the door gossiping*

Maid-susa:Ariana move your head so I can see you

Maid-kerris:Yeah Ariana move your head so I can see

Maid-Zelda: Come on Ariana I want to see through the keyhole too

Maid-Ariana: shh what if you let them hear us

Maid-Susa:I can't believe the new mayor's wife is actually cheating on him

Maid-Zelda: I know and he's not even left the house for 10 minutes and she's already screw-in someone.

Maid-kerris: well who can blame her it sounds like she's having one heckuva time

Maids-Ariana: oh my God

Maids: what?

Maids-Ariana: his sword is sword is magnificent so big so..god!

* maids pushes Ariana out of the way to see*

Maids: move

Maid- Ariana: ouch come on girls be fair I was here first you know


* Maids to put their Ears on door listening to what's going on inside*

*Inside room*

Woman voice: aah~ Ohh~

Mans voice: would you like me to slow down a little madam

Woman voice: aaa~*panting* no just go in deep~ooohhh~

Man voice: oh god madam your tightness is amazing your walls is just holding so ~asssh~

Woman voice :oohh~aaa~ panting* are you about come?

Man voice:* panting* yes madam I'm going to pull out

Woman voice: nooo~

* Woman Locks foot around the male waist*

Woman voice: shoot all your manliness inside me ~aaahhh~

Man voice: but? *panting* Madam you might get pregnant and after this I'm going to leave .

Woman voice: aaa~hhmmmm~ooo ohhh~*panting* it's fine, I don't mind if I get pregnant with a child I am happy has long as I know that the one who gave me this child is man with a magnificent sword *panting* NOW GIVE IT TOO ME

Man voice: madam AAAHH

Woman voice: yeeeessssss finally aaahhh~ To think I would've give myself to a man I just met this easily just because of his sword sizes and magic powers, release more and more and more; God I'm so glad I followed the shadowy figure or I wouldn't have met such a young nice and stable ~aaah~*panting*

* outside the door with the maids*

Maid-Susa: oh my god did you heard that?

Maid- Ariana : yes, I can't believe the Madam actually told him to shoot inside

Maid-kerris:With a sword like that who can blame her, plus it sound like they just met

Maid-Zelda :I know right and Who would've thought the Madam would be so wild and courageous to sleep with a man she just met..but what if she really get pregnant

Maid-Susa: The scandal won't be small but big like when the governor's wife got caught sleeping with one of the butlers

Maids: ahaha

Mayor: what are you maid doing over there

* maids stood up straight turning there backs to the door looking at mayor*

Maids: nothing sir

Mayor: if there's nothing then why don't you get to work why do you think we're paying you people *sigh* maid these days-

Woman voice: AAAHH~

Mayor: what was that sound?

Maid- Zelda : what sound sir? I didn't hear a thing; did you girls hear anything?

Maids: nope not a thing

Mayor: step aside

* Maids look at each other and moves to the side and mayor walks up to the door trying to pull it*

Mayor: why is the door close? I demand whoever inside to open this door now

*inside room*

Man voice: I know this is not the right time but for a woman your age you look so young and beautiful

Mayor: open up!

Woman voice: Why is he back already *sigh* what you just said makes me want to go another round, but grab your clothes now; hurry up! put them on

* outside the door with the mayor and the maids *

Maid-Ariana: I don't know sir... but, maybe it's locked from the inside

Mayor:then don't just stand go get the key

Maid Ariana: yes sir! right away sir

*maid-Ariana runs around the corner and bumps into something falling on her butt*

Maid-Ariana: oh.. ouch! This is the second time today *looksup* huh? Madam?  if you were here then who's ...

Mayor wife: who's what ?..... come on speak up now

maid-Ariana: in your private room

Mayor wife: no one of course I only have one key to that room

Maid-Ariana: wait, do you have the key on you right now madam?

Mayor wife: of course I have the key; here it is, see I have it

* maid grabs onto mayor's wife hand pulling her towards the door in a hurry *

Maid Ariana: I found the keys sir

* everyone shocked to see the maid and the mayor's wife together with the key for the door *

Maids: if the Madam is out here then who is in there

* everyone looks back at the door as the mayor put in the key turns it until it clicks and open it just in time for everyone saw the man going through the window and in the bed laying down naked with only the sheets to cover *

Mayor: MOTHER?

