
Chapter 1

Once in a land long forgotten there was a king. The king of witch I speak was a grate noble king the survered for many years, and his name was Sentina(sent-i-na).

(Sentina's head gard) Ser! Please wate! You can't just barge in.

(Sentina) If I need your opinion on whether or not I should see my wife thats giving birth, then I will ask for it.

(Sentina's head gard) Yes ser its just that

(sentina quickly throws open the large red wood door' s open and quickly walk's inside)

(Sentina) What room is it?

(Sentina's head gard) 3rd one on the right ser.

(Sentina) Thank you Yeramer(y-er-am-ee-r)

(Yeramer is the head gard)

(sentina and yeramer stand out side of a tall wooden door quietly)

(Yeramer) Im only doing my duty. Are you ready ser.

(Sentina) As much as I can be.

(Sentina takes a deep breath and opens the door)