
How to be a light fury in Harry Potter

An ordinary person died after filling out a survey on internet and reborn in Harry Potter

Sybaris · Película
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11 Chs

Mrs. Lovegood

Sorry, I was supposed to post this chapter first


[Arthur, ten years old]

I can't wait to go to Hogwarts next year, the twins continue to Bother me with how magical and amazing a place Hogwarts is.


I can't help but sigh as I wait for me to turn eleven and begin my adventure.Now let's continue developing my mental barriers.

"Arthur! Luna is here!"May

I hear my mother calling from downstairs while I hear some small steps approaching.


"You can come in"Arthur


"Hi Arthur, Mum said it's time for her final test of her new spell!Isn't this wonderful!?"Luna

Luna said with a tone of excitement.

"Of course, this is wonderful"Arthur

"Let's go watch it, you were very interested in it, right?"Luna

"I would really like to come but unfortunately I am a little sick *cough*cough*…Sorry, but you have to go alone"Arthur

I said with some fake cough

"Well, I hope you recover soon"Luna

Luna said with disappointment.Then she left the room

It seems the time has come.The time where Luna's mother dies.

I made a plan to stop this.As far as I know, Mrs. Lovegood was supposed to die during one of her experiments, as she loved to experiment and create spells.

But one of the experiments went wrong and caused her death.

Now let's go.


[ Luna POV ]

I returned home after talking to Arthur. It's disappointing that he won't watch the experiment with me as he was always so excited about it. But that's okay, Mum said the patients should rest.


"Welcome back, my dear. But where is Arthur? Didn't you say he would come?"Pandora

"Unfortunately, he is ill so he cannot attend"Luna

"Oh, how unfortunate I wanted him to see my new spell"Pandora

"Well, that's okay, let's start now.My new spell is an evolution of the fire making spell (Incendio).

What makes this spell special is that the fire that comes out of it is unique.When fire catches its prey, it absorbs the magical power from it and uses it as fuel to grow stronger."Pandora

"Oh, that sounds scary"Luna

"Haha, don't worry, darling, I've calculated this hundreds of times. There's no way anything could go wrong"Pandora

I trust my mother's words, but I still have a bad feeling about this.

"So let's get started,The tree trunk there will be the target"Pandora

She said while pointing to a nearby tree trunk.

After making sure we were a safe distance from the trunk, she cast the spell.

[purpura Incendio]

A beautiful purple fire came out of its staff and struck the trunk, causing it to burn.

"What do you think dear?"Pandora

"It's amazing!!"Luna

"Oh that's good to hear"Pandora

Suddenly the shape of the fire appeared to be unsteady, and the fire began to spread in an alarming manner.

"Stay away, honey"Pandora

My mother used her wand to try to control the fire.She approached the fire slowly. Meanwhile, the fire continued to change color from red, then yellow, then blue, then purple, and then returned to red again.

Suddenly the fire began to become more furious and the colors began to change very quickly, showing signs of an approaching explosion.

"Go away, Luna!!"Pandora


An explosion occurred and my mother was swallowed up before my eyes.


When the smoke disappeared, I found what appeared to be a white cocoon instead of my mother's body.

The cocoon then opened to reveal that it was a pair of wings wrapped around my mother to form a cocoon for protection.

When the wings opened, I found my mother lying intact and what appeared to be a beautiful white winged lizard with bright blue eyes.

The lizard slowly approached me and Before I knew it, she was right in front of me.Look me in the eyes.

We stared at each other for a while until:


We heard a small scream and when we looked back we found my mother had woken up and looking at the lizard in surprise.

When the lizard saw her, she immediately ran into the forest. Before entering the forest, she stopped and took one last look at me, then continued running.

What a beautiful being

[ Arthur POV ]

After I ran into the forest, I turned around and returned to the village, then returned to my human form as if nothing had happened.

I had been planning to rescue Luna's mother for a while.

When Luna was nine, I regularly asked her about her mother's experiences. I went to her house several times. Her parents were nice, but they were really strange. Her mother is a little better than her father, but she is still a strange witch, and it seems that Luna inherited her curiosity from her.

My plan was to transform into a dragon and wait for signs of danger to appear, then appear immediately and protect them. Simple but effective.

The fire was very hot, but thanks to the fire-resistant dragon scales, I was not harmed.

When I successfully protected Luna's mother, I wanted to know Luna's reaction to seeing me.

In contrast to the frightened look that any normal child is supposed to show, I found curiosity and fascination in her eyes.

It's nice that everything went well. I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I let Luna's mother die like that.