
The Story Begins

Hunter's Club

Chapter 1: The Story Begins

A man sat on the edge of a cliff, looking at the sunrise, he said to himself, "Ah, I wonder who'll surpass me in the future. What kind of a story would they tell their grandchildren? A happy one or a tragic one?" Behind the man, the cliff and the entire mountain was covered with corpses of monsters such as the dragons, goblins, ogres, griffins and many more monsters known in myths. The man was called Milton.

Somewhere in Europe, there is a town which was near the mountain ranges that were covered with big trees, it was a beautiful place to visit. There were many animals there as well. There is a hunters club inside the forest which was quite famous across Europe. On a sunny day of the year 1999, a young charming tall dark blonde man with emerald eyes was walking along with a black-haired man who seemed older than him. The dark blonde was Arthur Ray, he was wearing a dark blue suit, he had just graduated and was looking for a job, he had no goals in life, he never thought of what he wanted to be in life. His Father Jackson Ray was a former soldier who was also a hunter. He taught Arthur how to hunt when he was young. Jackson was now the owner of a bookstore. Arthur's Mother Jessica was a housewife who was in the navy. Yes, the parents are both former soldiers. Arthur's friend, the black-haired man was Robert Chad, he was wearing a red and black striped shirt, he was older than Arthur and they both have been friends since childhood, they met through their Fathers who were both hunting at the same place.

Robert had decided on becoming a hunter, he invited Arthur to come with him to the Hunters club in the forest where he was going to register. Robert thought it might interest him since Arthur is better at hunting than him.

Robert said, "Hey Art, you better register in the club with me if you show even the slightest bit of interest. I have heard the club being mysterious and famous across the continent, there may be top hunters from across the globe, but you better Arthur your way to the top and beat them all, got it? I will beat you one day as well. We're gonna conquer the top! It's a promise"

Arthur said with a smile, "Alright, you better keep your promise."

They had reached the pathway into the forest, Robert had a map with him since the pathway stops at some point, it will be hard to find the Hunters cabin. They almost reached the cabin which was located near the top of a mountain, Robert was a bit exhausted from all the walking, normal people might've taken a rest at this point but Arthur wasn't tired at all. They started climbing the hills, it was more exhausting for Robert.

Suddenly, something was approaching them in speed. It looked like a wolf, but it was too big to be a normal wolf. It was covered in blood, it was injured and was having trouble running. It saw Robert and Arthur and was hungry to eat them up to regain energy. The wolf quickly jumped over Robert and tried attacking him, but Arthur pulled the wolf back. The wolf suddenly spoke, it said, "Humans are troublesome ants, they reign the world with their huge ant colony, what a bunch of troublemakers, you humans imprisoned me and tortured me. I shall feast on your flesh to regain the energy I lost."

Arthur and Robert were shocked, in all their years in hunting with their fathers, they had never seen such a big and strong wolf, on top of that, it just spoke. The wolf attacked Robert and he was injured and dropped to the ground. Arthur tried saving his friend, the wolf jumped towards Robert in an attempt to attack him. Suddenly an arrow was shot from the branch of a tree by a black hooded archer, it reached the wolf and killed it with an arrow to its head. Few men came towards the two friends, the archer jumped off the tree to check on the corpse. One of the men had a large build and an axe, he said, "Damn you, Joe, you said you wouldn't kill my precious redhood wolf." The archer shrugged and said. "No choice, it would've killed the guy over there. Speaking of which, we better check the guy's condition." The archer stopped Roberts bleeding and asked them, "Who are ya? No one comes into the woods for no reason, are you perhaps trading some shady stuff in here? The guy in the suit looks suspicious." Arthur said, "I was planning on attending job interviews today but my friend Robert wanted to register in the Hunters club and so he invited me, but we were suddenly attacked by the wolf. Thank you for saving us from the wolf, oh I am Arthur by that way. Who are you?"

The archer said, "I am Joe, this big man here is Ruslen. I am surprised anyone from the town would be interested in joining the club but are you sure after seeing that creature? Well, let's go to the cabin and talk there if you wish to join."

Arthur looked at Robert with a face of curiosity, Arthur wanted to know whether Robert will join after seeing the wolf. Robert said. "Don't worry about me, I'll join! I can't just break my promise to ya. No matter what stands in the way, I shall do my best to be in Sir Arthur's side!" They both smiled at each other with a gaze of happiness that they have a good friend by their side who won't abandon them.

The two and the other men went to the cabin, the cabin was on top of the mountain, it was huge! Bigger than any normal cabin, the inside was beautiful and big. There was a chimney as well as seats and couches. There weren't many people in the cabin as they expected. There was also a bar, they sat on the chairs and Joe started explaining, "There aren't many people here often, especially during daytime. So, to answer your questions, I'll begin with what that wolf was. The wolf is the same species as the wolf from the famous story of Red Riding Hood, they aren't werewolves but can be said as cousins of them. They aren't human although, they are strong and big wolves who prefer to eat children but also eat adults to get energised. During the old times, they were quite famous in Europe, but now they are going extinct. Ruslen here got the rare chance of meeting and capturing a Redhood wolf, they are quite valuable, you see? But the wolf escaped near the entrance of the cabin from foolish Ruslen's hands and you know the rest."

