
6 - A New Companion?

"Hey, do you believe in the supernatural..." asked the kid with a glazed look on her face. "What do you mea-" I shut my mouth as soon as I felt an unusual peace and serenity.

All the stress, the overthinking, the paranoia, all gone. I liked this calm, I appreciated not panicking for the first time in my life, I don't care about whatever happens as long as I can feel this tranquillity.

"Well, this calmness that you are feeling right the moment is...because of a spell I cast on you a moment ago." He said seriously, I could see in his eyes that he wasn't lying.

Wait what the hell is this kid talking about? Does he mean he did this to me? Is he the reason I feel so peaceful right now? How is this possible? Does magic actually exist?

A lot of similar questions popped into my head. If it was the usual me, I would've probably begun panicking, trying to find the answers to them, but now, frankly, I didn't really care, all I wanted is to appreciate this feeling I have and enjoy and this moment to its fullest.

The last time I felt this feeling in my childhood, my mom was hugging me whenever I was afraid or panicking, she just caressed my hair, and all my problems faded away.

I want this feeling to last forever, I don't wanna feel pain and anxiety just because I'm alive, I don't wanna be afraid of talking to people just because there is a small chance that they will sell me out, I don't wanna live without trusting a single soul.

I knew it wasn't possible to stay like this eternally, I knew that, but... but I hoped and wished I could.

Unawares, this feeling was cut off. All the negative feelings came back, all the uneasiness started returning making the peacefulness I felt that the moments before were nothing but a lie, a really beautiful lie but nevertheless it was still ...not true.

I started freaking out, remembering that this kid made me feel this calm by 'casting a spell', magic was real! Does that mean there are magicians in this world? Wait does this mean I helped this kid to translate a document about a summoning ritual?

Wait what was he going to summon? 'Jennis'? What are those? Are they like a magical race or some creatures of the dark? Are they evil? Is he gonna abuse their powers? Are they gonna kill him when he'll summon them because they would be enraged that a human dared to call them? Is he gonna kill me because of how much information I know? What is the limit of his power?

A lot of unsolved questions were running through my head. I tried to stop thinking about them, I really tried but I just couldn't. It was just impossible for me to control this strange mind of mine. It was just the way my brain worked. My nature.

A little bit after that, the kid opened his mouth and declared happily "This is Magic! Real MAGIC !!" I felt confused about how could he act so excited innocently when he was talking about such a terrifying thing.

As I was wondering, I felt someone's glancing at me, but it's probably was just my paranoia getting into me like always, so I didn't care about it.

Most importantly, I asked the kid in a low and shaking voice "Why did you tell me about the existence of such a thing..."

He asked confused "Did you not want to ?", I didn't know how to answer him, he looked dangerous, and I didn't wanna angry him, maybe he would just straight up kill me if I said the wrong thing.

So I said with a fake smile "No, I meant why me ?" I was afraid of what his answer would be, what kind of messed up reason would it be to make him reveal the existence of the supernatural to a stranger like me, I started trembling and shaking just by thinking about that!

"Ehh, because you seem trustworthy? I mean you helped me, a person you've never known or talked to, so I think you are a good person and I don't think you're gonna abuse your power, I mean I know how to judge people and you certainly didn't seem like an evil person." He said confused about the reason why I asked this question.

"Plus you are so knowledgeable about ancient languages, so I thought we would make a good team !" He stated nonchalantly.

My jaw dropped open. I was in a state of shock, my whole mind was in chaos. What the hell is this guy? Why is he so damn innocent? How could someone trust somebody with this kind of information so easily?

I asked him right away "What if you were wrong and I abused my powers? "

"I would kill you." He said without a second thought in a cold and heartless tone. I knew he wasn't kidding I felt so frightened and afraid. This guy was so damn treacherous and risky.

"But I know you aren't gonna do that! Even though I don't seem like it but I am one hell of an analyzer and I really know how to judge people!" He said so sure of himself.

His confidence was scary. If anyone had that level of confidence, he would've definitely been able to take over the world.

I gave up! I can't understand nor figure out how this kid's mentality. It was so unique and bizarre. So scary and so innocent, so carefree and so serious. He was full of controversies. His mind was the definition of chaos!

He was dangerous but still, I felt like I would have fun and will experience all kinds of unpredictable things just by being near him.

I already was anxious about everything, but, he was so sure of every decision. I thought that I wouldn't regret any decision no matter how wrong it seemed if I followed his path.

I knew how risky it was but still, this was my only opportunity to finally quit running and hiding. And I definitely won't let it slip.

So after making up my mind, I said so sure of myself, for the time in my life "Sure, I will be your partner, Achraf !" He looked so delighted and joyful and said "Yaaaay. I'm really glad you agreed. I promise you, Flavio!! You won't regret this decision! "

I replied while smiling "I know I won't".

Achraf is actually really weird if you think about it. I mean his reactions are definitely unique which made Flavio confused.

And I wrote this chapter from Flavio's point of view because his mind and process is too deep and weird, plus I wanted to convey to you the chaos in his mind to make you understand why he chose to accept and why he agreed to be Achraf's partner.

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