
How to Change Your Fate

Rosetti Von Drich, accidentally died after being hit by a truck at the age of 20 and was reborn as Vanessa Aeger de Luna, Princess of the Moon Empire, who is also the younger sister of Giselle, the Heroine RPG game character that she loved so much in her previous life. Unfortunately Vanessa is said to have died at a young age to protect Giselle, the Heroine. "Oh God, why am I born again if I will die at a young age!" Rosetti who had become a princess named Vanessa could not help but have to struggle to change the fate of her death. 'I want to live long! So I will try not to go to school no matter what! '

Evil_Rain · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Baby Secret Plans

The days go by, and I'm still a baby

it is really boring when your old soul want to go anywhere but trapped in a baby body. I want to become a 5 year old kid so I can go wherever I want, except I will always be followed by the guardian kinght and that will make me even more annoyed. The fact that I am a princess makes me even more stressed, if the grim reaper did not take my soul for a wrong person. I can certainly work freely without anyone having to follow me everywhere, besides that I will also be free from other people's judgement about my daily life. Being a princess is not as beautiful as a child might imagine, that's too naive.

How boring this life as a baby.

Do I have to keep causing trouble so that I can be banished as I want? I don't want to kill people, it's just that making lots of small mistakes might still be tolerable, right? If I mess up, I will likely tarnish the reputation of Silver Moon, who is known for their grace and wisdom in the imperial society. Or should I stick with Giselle all the time so I can sneak out of the palace when the guards are not paying attention to me because they pay more attention to Giselle who is definitely a crown princess? Well whatever, this is my secret plan to escape from the fate as a princess.

You really are a stubborn baby, aren't you? Ha ha ha!'

The silver haired male figure appeared before me again. He smiled cheerfully like a child even though he was clearly an adult when he looked at his posture. If she had been a little more mature I would have appreciated her a little more.

'Who are you? And please don't keep surprising me with your presence that always appears suddenly, 'I replied while trying to put on an annoyed expression with my baby face.

Honestly, I was annoyed by its sudden appearance like a wind bursting through a window. Besides that, telepathy is also the only way to communicate with him, but it seems like telepathy is indeed the safest way of communicating with him because I also don't want to be mistaken as a freak for talking to myself with the air. Oh wait, please don't tell me that he heard my whole secret plans to escape from my bad fate (as you know i supposed to died in a young age again and that's unacceptable!) ?! Oh please no, let me become a commoner as i planned before.

Instead of feeling guilty, he burst out laughing. 'Me? Oh of course it's a secret! You will know for yourself when the time comes ~ And, yes, I know all your secret plans for escaping from your fate, little princess. '

Ah, so my bad feelings have come true. Like it or not, I have to learn to lock my mind ASAP if i want to keep my mind safe. He knows everything about me and I know nothing about him, it is totally unfair for me. I want to rampange at him for always being annoying. Or should i find his weakness so he wont tease me like how he usually do? But i'm not in a good potition to get angry at him, at least for now.

'Please don't tell anyone about my secret plan.'

The man laughed again as if I was a comfort clown. 'Of course, I also want to know how far you try to escape, it will look like fun.'

It sucks. I really want to pinch him, he growled. Unfortunately at this time I was a weak baby and not free to do anything. My eyes felt so hot with emotion.

"Hueeeee !!! Hueeee !!"

I can hear the sound of a baby crying. Oh God, that's my own cry. I didnt even plan to cry in front of that annoying creature. I'm pissed off, but why go through the tears !? Can babies only cry to communicate for real? Hungry? Crying, full diaper? Crying, bored? Crying, happy? Cry too.

'Uh uh ... don't cry, you make me want to cry too! I don't know what to do when the baby cries! '

Oh that nameless man looks panicked. His face looked like he wanted to cry and immediately left my bedroom. I love it. Now I found his weakness. Maybe the baby's cry will be effective in driving him away when I don't want to be disturbed at any time. The most perfect secret plan for now: cry! Now go away you unknown creature! Begone!

"Huuueeeee !!! Hueeeeeee!!! Hueeeee!!"

I purposely continued my crying in the loudest voice possible. He immediately changed his form back into a silver butterfly and left my bedroom. Good, what a perfect plan to get rid of him. I'm very satisfied with this plan. A maid immediately entered my bedroom and carried me to muffle my tears. While being carried, I thought of some of my plans to change my destiny as a princess.

Okay, here's my secret plan to change my own destiny:

1. Doing trouble continuously so that they will be immediately banish me and let me become a commoner.

2. Continue to stick to Giselle who is free to go to anywhere as she want so i will not to be suspected when looking for secret ways to escape from the castle.

3. Acting timid, cute, and docile in front of Emperror and became a cute daughter then i wjll ask if i can not to go to school.

4. If i really have to go to that 'cursed' school, try to avoid meeting the prince of the sun empire.

5. Refuse to learn any kind of magic lessons.

Additional Plans :

1. Cry as loud as possible when the annoying silver haired man teases me.

2. Watch out for Empress (because I don't want to die young)

Perfect Plans! But I still have to choose one plan to be done first. Plan number 1 is actually good, it's just that I feel sorry for the real Vanessa because she is a gentle girl. The safest possible plan is the second plan. Honestly I don't want to carry out plan number three, it's just in case if I really have no other way. Ugh! my head is dizzy, maybe I should just sleep!