
Husband Of A Rabbit Goddess :RE

It’s all for practice. Don’t have high expectations please, and I don’t know the full depth of the Naruto universe or (others) as it’s just for fun and stuff. I DONT own the stuff mentioned. it’s just a Fanfic so, yeah. I’m just making it up as I go, so, you have been um, forwarned, I guess. Anyway, have a nice day.

Snow_Lux · Otras
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 - Metal Tones

[A/N: Oi! Oi, d*ckhead! Wake up! You've got an audience to entertain!]

Ugh… STFU!!! Stop screaming… agh… what the f*ck happened?

Where am I? Sh*t, did I die again?

[A/N: Not yet but it was close.]

Heh, that's what she said.

[A/N: You f*cking idiot!!]

Aghh! Alright, stop screaming! For f*cks-sakes man!

[A/N: Haaaa… look, Tenji. You almost died… On the FIRST chapter. How do you think that looks on me, huh?]

So? Not like I give a sh*t about you or your feelings man.

[A/N: You do know that I can easily drop you off in the 40K universe right?]


[A/N: …]

Author-Sama! I am at your disposal!

[A/N: You're impossible.]

Hm? So, what happened? Last I remember was charging into that f*ckers palace and then snapping his neck.

Wait, are you sure I didn't die?

[A/N: You aren't dead yet. Kaguya saved you using some of her own vitality to heal your wounds. But your soul and cultivation… yikes man.]

Okay, that doesn't sound very promising. How bad are we talking about here?

[A/N: Pretty bad. You'll survive and thanks to Kaguya, you'll be as good as new in a few days. But as for your cultivation… it's assured that it's been damaged beyond repair.]

Oh… well, if that's the price I had to pay to rescue Kaguya.

[A/N: Dude… haaa. Look, I'll give you a break alright.]

What, seriously? Wait, don't tell me, are you dying?!

[A/N: No you idiot! Damn, you really make me want to cross over there and slap you.]

Sheesh, sorry. So, what are you gonna give me? It better not be something lame.

[A/N: Ahem… a-are you sure you want me to unveil it here?]

What? Stop being a pansy and just give it-

[A/N:Alright… here's a [Dual-Cultivation] technique manual imprinted onto your soul. Good luck, kid. Peace.]



*In the real world.*

"… Sh*t!" I shot upright and felt pain all over as I twitched but that pales in comparison with what I just got. "Hahaha! I LOVE YOU AUTHOR-SAMA!!"

[A/N: Sheesh, I know what you mean but, I don't swing that way man.]

"Lord Tenji!" I turned to my right to find it was my maid-servant and no, I don't have the hots for her. She's just an elderly woman who took care of me after my parents passed away. "Are you okay? How do you feel?"

"Haha! I feel like I can fight the world, Auntie-Itte!" She slapped my head but I couldn't help but play along and laughed as she could only sigh as I have done some pretty crazy things back in my youth. "Ah, that's right. Kaguya, where is Kaguya?"

I was just about to get up as I increased [Gamer-Mind] just enough to dull the pain but that's when Kaguya rushed inside and all but glided over to my side.

"You shall not get out of bed." She said with a firm push to my chest and I couldn't help but look at her tired lilac-white eyes. "However, I am relived you are okay."

"I must have worried you." I said not making any attempt to go against her orders anyway. "… I'm sorry."

I reached out and grasped her hand in my own bandaged one. My aunt had left to give us some privacy as I thought about the [Dual-Cultivation] manual in my soul and I'm pretty sure I broke out blushing as Kaguya looked at my face and touched my cheek.

"Are you unwell again?" She said and I all but chuckled as I laid back and then looked up at the ceiling.

"I have been unwell for a while now…" I said simply muttering my thougts to her as I then turned my gaze toward her own. "… but after meeting you, I feel like I'm the healthiest man in the world."

She took a moment but then blushed at that as we had another moment. One just for us. One where I didn't hesitate a second time as I leaned forward and drew her close just as the breeze outside fluttered with fresh Sakura petal-blossoms into the venue.

[A/N: … couples. Who needs em'. *Sniffle*.]



As I stood up after recovering for a week, I was finally able to move around again.

With my new iconic cloak at my back, I was able to move outside as I inhaled the fresh scent of nature. I gazed around and noticed my kingdom has gotten a faintly new look with the influx of new residents who had willingly migrated after the fall of their former ruler.

Plus, we have cookies so there was that.

"How are you feeling?" I turned back to find a faintly dressed pale beuatful woman pushing up against the bed I woke up on for the seventh day in a row.

"I'm fine, love." I walked over and sat down beside her as she rested over my chest. "How are you feeing, though?"

[A/N: Hah… Probably as expected. ;p]

Turning my eyes from the corner of dead air back to Kaguya, she merely hummed not saying a word as I could feel her breath ease.

"I am fine as well." She finally spoke and her vocie soothes my very soul.

Partly because I could feel immeasurably stronger than I had ever felt before. The [Dual-Ciltivation] technique was OP as heck!

Thanks for the hax, Author-Sama!

[A/N: Haaaa… I'm getting tired writing this way.]

["Wait a moment, why do I have to do that? I'll just do this from now on. Hey you loser, I'm moving into your head and become the little devil over your shoulder, bahahaha!"]

With all due respect, do kindly f*ck right off.

["Oi, don't force me to make things hard for you, man."]

Discreetly looks to the audience with a telling gaze.

["I walked right into that… f*ck."]


"Woah?!" The entire kingdom shook and trembled and I didn't spend a second as I rushed to the open window and looked up to see a… "N-N-No!!?!? ARE YOU F*CKING INSANE!?"

["BAHAHAHAHAHA-OF COURSE I AM! Have you met me?!"]

From the skies overhead, countless comets fell from the collosal structure that seemed to cast an eternal shadow across the world and soon enough, in the form of a tight-knit group emerging from the crash sites, a few severl dozen 10ft tall giants in majestic blue power-armor cleared from the landing site.

["Tenji… meet the Space-Marines!"]

"You've got to be sh*tting me." I growled and then turned to Kaguya as so far, she was the only one on this entire planet, bar that other guy who I still have to kill for thinking he could touch my woman, and spoke in haste. "Kaguya, can you maybe shift yourself to look human? I will explain why later but for now, please, trust me."

She met my eyes and then nodded as in the next moment, her pale features and horns vanished to show a very healthy and beautful tan woman with dark hair and brown eyes.

"Thank you, love." I kissed her forhead and then turned as I walked to grab my twin katanas and soon jumped out as I then sprinted toward the town-square where I soon found my soldiers keeping the metallic giants occupied by surrounding them with spears. "Stand down guys and back away!"

I shouted my orders and soon my soldiers followed. The space-marines looked every bit intimidating as they did cool as heck.

Well… here goes nothing. And to think I would end up making first contact in a fictional world.

Damn you Author-Sama.



Minor spell-corrections and other changes.

Thank you for reading, have a nice day. ;)

Snow_Luxcreators' thoughts