
HXH History of Rising

WARNING.I will not write excuses that this is my first story and that I do it as a hobby.For me it is an opportunity to break into normal life.Many authors so secured themselves before starting to write their stories, I will not do it. Judge me objectively and strictly.Also know that English is not my first language so there will be mistakes. Yes, this is the story of the Hunter x Hunter universe. No, it's not another story about cheater Zoldik, reincarnations, or anything like that. I thought for a long time about whether or not I should try it, but I came to the conclusion that it was worth trying. It's not a story about a super-duper cool guy who's going to destroy everyone and everything, but it's also not a story about a wimp who's going to hide behind his team or his comrades. Yes, there will be romance in this story and I have some ideas. No, there won't be a harem of lots of useless girls who appear for a short period of the story and then disappear for 10 chapters.I'll try to finish this story because I have so many ideas to realize.I don't claim to be a character in the HXH universe.They belong to Yoshihiro Togashi.I claim only my perosages. I hope van likes it, if so could you please support me? Maybe your support will help me write chapters more often. Here's my Patreon. I'm not going to take all your money just prashi, if you like the story support me. Ptreon/Laki Ri https://www.patreon.com/user?u=66785151&fan_landing=true

DaoistBYDWtD · Cómic
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11 Chs

The end is near.

*Why did he choose me over someone else? He'll probably get rid of me when he finds a stronger ally. I have to be ready and figure out a way to escape from this confined space. Super pondered the worst possible scenario for the future.

She wasn't a naive girl, and she didn't believe that this criminal would let her live if he found a better partner. And his story of the unintentional murder sounds even stranger. He killed the son of the chief of police of York-New? Sounds pretty crazy. It's more likely that he committed a mass murder.

He didn't look crazy, though. But it's foolish to judge a man by his appearance. Even that seemingly useless trash Tompa was able to run the first and second stages of the hunter test and survive means he's not at least not a wimp compared to the basics.Well, or those kids who stood out the most

among all the contestants. White-haired boy with the number 99 and the brunette with the number 405.They at first glance look innocent but in reality may have had the highest potanko of all participants. Especially the boy with the number 405. You can see that compared to the ninth, he has...

he doesn't have any combat experience, so he loses to number 99, but in time, he'll probably surpass number 99. *Well, I won't jump to conclusions. Maybe he really did kill the chief's son. The girl decided for herself, but she wasn't any less wary.

She had been watching Dario for two hours and now she was sure that he was an experienced fighter who knew when to use force. If she doesn't concentrate on him, he just disappears from view. It's like he disappears. The first time she felt this, she looked away for a second and thought she saw that he was gone, but when she looked back at him quickly, she was sure he hadn't even moved. It frightened the girl. It was as if he were a wild beast that had hidden in the countryside using his disguise, so now she kept her gaze on him.

At the same time.In the gathering room.

--Participant number 77 comes in fourth.

Clover entered the large room, where there were already three figures waiting to finish their exam. The first person Clover saw was a Jester, and he was the most badly behaved of all the exam participants, killing one of the contestants before the exam had even begun.

The clown, as Clover had nicknamed him in his head, looked at him with a strange smile. The second was a guy who was riddled with incomprehensible needles, but didn't even look at Clover. The third was a bald guy who didn't look like much, but he had the aura of an experienced and strong fighter.

And also the fact that he came third says a lot. *Let's hope they don't get in my way. It'll be over quickly.

Pov Hisoka.

OOOHHHHHHH....Another interesting prey. There are quite a few this year. I hope this plant doesn't stagnate too quickly, because it will be much more interesting to watch it grow, unfurling its petals and at one point I will personally face it in a battle to the death.

Hisoka licked his lips in anticipation of a good fight. *Hopefully Illumi won't get to him before I do, that'll be a problem. Until he learns Nen, the kid won't stand a chance against Nen's opponents. Dolls

that you can play with as you please. *Hmmm hopefully also numbers 99,403,404 and 405 will survive and be tested. They all have the dance to become strong. Ohh... When that happens, I'll get to enjoy killing them. Maybe we'll even kill each other....kehehehehe.

End of Pov Hisoki.

30 hours later.

Pov Dario.

-Hugh, that was six, Dario said standing in the center of the room. He was surrounded by the bodies of six defeated opponents. *Took me 30 hours. Less than I thought. I figured I'd barely make it to 70 and it could've happened so no one would come at all... Well, I still had a chance to escape, but

I don't think the hunters would've let me do that.... I need to get stronger so that problematic situations like this don't bother me. Maybe as soon as I get released to go to some dojo or gym? I also hope that they will let me out of the city and return my clothes.

Dorio sat down on the floor and waited for the end of the stage.