
HS DxD: The Path of Kings

What does make a king? Is it about honor, bloodline, or conquest? We are about to see the true meaning of a person who becomes the true king. Birth in poverty. Hiding great power deep inside. Acquiring knowledge from the Great Sages. The Rise of the Strongest King follows as such..

Dark_Spider · Cómic
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18 Chs

Chapter 17 Tennyson family

"You can let go of me, now that we are at a safety." says Aarush with a gentle smile as he lands inside the elevator of the Washington Monument from where he and Gwen can notice the Battle between the monster bird and Ben.

"Thank you for saving me," says Gwen with a shy tone and blushed face as she looks at the lift floor before she quickly let's go of Aarush and lands on the floor.

"It was nothing and honestly if Ben didn't help it would not be as smooth." said Aarush with a smile shaking his head.

"You are so modest." whispering Gwen looks at his face and couldn't help herself from getting captivated by the light brown skilled boy with long hair, maybe she is having a hallucination after getting saved by the guy when she had lost all hope and accepted her fate or he is just too handsome for her eyes but one thing for sure this is her Knight in shining armor.

"It looks like Ben has defeated the bird already and we also need to stop someone named Animo who is behind the monster bird, let's hurry to your grandfather's Bus." said Aarush with a smile before he pressed the lift button before descending towards the lower floors before arriving at the ground floor and leaving the lift in a hurry towards the bus.

"Good thing no one is hurt, now let's head to the place Animo might attack. " says Max the moment Ben lands on the ground before turning back into a human while he starts the bus.

"Let's go, grandpa!" said Ben getting inside the bus before asking Aarush with a curious face "I can not believe you can also fly, you need to teach me that trick sometimes."

"It's nothing special when you have good control." says Aarush shaking his head without argument.

"Do you mean you have magical powers?" asks Gwen with an interesting face when she heard the conversation between Ben and Aarush, honestly this few days after Ben got the weird watch that allows him to transform into different monsters she is feeling a little down and has been looking for something to help her on the internet but an encounter with the magic-user is something that gives her a present surprise.

It's like without even asking for the clouds you receive the rain.

"Get ready everyone it looks like Animo arrived ahead of us." while Aarush and everyone were having a conversation Max stops the bus before announcing.

"Ben do you think you can stop that crazy guy?" asks Aarush looking at Animo who is on the back of his Dinosaur.

"Leave it to me!" says Ben in confidence before he jumps out of the bus and quickly transforming into Accelerator and before long he not only removed everyone from the building but also took away Animo's helmet and slamming into the floor which instantly sent the antievolution wave though the city and restores every animal to their natural condition.

"Well, that was fast." says Aarush in surprise looking at the speed of Ben's quick actions.

"No kidding it was a little too fast for him." says Gwen in equal surprise looking at the speed.

"It looks like Anime is still confused about what hit him." said Max with a satisfied smile.

"And that was all." says Ben arriving by their side still in his Dark blue armored form when the Omnitrix times out as agreed with him before getting in the bus and leaving the city not soon after since they don't want to be caught in the middle of the action.


While Max is in the driver's seat Ben shows them a red and white high-tech broken helmet before saying with a smile "Although I didn't get the Sumo Slammer's Gold card this can also be a collection item from my victory."

"It looks pretty high technology, where did you get it?" asks Aarush with a curious smile looking at the broken helmet that Ben is about to put into a bag.

"It's one of the items from that crazy scientist doctor Animo and using this he was turning those animals into monsters and the dead ones into living ones like that Dinosaur from back then." explains Ben with a smile.

"Does that mean the crazy guy had created a transmojulator with the ability to force the evolution of animals or even regenerate dead animals to the point they can come back to life?" asks Aarush with wonder and looks at the bag in Ben's hand with interest before he took the device from the bag and said with a serious face "Ben it's a very dangerous technology and I don't think it's good for you to keep it.

Since you might not have any use for this can you give it to me for this Sumo Slammers gold card?"

"Deal." with no hesitation Ben said quietly snatching the Gold card from Aarush's hand before saying "Now that you have given it to me don't regret it."

"Don't worry I originally wanted to give it to you." says Aarush with a smile shaking his head since he saw Ben hesitate to get the card and save a man he decided to keep it and give it to Ben at a later date but now it's also good to use as training but inside he is wondering the story of Surya and Parshurama who informed him about Dragon and Beasts that could destroy the world and luckily for humanity most of them died in the great war else humanity might never develop to this stage but he is more worried about the transmojulator falling in the wrong hand or Animo using it to revive some Ancient beast which can cause a distraction to the world 'I need to inform Grandfather about this Dr. Animo before something unexpected happens because of him.'

While Ben went to show Max the gold card that he received from Aarush who is pondering over the dangers of Animo's transmojulator's Gwen decided to ask him with a smile "Aarush..."

"Is there something you want to tell me?" looking at Gwen's hesitant face asks Aarush when he heard her calling him?

"Before you said something about teaching Ben Magic but from how I understand him it's likely he might not learn it." says Gwen with a worried face.

"I can already see that since he already has something to help me there is hardly a reason for him to learn Magic." says Aarush in agreement since he also believes Ben should learn using the monsters he transforms into then Magic which is a completely new thing for him.

"You see unlike Ben I don't know how to fight or do anything to help or even protect myself.

So, if it's not too much for you can you teach me." asks Gwen with a curious face as she looks at Aarush and from her eyes, it's not hard to say she is under pressure for something and is also prepared to be rejected by him, maybe she feels useless or inferior to Ben.

"It's not a big deal as long as you put enough effort I am happy to help..."