
HP: I'm a book

[Using Chatgpt for grammar and improvements, + I'm lazy and English isn't exactly my first language :P] Here's a concise version of the recent events: I died. The good news though, is that I reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter! But there's a slight problem... I'm a book. Why the fuck did I turn into a magical book? And who is this four-eyed kid? *** I do not own anything from J.K Rowlings books only my ideas and creations, I made this purely for fun and I'll be uploading at random intervals. PS. This is my second novel

TheFoolButBusted · Derivados de obras
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Revelation

// Posting to prove laziness shall not win! + shorter chapter today

Chapter 2: Revelation

"C-chosen? Me?" Harry stammered out a reply, his voice wavering with disbelief.

He couldn't comprehend why such an important book would choose him. Sure, he knew he was intelligent, but there were plenty of other kids just as bright as him. Yet, as he pondered, a realization began to dawn.

It clicked.

With trembling hands, he picked up the pen and hastily scrawled a response:

"Is it because I can use magic?"

The words faded almost as quickly as he wrote them, replaced by a new message:

"That's only part of the reason. You possess something I can shape."

Once again, the text dissolved, only to reappear with a renewed message:



"But most of all, Perseverance."

"You carry qualities hard to find in others."

Harry's heart raced as he absorbed the words on the page. Talent? Potential? It felt as though the book was speaking directly to him, acknowledging qualities he had never fully recognized within himself.

He knew he was smart, but much of it had been hidden away, suppressed by the cruelty of the Dursleys. Forced to downplay his intelligence to avoid punishment, he had learned to keep his true abilities hidden, even from himself.

Feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation, Harry gripped the pen tightly, eager to delve deeper into the conversation.

"What do you mean by shaping my talents and potential?" he wrote quickly, his breathing slowly quickening

The ink dried, and once again, the text dissolved before new words emerged:

"As the keeper of knowledge, I have the power to guide and nurture your abilities beyond reason."

"If you are to decline my offer, You would be following an already preordained path, one that ends happily, but would be just like all other mediocre endings within this world."

The words dissolved before changing into something more profound and powerful.

"If you are to accept my offer."

"You would reach heights no one has ever attained, whether it ends poorly or not, depends solely on you."

The words changed once again before new words appeared in the book.

"Beyond that... I've grown quite bored waiting for someone to talk to you know?"

Harry chuckled at that, before he felt the book was almost reciting a script, now he felt like he was talking directly to it.

He contemplated the words the book said.

He picked up his pen and responded with a newfound determination:

"I accept your offer," Harry wrote, his hand steady despite the whirlwind of emotions swirling within him.

The ink dried on the page, and the words lingered for a moment before the book responded:

"Excellent choice, Harry! I can finally stop talking like a damn book now."

Before the stunned Harry could write anything, he received a small headache and the pages of the book started flipping faster and faster until it stopped on a page, golden words materializing on the parchment

Harry blinked in surprise as the words materialized before him. The book seemed to be alive, its pages flipping eagerly as if brimming with excitement.

"Sorry about that," the book's voice echoed in Harry's mind, sounding more lifelike than before. "I've been waiting for someone like you for ages, Harry. Finally, I can talk, screw the book persona I can finally have a proper conversation!"

The book floated around Harry as if conversing with him. He couldn't help but chuckle at the book's newfound enthusiasm. It was a far cry from the mysterious, cryptic entity he had initially encountered.

"Um, no problem, Lore," Harry replied tentatively, still trying to wrap his head around the situation.

"First, call me Lore. I don't like being called a book, even though I am one," Lore said in an annoyed voice.

"Alright, Lore," Harry said with an amused smile. "What happens now?" he asked eagerly.

The book's pages fluttered excitedly, as if practically bouncing with anticipation.

"Obviously, we need to start by creating your foundation," Lore said eagerly. "Before teaching you a single thing about magic, you need to work on your physical abilities first!"

"Huh? Why do I need to train my body to cast magic?" Harry asked, confused. From the games he'd seen Dudley play, mages usually focused on their magic more than their physical capabilities, since it doesn't require it.

"Well, you see, Harry," Lore replied with a hint of amusement, "Wizards are idiots."

"Magic is not just about waving a wand and reciting spells. It requires focus, concentration, and physical stamina. Just as a wizard needs to strengthen their mind to master spells, they also need to strengthen their body to handle the magical energy flowing through them."

Harry nodded slowly, beginning to understand. "So, you're saying I need to be physically fit to handle magic effectively?"

"Exactly!" the book exclaimed. "Most wizards ignore this part, since it usually doesn't help in the early stages. Think of it like this: your body is the vessel through which magic flows. The stronger and more resilient your vessel, the more efficiently you can channel and control magical energy."

"But, of course, to actually channel and control that magical energy, absorption and circuits are required, but that is for later," Lore added.

"Now, go to sleep. I won't be going easy on you tomorrow," Lore said in a voice that sent small shivers toward Harry.

Harry nodded, feeling slightly tired from the interactions with this mysterious book.

Closing the book gently, Harry lay back on his bed, his mind buzzing with excitement and curiosity. He couldn't shake off the feeling of being at the cusp of something extraordinary, something beyond the ordinary life he had known thus far.

He knew this was a new beginning, one where he would be in control, not the Dursleys.

As he grew more relaxed, Harry finally succumbed to sleep

Chapter end

// gonna post more soon, still stacking chapters ;P