
Chapter 74: Potion Mistress!

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The Weasley twins stood up from their table, "Can we join,", "You're bound to be a hundred,", "no a thousand,", "no ten thousand times better,", ""than that greasy old bat!""

"Ten points from Gryffindor, for insulting a teacher." Snape quickly snapped at them, "each!"

Dumbledore began to frown, this wasn't a part of his plan, 'Confound it all, I knew I should have tracked down and burned every copy of that infernal charter, even as headmaster I can't change the things the founders put down.'

He internally raged before sighing and raising his hands for silence before looking back to Andromeda.

"Are you sure about this Andromeda, I'm sure that your work at St Mungo's is very important?" He tried one last time.

But Andromeda shook her head, "there are other healers on call, my family comes first, and I refuse to allow Severus's poor teaching standards to affect the students careers any longer."

"I do not know if you are aware of this headmaster but for the past number of years there has been a large drop in the number of British potion masters and mistresses, which coincidentally coincides with the year that Severus began teaching at Hogwarts school, perhaps that is something you should look into, headmaster."

Inwardly Dumbledore winced, he was more than aware of that fact, he had engineered things to be that way exactly and for good reason, potions was a requirement for joining DLME as an Auror.

And with Snape's hatred for children very few students every left Hogwarts with the grades needed to become Aurors, and with their other education limited to what he allowed there would be no one else to stand against any future threats, save for him.

This woman was going to be a threat to his system.

"I am aware, but I hardly think that it is fair to lump the failings of the many of the shoulders of the one." Dumbledore responded and quickly continued.

"As I see that you are adamant about this, I will have one of the house-elves prepare a room in the dungeons for your classes and...." he began to offer before being cut off this time by andromeda.

"No, I will require a classroom on the first floor or higher, one that has windows and good ventilation, only an idiot would brew in a room without such." Andromeda explained.

Daphne raised her hand, "um why is that?" she asked a little confused, as were many of the other students.

"Because while a storeroom underground is ideal to keep ingredients fresh, it is not ideal for potion brewing because of the fumes that any potions might let out, a confined room with no ventilation can be very dangerous."

"Especially when brewing some of the more trickier potions, in an enclosed space if flumes gather you can easily suffocate or pass out from inhaling too much of them."

"Not to mention the build-up of residue on the ceiling with so many students brewing in one room, all it would take would be one single drop to fall down into any cauldron and you could risk contamination at best or an explosion at worse."

Andromeda explained as each and every student who heard her went ghost white, realising just how lucky they were to walk out of Snape's classroom alive every time.

Snape waved his hand, "the fumes are easily taken care of by an air freshening charm, and the build-up on the ceiling can easily just be vanished after every class," he said dismissing the matter like it was nothing.

"Neither is completely reliable all of the time," Andromeda snapped at Snape before turning to Dumbledore, "so I would much rather have a classroom that meets my requests, headmaster, for the benefit of all of the students' health who are attending my classes."

Dumbledore took a breath and nodded, "very well, I will see to it." He replied, knowing that for the time he had been beaten and would have to yield to the women's demands, not wanting to think about what would be the outcome if he refused her now.

If she was to take what she knew and spread rumours about how Hogwarts potion classes are unsafe for their students, though he doubted that it would stay secret for long now given how the students would likely be owling their parents by the end of the class day about this, if not sooner.

"Splendid," Andromeda said with a smirk before she turned to the hall and took her wand out and raised it to her throat muttering, "Sonorus" before she began to speak, "Attention students," her voice boomed.

"To any who have not heard I am Potion Mistress Andromeda Tonks, and from today onwards I will be offering an alternative potions class than the one you are all currently attending with Professor Snape, I will have an open-door policy with all students."

"Simply turn up to my room when it is time for your potions lessons and I will teach you instead, thank you," she said before taking her wand away from her throat and spoke "Quietus," cancelling her spell as the hall began to fill with the mutterings of students discussing what they had just been told, many looking very pleased about it.

Dumbledore gave her a disappointed look, "Was that absolutely necessary Andromeda?" He asked.

Andromeda nodded, "Yes it was headmaster, now if you do not mind I think I will have breakfast with my nephew and his friends, please send a house-elf to escort me to my classroom once it is set up."

She said as she moved to sit beside a grinning Magnus and across from a smiling Daphne and Tracey.

Dumbledore only gave a defeated sigh while inwardly raging as he turned to make his way back to the head table, followed by a neutral looking Professor McGonnagal and a fuming Snape.

Flitwick gave a chuckle, "I'll leave you to it then." He said before he went to join the other professors at the head table.


If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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