
hp: black dairy

does it really matter if someone says that you are evil

RYUU_JIN · Derivados de obras
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9 Chs

page 2

1991 March 28

I wake up after the most horrible weird dream someone may have

I was running trying to catch mouse I don't know why but every time he fell into my hands but for some reason he could break free and I tried to catch him not once or twice but more than thousands of times every time he could break free and believe me I tried everything from the normal mouse traps to useing technology and magic even I used power rings to capture him but even then I couldn't

From this day on I will not see any mouse like I used to they will became my enemy and our battle will be legendary

Later after I snapped out of my thoughts , one of the orphanage nuns called me saying that I had a visitor so I went to see who might it be it's not like I don't know

When I entered I saw her in all of her glory professor mcgonagall and let me say she looked like Maggie Smith on a second thought I think it's the opposite .

" hello young man come on take a seat am professor mcgonagall and I assumed that you reserved a latter yesterday and it says that you are a wizard my boy how do you feel about it " minny said just like a grandmother talking to her grandson and with little smile, atlest miss use to speak with me like this

" I don't know I saw magic at the circus is this the kind of magic I will learn at Hogwarts " rule number one if you look like a kid then act like one but not all of the time

" not quite right my dear let me show you something " she took her wand and with little move from her wand the cup on the table changed into butterfly and with a second move she changed the Candlestick into rat it took me all of my willpower to not jump on it then with all left of my will I said

" wow awesome but can you change something else into cat please "

Her smile became more visible then with a single move the couch I was sitting on changed into many little cats and me feeling at this moment of me being covered in cuteness for head to toe just blissful and cattastic and in this moment I felt like am going to die from cuteness overload just this feeling alone worth being reborn

the professor looked at me with smile and said " sorry but don't have all day my boy we have books to buy aren't we come on "

" do we really have to " i asked with puppy eyes not wanting to leave this pail of cuteness and believe me if you are some office worker you need cuteness to stay alive

" am sorry my dear but if you want I will tech you how to do it yourself or even do this " then she changed her appearance into cat after little time she changed back then looked at me and said with smag " for me I just nodded with star in my eyes what ever that means

" now let's go" she started to walk out of the orphanage me behind her we headed to the street then she raised her wand in the air like she calling on some taxi ,just within a second the knight bus appeared

" come on let's go " now I don't know what to say but this thing is a death trap

May the lord never forgive who made it ,i entered this monstrosity on wheels with have feet when I took a set I felt like it's roller coaster but much faster is going to take place

" hold on tight " she told me with kind smile that look evil for some reason

When the bus starts moving I hold into my seat for my dear life like koala

and let's say I will not do this again never ever

it didn't take long time before we reached the digon alley

I stepped down from this I don't know what to say about it to the beautiful land and started to kiss it like long lost famely mamber

" it was exciting isn't it " the cat professor said evily I take a long look at her " come on don't look at me like this let's start our shopping trip "

And so we started first we went to get gallons from goblins and went on in our trip and we bought everything from books to clothes and even I got my own cat and let's say cute white little cat not bigger than the fist of my hand with big eyes that I swear it could look at my soul but I was scared of me eating it by mistake because of how much cute it is so I named her snow ball

Finally we went to olivander to my wand the old man is weird as the book said he is so don't ask me why I didn't write about him in my diary it's just that I don't want to write about wired people in it

By the way my wand is eleven inches ironwood with thander bird fither as core and olivander said something about this wand that it's great for second chance

After all of the shopping the professor booked for me at tom bar for a month and gave me train ticket with 9/3⁴ on it

After parting ways with the professor I went to my room at the bar , eat royal dinner, played for some time With snow ball then went to sleep with all me know that I will start to have crazy dreams that is about the life of blue skinned beautiful lady and I was right

And for you my dear reader why I don't have last name at this point it's all because of

First mysticqu ability drain my energy and I couldn't do much plus she has kind of super soldier serum but it all pay off because in my last day at the bar I went all edge and changed my hair colour to pale white and my eyes to dark red if someone asks I will just say am Metamorphmage

And second because of this body story aperantly am not from England but from America my parents died in the sea , in the same year there was one ship that sinked into the bottom of the ocean it was important high class transportation ship only for nobles and there was just one known serviver and that is me , I got rescued by fishermen who is the one who gave me the name Peter and didn't gave me any last name because of my fancy baby clothes at the time you know some nobles will find problem with me if I had other ser name but if I got into slytherin and believe me I want to I will take blood test to see if my parents are wizards or not