
I'm a boss

Tinkerbell_stories · Ciudad
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2 Chs

chapter 1

"No father you can't do this to me"I say desperately hoping my father would understand "mom please do something" oh God "I'm sorry Henry but you brought this upon yourself" my mom said.

"but no this isn't right you can't keep me out of the company for something I did not do" but they both turned a deaf ear to my plea

I've never felt so humiliated I'm my life, I bow my head in shame as I feel the staffs eyes on me ' I was framed and I have to prove it*sigh's


sitting in a club, my friends had invited me to a party they threw it was a bad Idea as my friends are very mischievous but I went anyways. Girls were throwing themselves at me but there is this girl bracia who has been trying hard to seduce me, ignoring her I gulped down my drink which was laced without me knowing

And that's how all this happened.

" take a photo of them like this" " try from another angle" I heard them say as they were taking pictures of bracia on top of me but I couldn't do anything as I felt to weak to even lift a finger as I struggled to keep my eye lids open but they betrayed me and I slip into darkness

waking up in a hotel room half naked and with a splinting headache " oh Lord what happened" I said trying to remember what happened last night but I was pulled away from my strain of thoughts as I heard my phone ring, checking to see who it was i saw my father's name.

"hello father".

"YOU PUNK!!!". I heard my father shout through the phone

"wha-what happened father?"

"come to the office right now Henry" and just like that he hung up.


whoever they are I'll find them and destroy them.