Man voice: goodbye Madam I had a wonderful time

*the man jumps down through the window of the two storage building and the mayor runs up to the window and look at the man face then it's back to his mother*

Mayor: mommy why?

Mayor mother: what do you mean why? can't I just have a boyfriend on the side

Mayor: no! of course NOT

* major storms out of the room; his wife runs to the door and shoutIng*

Mayor wife: calm down honey are you might have your blood pressure going up again

Mayor:I KNOW

* mayor's wife turned back her attention to the maid and the mother in law *

Mayor wife:well...how was it?

Mayor mother: excuse? me why do you think I'll say anything

* maids and mayor's wife looks at each other and hops up on the bed shaking the Madam hands *

Mayor wife and maids: you know you want too, so just say it already

Mayor mother: oh fine *sigh* It was fantastic and mind blowing and I can even still feel the rhythm beneath my feet if you know what I mean.

Everyone:* squeaks and screaming in the room* hahaha

* maids and the mayor wife and mother laughing *

*in the halls the mayor walking towards the door to the outside*

Mayor: GUARDS where are the guards? hey you there

Young man: yes sir?

Mayor:go get the guards we're going on a manhunt, and bring a pen and paper

Young man: right away sir

*outside the house The man that jumped out the window takes a shortcut that leads to the busy street shouting*

Man: Eric where are you?

Eric: over here John!

* John runs over to Eric jumps on the bike beside him and puts in some magic stones to get the bike started, while Eric was wiping his bike *

* people making noise *

Eric: what's with all this commotion?

* John looks back and see a small Army of the mayors guards heading towards them*

John: Eric

Eric : yes John

John: start your bike

Eric : why?... it's just the mayors army it got nothing to do with us

Guard voice : pass out the flyers you there young lady have you seen this Man

Girl: no sir

Eric: looks like they're looking for someone well...oh!...stupid paper

* one of the flyers hit Eric and his face and falls to the ground he picks it up brushes It off while talking and looks over to John*

Eric :whoever it is he/she must've pissed the mayor off for him to be doing a manhunt, that person must be quit- JOHN

John: yes buddy

Eric: don't "yes buddy" me what the hell man

Guard voice: I see him sir he's, is over there

Eric: Holy crap John what exactly did you do sleep with his wife or something?

John: * fake laughing *I'll tell you later

*Eric jumps on the bike put in a magic stone and off they go while demanding John to explain the situation *

Mayor: after him don't let him get away and I want his head!

*back with john and Eric *

Eric: I want an explanation John what did you do?

* dodging multiple objects and people while complaining *

John:can this wait until we geez I don't know escape and survive!?

Eric: HECK NO...in a situation like this there's no guarantee that either of us is going to survive, so before I die I want to I would at least want to know the goddamn reason John!

John: stop jinxing us Eric

Eric: JOHN

John: fine I went to get the shape shifting, Jewel just as we planned the rope however wasn't long enough so I kind of have to find a way to use my belt and my pants to get it

Eric: AND?

John: I got it! the end, now isn't that a good story

Eric: John don't make me kill you! what else happened

John: fine.!? after I got the jewel I put my pants back on but the belt wasn't working anymore and since I already use the rope; I had to find somewhere else to escape so I went through a vent got out in the middle of the hallway, I hear some people coming so I run over to the nearest door pick the lock and pull the door to go inside but then the door close behind me

Eric: continue talking while I'm still breathing

John: instead of me closing the door it was a Madam, a mature Madame by the way; then my pants fell to the ground and she saw my holy wisdom

Eric: I knew it! you slept with the mayor wife didn't you


Eric: 'I' what John

John: May have slept with his mother * Eric's bike almost hit into something* and she might be the mother of my child in the future if she r..really got pregnant

Eric: john, you son of a bitch, you do that to Madame Ruby aka the mayors mother


Eric: like no shit?

John: .....

Eric: well, we lived a short not full of memories life, and it was thanks to my idiot sex maniac freak of a friend! the last thing I want to know before I died, John is; how was it

John: how was what?