Arthur started showing interest in creatures like the wolf, he asked Joe to explain the club.

Joe cleared his throat and started explaining, "Well I suppose I'll try the easiest explanation I can say, the Hunter's Club has existed since the middle ages, it has been hunting monsters and other beings since its creation. There are of course few here who hunt bears and deer as well, it is provided as food. Dragons, griffins, unicorns, goblins, gods and the Kraken do exist. I assume you might still join from your face which shows interest, Arthur. Robert seems to be a little scared but he'll join as well I suppose." Arthur saw the portrait of a brown-haired man with green eyes hanging in the club. He asked Joe who it was, Joe said, "Oh that man is the founder, Milton, he was known as the "Immortal Hunter" or "God Of Monsters". He's the strongest hunter ever. The man had no limit and found the famous fountain of immortality, he was immortal, but he killed himself years ago, we never really saw him here but his close friends told us about it. The man probably got tired of immortality." Arthur said, "Ah, that man seems interesting,I wonder how strong he was."

Afterwards, Arthur had enjoyed talking with the other hunters and learning a bit more information. Arthur and Robert had to leave since it was getting late, before they left Joe told them, "Oh right, I forgot to tell you something important, you are not a member yet, you need to pass the upcoming qualification tests next week. You both better prepare, I will teach you more about the club and monsters if you wish. Arthur, you have talent, if you want I am willing to train you both a bit, at least enough to pass the tests. There would be a writing test and a practical one too, you might pass the practical one with training but you'll need to study all night if you want to pass the writing one. Knowledge is an important weapon in the hunting business. Because few higher-ups tend to focus more on the practicals, the written test is very easy but you need to be careful and not mix up the monsters. Ah, there is a book which might help you! The book has information on the hunters club system and some monsters and stuff which will help you pass". After receiving the book, Arthur and Robert left, Robert was still scared and went straight home and tried to sleep. Arthur went to his Fathers bookshop so that they both could go home together. Arthur entered the shop and saw a man standing by his Father's side. Jackson had a big muscular build with brown hair and a beard. People often feared Jackson because of his build. The man standing near Jackson with the same build and black hair was his old friend from his army days, Jeremy Hutton. Arthur had seen Jeremy since childhood, Jeremy often helped Arthur with his homework when Jackson wasn't present. Arthur was filled with happiness seeing Jeremy after a long time, he said, " Uncle Jeremy! When did you come back from your trip, it has been a long time since we've lasts seen each other!". Jeremy also seemed excited to meet Arthur after many years. Jeremy went to give Arthur a big hug. He said with a cheerful look, "Look at you! You were only this much when we last saw each other, now you're as tall as your dad! You still haven't gained any muscle though! You should eat up and become a big man like your father. You can't go outside looking like a weakling and call yourself the son of the infamous Muscle Jackson! You know what? I will make put you into shape in just a week or two! I am the best there is! I am the Mighty Hutton!". Arthur was amused and felt nostalgic from how Jeremy talked. Arthur was excited to tell his Father about the club. He didn't know if he should mention the monsters, he said to his father, "I forgot to tell you but when I went to the hunters club with Robert, I ended up also signing up for the qualification test held next week. Can we go hunting again tomorrow as we did in the past?". Jeremy seemed very excited upon hearing the news. Jackson had a neutral expression, or rather a worried one. He then smiled and agreed. Jeremy asked Arthur in excitement, "Can I also come on your hunting trip? You know, I was the one who saved Jack whenever he almost failed in the hunt. I also know a good spot for the hunting trip, it will give you a new experience and good training. Before your test begins, I will teach you everything you'll need for the test and make you into a muscle man!". Jackson agreed but seemed a bit suspicious about the hunting spot which Jeremy suggested. Arthur was a bit surprised at the fact Jeremy hunted like Jackson. Arthur had always thought that after Jeremy resigned from the army, he had become a successful businessman who was always busy with business trips. Arthur wouldn't have thought that he had time to hunt and even time to train him. He was excited for tomorrow, he couldn't even sleep properly but he needed to if he wanted energy to hunt!

Arthur thought about asking Joe to show his powers to him and how people are even able hunt mythical creatures with godlike powers. He tried finding books about mythical creatures then he read a bit of the book Joe gave him.

After reading for some time, he slept peacefully and was excited for tomorrow. Jeremy, Jackson and Arthur's Mother, Jessica discussed if Arthur should become a hunter. Jeremy suggested that if Arthur manages to survive his hellish training then he can survive anything. Jessica and Jackson were worried about Arthur but they knew that they could trust Jeremy. Jackson was not planning on doing too much for the hunt.

The night went by and the hunt would soon begin.

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