
Howl's in the abyss

In the enchanting town of London, secrets lurk amongst the shelves of the local bookstore. The Book Nook is home to Emilia, a charming young woman who finds comfort and solace within the pages of her beloved books. Unbeknownst to her, an ancient battle rages in the shadows, and her fate becomes intertwine with Adrien, the mysterious new boy in town with a dark secret-he's a Lycan. Their passion ignites, and the two embark on an exhilarating adventure, where love, destiny, and courage intertwine. Together they must face an evil vampire who will stop at nothing to gain ultimate power, forcing Adrien to confront his own demons and embrace his true nature in order to protect Emilia and ascend as the Alpha he was meant to be. The lines between reality, myth, and romance blur in this captivating, action-packed tale of forbidden love. Will Emilia and Adrien's love endure the tests of time and prevail amidst the battles that lie ahead, or will ancient rivalries tear them apart? Discover the magic, passion, and adventure within the pages of "The Howl's of the Heart" and embrace the call of destiny as love conquers all.

Riffles · Fantasía
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4 Chs

CHAPTER 1:Emilia's Point of View

Walking down the road, I can hear the murmuring and chattering of people I passed walked by. Not so new to me, after all, I live in a dorm in the crowded city of London.

Just an ordinary day again, on the way to my work— at the bookstore near my dorm. Perhaps, for some, it's a boring job, but I do love it a lot! I can read all of the books about the myths, mysteries of folklore— and the most intriguing majestic werewolves.

After a few minutes, I arrived safely and quickly started working. I just arrange some of the books and pick another book about the werewolves again.

People said they're real, but none of them can prove it. Sometimes, it crosses my mind that meeting one will be cool but... thinking about it scares me.

They said lovely things can be like tiny daggers, piercing you with their beauty. So, we must be vigilant if we want to avoid risk. werewolves are ravishing and people should be careful.

Reading another book, the contents completely took away my reverie until I forgot the time.

As I finished the book, fascinated and satisfied, I took a glance at the clock. Seeing how late it is, I bolted and put everything into my backpack, ending my shift for today.

"Shit!" I mumbled and ran.

The moon is full today, casting a silvery glow on the ground. Even though I have always been a night owl, I knew the risks of walking alone at night. Especially in the darker, less frequented parts of the city.

"I should be mindful of the time next time!" I scolded myself while taking a deep breath. I need to go home as soon as possible.

As I entered the dark alley, my heart was pounding in my chest. As if I'm a criminal running for my life, my walk became run. Minding my surroundings, I can't help but feel an eerie, unsettling presence.

When I saw a light at the end of the alley, I thought I was finally safe. However, suddenly, I heard a low, guttural growl from behind me.

I look around, my eyes widening in terror as I see a massive, snarling creature. I wanted to scream, but no sound escaped my lips. I stumbled backward, my legs shaking uncontrollably.

I was in shock... The creature was massive and broad, its fur obscuring any flesh from view. I could only tell it was staring at me, jaws drooling with saliva and claws extended. It felt as if any sudden movement would cause it to attack me viciously. Suddenly, another figure dashed towards the beast, charging at its back and causing both to topple.

All I could do was whimper in terror as they fought. Their fierce growls echoed throughout the area, dominating the atmosphere. I found myself rooting for the person who had come to my defense. The attacker managed to land a hit, but it only provided an opening for my protector to counter with a powerful blow. The sound of the attacker's pain filled my ears as it fled the scene, tail tucked between its legs.

I continued to stare at the magnificent creature before me, taking a deep breath. Its broad torso and massive arms were awe-inspiring; it resembled a bodybuilder on steroids. As I gazed into its eyes, I was captivated by a golden yellow light that seemed to radiate from within. Although I felt an impulse to look away, the longer I stared, the more serene I became. The creature approached me without fear, lowering its head as if inviting me to stroke its fur.

"T-Thank you for protecting me back there; I can't believe you guys are real," I said, my voice trembling with a mixture of excitement and relief. Perhaps it was the joy of discovering that the myths were true. I wasn't sure if the creature could understand human speech, but I was certain it could sense my gratitude.

I began to understand that he wasn't a threat to me and simply wanted to help after I took a moment to collect my thoughts. I cautiously approached him and gently touched his head. As I stroked his silky fur, I heard a soft whine that seemed to indicate he enjoyed the contact. He assisted me in getting up, and together we made our way to my house. As I walked beside him, he would pause now and then, waiting for me to catch up with his considerate demeanor.

Throughout our journey to my house, he remained silent and didn't respond to anything I said. I assumed he might not understand my language. "Do you live here?" I asked, but there was no reply, However, by the time I unlocked the gate to my home, he had vanished.

