
What do i know?

It is not a bad thing to do sometimes nothing and just relax. The sun is shining and the temperature is 25 °C (77 °F). I had enough stress the last three days so it feels nice to just sit here and relax. If i had a picnic planket i would take a nap. And so while doing nothing three hours passed. Now my mana is full and i can solve my language problem. "Let me know the language spoken here" i say. I can feel how all the mana leaves my body and on the same time a lot of knowledge is flowing into my brain. One minute later it still not stops and i get a headaches. Two minutes laer i'm on the verge of a collapse. Fortunately after two and a half minutes it stops. A strong headache is still there but with the stop it is getting better with every minute. I ley down and close my eyes in hope that it will be over soon. Slowly i open my eyes again i think i fall a sleep from the strain. Not the best place to take sleep but at least the headache is gone. I think it is time to get some Infomations about this world. The only question is how do i get this informations without looking suspicious. I need informations that normally only children not know. Simple basic informations like who is the ruler or the dangers of this world. If this town had a library this would be nice but i don't think that the chances are high for a library. First i must find someone who i can ask some questions. I have a good idea how i can ask without getting suspicious. I get going. Shortly after i arrive at my inn. "I would like to stay another night" i say to the man at the reception. "You stay in room number nine, right. This should not be a problem" he says. "I have another question. Where can i get informations" i ask. "Oh it depends on what informations you are searching but i think a good place would be the bookstore in town. If you can affort it" he says. "Thank you for the help" i say and step out. I walk around the town in search for a place with poor people. A short while later i find a place where the houses are in not so good shape than in the rest of the town. Here i can work on my idea. I take a silver coin out and ask the next poor looking child if he wants it. I wasn't waiting long before i spoted a boy who i could ask. "Hey boy do you want this coin" i ask. "Yes sir" he says. "You can have it if you answer my questions" i say. "Ok i try" he says. "Good than tell me whats your name" i say. "My name is Eli" he says. "Ok Eli first question in which country are we" i ask

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