
HP: The Achiever

Reborn into the world of Harry Potter, the MC uses his knowledge and power to explore the unsung mysteries of the world. He discovers that the world is quite different than he had seen in the movies and read in the books. He goes into many magical exploration. Some Information: 1. Yes, the MC would have a system but it will be passive. 2. The MC won't be a Harry Potter fanatic, following Harry Potter around everywhere or getting involved with him. 3. MC will be older than Harry 4. Although he will take part in some of the plots and change them. 5. MC will be manipulative. 6. The world is an Alternate Universe, so some of the timeline and plot might be changed my me -------- ------- Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series or any of its characters, it is completely owned by J.K Rowling ------ If you want to support this fanfic and help me improve my writing and your reading experience, kindly provide your comments through reviews and comments.

FT_Rhino · Derivados de obras
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17 Chs

Chapter 6: Wizard

Chapter 6: Wizard


In an empty room, a distortion in space rippled, and suddenly, Leo and Robert were hurled through, landing hard on the wooden floor. Leo felt as if his insides were trying to escape; the dizziness was unbearable. He nearly vomited, taking deep breaths to steady himself.

"What... what was that?" Leo managed, still hunched over. He looked up to find his father, Robert, pointing a wand at him, eyes full of alertness and hesitation.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Leo's voice trembled with fear. "What's happening?"

Robert's stance relaxed slightly. "Leo, are you alright? Are you feeling any discomfort?" he asked, his voice softening.

"I... I think so," Leo replied, confused. He stayed still as Robert cast a series of inspection spells. The results seemed to baffle Robert, his face a mask of confusion and disbelief.

"Dad, what's going on?" Leo asked again, looking at Robert who looked to be contemplating something.

Robert sighed deeply, pocketing his wand. "Tell me exactly what happened at the station, Leo."

Leo hesitated, acted as if he was trying to recall. "When we entered platform nine and 10, I saw some teenagers with trunks and caged animals, heading towards a pillar. I was watching them, but then my mind felt like it was being pushed away. I was about to move on, but something inside me snapped, and I saw them entering the pillar. I was afraid you'd think I was hallucinating." By the end he tried to muster up all his acting skills to sound like a bullied child.

Robert's expression softened as he saw his son's vulnerability. He pulled Leo into a brief hug. "What you saw was real, Leo. It was magic, and those teenagers were wizards."

Leo acted shocked. "Wizards? Are you saying magic is real?"

Robert nodded. "Yes, magic is very real. Your mother and I are wizards too."

Hearing his father's confirmation, he questioned "Why is the wizarding world hidden? Who were those teenagers? Where were they going? If you both are wizards why didn't you tell me?"

"Calm down, son. The wizarding world hides to protect both our world and the non-magical world. Those teenagers were probably students heading to Hogwarts, a school for young witches and wizards. As for why we didn't tell you earlier, you will know when you learn magic"

Leo processed this new information, but one question lingered. "What was that thing you pointed at me and why did you point at me?"

"It was a wand; it is used to cast spells." Robert hesitated "Leo, you weren't supposed to be able to use magic."

"Why not?" Leo asked, his confusion deepening.

Robert diverted, "I'll explain more once you understand magic better. For now, know that you were born with great talent for magic, but an accident changed things. It made it dangerous for you to use magic, which is why I was concerned when I felt magic from you."

Leo frowned. "Why can't I remember any of this or the accident?"

Guilt flashed in Robert's eyes. "The accident... it affected your memories too."

Leo decided to drop the topic, noticing his father's reluctance, he could feel that there was something more to it. 'Sometimes it's better to not ask too many questions, time will unveil it all.' Instead, he looked around the room for the first time since he arrived at this unknown place. "Where are we?"

Robert smiled. "This is our home too."

He called out, "Eva!" A small house-elf appeared with a pop. The creature had bat-like ears and bulging green eyes. It was looking at Leo curiously the moment it appeared.

"Master Robert, young Master Leo," Eva greeted, bowing low.

"Go and tell Lisa we're here," Robert instructed.

As Eva vanished, Robert led Leo on a tour of the mansion. Leo's jaw dropped at the size of the rooms and the extensive private library filled with magical books. He dashed from one corner to another, marvelling at the treasures within.

"This place is incredible," Leo whispered, awestruck. He mentally noted that this house seemed to belong to an ancient magical family, far beyond what a first-generation wizard could accumulate. But there were no Shelby magical family as far as he could remember so it raised another wave of questions in his mind.

Robert looked at his son's antic and was amused to see how his son could forget everything when he saw something of his interest.

A sound from the living room caught their attention. Lisa appeared and immediately enveloped Leo in a tight hug.

"I'm fine, Mum," Leo assured her, hugging her back.

After explaining the situation and Lisa performing her own inspection spells, she reluctantly left to look after the twins. But not before giving a piece of mind to his father about how dangerous it was for Leo, someone with no prior experience to Apparate.

Once alone, Robert smiled at Leo. "Since you can use magic, we'll start your training. We begin tomorrow."

For the first time, Leo saw genuine enthusiasm in his father, who usually remained so composed. He smiled back, feeling a thrill of excitement. "Sure, Dad. I can't wait."




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