I haven't stopped thinking about what happened since that night; it plays out in my head like a scene from a movie. He has brown fur, which is the only indication I have that he might be a beta. Thoughts begin to flow, but they're not as numerous as the questions I still have.

"Maybe he's just another member of his pack; that would explain his behavior," I mutter to myself as I travel to work.

The same werewolf narrative appears in my mind as I search for a book at the bookstore. However, I can't figure out why he saved me from his pack, even if it's an instinct for him.

As I reach for another book, I catch a glimpse of someone looking out the window. When I scan the area, nothing seems out of the ordinary. As I close up the shop and walk home, I notice him glaring at me from the shadows. I look back down the alley, remembering the day he saved me. Knowing that he's keeping an eye on me and protecting me brings a sense of safety.

Weeks go by, and I can't shake the feeling that he's not around anymore. Over the past few weeks, I've tried to catch a glimpse of him in the alley but to no avail. After closing the shop last night, I decided to search for him. I've learned how to defend myself against anyone who might try to hurt me, and I bring along items that I've read are effective against werewolves.

Approaching the alley, I remembered those bad encounters with that guy who made me scared to death. Walking fast but searching throughout.

"Please don't pop up suddenly" as I traverse the dark alley

I held the handle of the gun my father gave me just in case. As I got close to the last lamppost, I saw a figure under the lamppost—a man wearing a fancy suit and dark robe to fend off the freezing night. I held the gun tightly just in case he transformed into something.

As I approached the alley, memories of my previous terrifying encounters with a certain guy flooded my mind. I quickened my pace and scanned my surroundings anxiously, hoping to spot any signs of danger.

"Please don't jump out at me," I muttered under my breath as I cautiously made my way through the dimly lit alley.

My fingers tightened around the handle of the gun that my father had given me for protection. As I neared the last lamppost, I caught sight of a shadowy figure standing beneath it. The man was dressed in a fancy suit and a dark coat, no doubt trying to keep warm in the freezing night air. I gripped the gun tightly, ready to defend myself in case he turned out to be a threat.

As I looked at him, he turned his head toward me, and a vision of a handsome man staring at me came across his facial features.

He looks at me with golden eyes that make me feel like I'm his protector. I saw deja vu in his eyes, but it was cut short when he asked if I was lost because I had picked this narrow alley over an easier and more direct route.

He said something that piqued my interest. Something that makes me want to let go of my pistol.

I replied that I had to get to work since I had forgotten something. I lied about my attempts to track down this werewolf.

"I need to hurry I forgot something at my workplace"

He suddenly laughs and apologizes for the cool and animous look he had earlier, and I start to snap and ask why he's laughing. After he apologizes to me and wiped away a tear, he abruptly introduces himself as Adrien and asks for my name.

Hahaha, I'm sorry. Did I scare you? haha *wipes his tears* How rude of me. Hello, I'm Adrien. What's yours?"He asks with his captivating voice.

I alter my attitude to avoid making a terrible first impression on him. I give him a grouchy smile and introduce myself as Amilia. I reach out my arms to him. He takes hold of my hand, bows impeccably, and kisses it. I've never had a man kiss my hand before. I giggle, embarrassed by what had happened, and shake my hand free of his hold.

"I'm Emilia nice to meet you good sir" I followed it with a smile. As soon as I spoke my name, he kissed my hand.

*Gasp*I swung my hand back into my pocket.

As he offered to accompany me to work, there was an unexpected sense of comfort that washed over me, leading me to accept his offer without much hesitation. Even though the surroundings were far from ideal – the alley we were in was cloaked in somber shadows, neglect, and disrepair – there was a strange aura of trust that emanated from this man. It felt like an inexplicable connection had formed between us, paving the way for what could be the start of an unforeseen companionship.

Under the scarcely visible glow of the flickering streetlights, we began our journey through the desolate streets. His towering, well-built figure led the way, accompanied by the rhythmic swishing of his dark robe that seemed to glide gracefully around his ankles with every step he took. Though my view was largely obscured by the shadows, I found myself becoming increasingly entranced by the almost hypnotic movement of his attire.

As we moved further along the dimly lit path, navigating through the narrow passages and potholes, an odd sense of security began to wrap around me, instilling a feeling that I finally had someone reliable by my side, even if only temporarily. This ever-growing sense of safety, however, did little to alleviate the eerie atmosphere of the gloomy alley, which persisted in filling the air with a bone-chilling sense of solitude.

With each step we took, I felt a growing sense of security and familiarity being by his side. The alley that once seemed long and foreboding now felt less daunting.

"I see you've chosen this path. I'm sure you're in a hurry. Let me guide you through this alley," he offered, and I accepted.

(Who is this man and what is he planning)