*eric pulls out a glowing baseball bat on the moving bike*

Eric:JOHN i'm gonna kill you soon as you reach the Rado if you don't spell it

John: let's just say a mature woman knows way more tricks the young

Eric: ha! you sneaky bastard you loved it didn't you

John: no comments

* John gear up the bike and Eric gears up his after, has soon as they reach rado John and Eric got off the bike it goes into the building where only two of their companions was standing there in the middle of the room, John Eric walks up to them*

John: kid, zero where is everyone else?

* kid and zero looked at each other and Eric notice that something was wrong and pulls the back of John shirts so no one will notice; John caught on and reach for the magic gun in his pockets

Kid: did you get the magic stone?

Zero: if you did just hand it over

Eric: that still doesn't answer his question where is everyone

Kid: Dead

Eric and john: what?

* sounds of magic item all directed to Eric and John*

Zero: Eric I'm willing to let you live if you shoot him

Eric: never

Kid: you see I told you he wouldn't do it, he's just that innocent hard to believe

Zero: then it's a good thing I brought motivation

* zero snaps is fingers an a couple of men came out of nowhere with a little girl in there hands *

Eric: lets go of her!

Eric-sis: big brother *crying*

Zero:Kill him! your a bounty hunter aren't you? .... still not doing it, well I guess he's more important than your little sister; so why let her live, I'll just-

John: wait! all Eric as to do is just kill me right?

Kid: yes

* john takes out his gun fill it with his magic energy and put the gun into Eric hand and point it to is head*

John: pull the trigger...*eric refusing*...as I said before Eric when you're protecting your family you're not betraying anyone, Plus don't you think it's about time

* while John was talking Eric remembers that John has a special defense magic that protects him from anything*

* john signal Eric by using his eyes saying he should pull the trigger *

* bang*

John:you royalties go home

Eric: how did you

* Eric saw the blood of John splashing all over the place he was shocked to the point he was shaking and can't stop; at the same times zero raise his hands up and all the magicians with weapons in the room fire at Eric and not asingle shot hit him*

Kid: how is that possible

Zero: impossible fire again!

* after this happen Eric realize that John did more than just give him his own gun he gave him his power to *

Eric: you idiot why did you give me the gun if you know you really were gonna die; why did you bother to let me shoot when you know I would preferred me than you, just how many times are you planning on saving our life you stupid idiot

Eric-sis: *crying* John! why did you press the trigger? you said you'll stay with us forever so why...why did you

* another place covered in white John sleeping on a bed and a foot kicks him off of it waking him up*

John: what the hell! don't you see I'm trying to....what the hell where am I

Unknown light: it's not "what the hell" its what the heavens, if you wanted to go to hell you should begin nice

John:huh? heaven? me? or you for real?

Unknown light: yes; now, I have a question, did you think that killing yourself to protect your friends would've made you come here? and answer me truthfully

John:nope! I was simply planning on sleeping after I'm dead; I didn't plan on coming back from the dead or anything like that

Unknownlight: then why throw away your life just to protect someone you met? its like you said, it's not like he's your family or anything, for you to die for them, plus what makes you think he'll bounce back after this one? after all you gave him your powers and free his and his sister from that poison without them knowing

John: 1 their my family without blood 2 they never stay or back out of a fight 3 poison in their body should be all gone around the time I died 4 I wouldn't be able to save them all with my power so why not pass it on

Unknownlight: oh and ?

John: kid and zero probably plans to kill them both, its too bad... I'm not gonna be there to see him and his sister kill them all

* back at RADO*

Zero: shut up

Eric-sis: no! go to hell

*Kid walks over to Eric sister points the Magic gun at her head, as he's about to pull the trigger. The green light passes through his neck and his head falloff, Eric sister eyes starts to glow releasing a powerful magic shockwave sending zero flying into the wall then she wipe her tears away*

Eric: The Bastard cured the poison too

Eric Sister: big brother there's more people behind the wall behind us so don't do anything in that direction

Eric: OK... so after this; what do you say we take him home to our home with us

Eric-sister: then we should probably take back the thrown too

Eric: I couldn't agree with you more Riha

* back over to the room full of white *

John: I apologize for the language I'm about to use but 5 if you have a problem with me saving my friends and taking my life for them

* John put his middle fingers in the air and sticks out his tongue at this unknown being covered in light*

John: you can go F**k yourself for all I care

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