
How the Stars bring us Together

A story originally set within a castle of the Medieval Era, though it's like paradise on Earth(and in slight ruins), the Zodiacs find themselves caught up in trouble when Ophiuchus starts to stir it. They seem to part ways, although the God of Stars seems to think otherwise. The lot are soon sent to recreate their relationships in modern times, whether this plan seems to play or not is another matter... Having already been reincarnated into the thirteen respective Zodiac signs, you can imagine how confusing yet another time period would be. To most of them, at least. A cautionary reminder that this book shall contain some graphic, mature scenes. Viewer discretion is advised. There is also alot of profound language, such as swearing.

markiee · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Chapter 12.

•Leo's POV•

•His Dream last night•

"You've got to be kidding me." I sighed, rubbimg my face as I stared around at the blank surrounding area.

A boy, maybe looking around 5'5 and seemingly 16, appeared. He had a blonde mop upon his head for hair, a mesomorphic figure and silver eyes.

He stared at me for a moment, before letting a grin be revealed, as he hopped over to me. I then noticed the white halo going around his head and the stars that left a trail from where he was previously.

"I'm Stellae, the God of Stars!" 'Stellae' had his hands behind his back as he leaned slightly forwards, his grin remained.

"I'm-" I started, although he cut me off by putting his index finger to my lips.

"I know who you are, that is why I've revealed myself to you. I'm warning you, that if you and the others don't rejoin together, there shall be a punishment." His grin was wiped off and replaced with a serious expression as his brows knitted together.

"..That would be a bad idea, considering barely any of us get alon-"

"Leo, listen to me. I chose you all for good reason, I hope you can understand why one day. Each of you have special abilities and obviously, different traits and personalities. I feel like, arguing is normal between best friends. If you all got along too well, it would get even more dangerous.." 'Stellae' continued staring at me, before he went on. He was walking around me, exaggerating his point. "Anywho.. You're all stronger when you are together. Being apart will only deteriorate each of your relationships further." He then stopped infront of me again, and leaned to me, grinning once more. "Also, a hint for the Snake Bearer, tell her more about your past, as I understand many of you have already done. She may begin to open up to you further."

The blank area then glowed, before my eyes flung open.

•Morning, around 10am•

"About bloody time you woke up!" Taurus said as he leaned over me, I blinked before rolling onto my side and almost choking on my spit in shock of seeing his face so early on.

"Were you watching me sleep?!" I looked back at him from over my shoulder.


"Yes, he was." Ophiuchus said, as she sat on a log not so far away, shaping a stick into a spear, using a rock.

"We did tell him it'd scare the life out of you, especially seeing a manlier face then yourself so early in the morning, at least.. Early for you." Virgo commented, I huffed.

"What time is it?" I groaned as I rubbed my head, still exhausted.

"It's ten in the morning." Taurus answered.

"Admittedly, Taurus was only up a couple of hours ago. Us two were already ready for the day by five." Ophiuchus said rather snarkily, although it was as if she was saying I was lazy compared to everyone else.

"Isn't saying that to the supposed Lion of the Zodiacs a bit unfair?" Virgo looked to the Snake Bearer with slight malice. Any chance to take a bite out of each other, eh?

Luckily, Ophiuchus just shrugged it off and continued to make a supposed spear. As Taurus and Virgo went to take a walk, I walked over to the log and sat beside her.

"Can I tell you about my past?" I decided to take the 'God of Stars'' advice. Though, I wasn't sure how trustworthy his love life was.

"I'd rather be staked. But go on, seeing as we have nothing better to do."

I took that as the greenlight to go ahead and start my story.

•Leo's past, when he was around six-years-old•

I found myself walking through a woods with my two sisters either side of me. My three brothers were at home, lazing about, while my other sister was studying medical stuff. I didn't understand any of it.

"Liam!" My sixteen-year-old sister, Alinna, cooed from beside me, as she revealed my favourite teddy. It was Lion-shaped.

I just stared at it, before I reached to grab it. She soon threw it to my other sister, Tina, who was thirteen. I quickly swerved around and went to grab it again. I did have the height and speed disadvantage here. We were near a cliff which led down to a river, and we were just 'playing' beside it.

"Gimme, gimme! Mine!" I reached out to Alinna, who now had it. She simply sneered at me.

"Mother isn't here to save you now, is she?" Alinna shoved me back, as Tina simply watched. Alinna was always the fiesty, aggressive type while Tina was quiet and normally conserved. Although she didn't want to tease me, Tina knew it'd only get Alinna more agitated with her.

My naturally violent sister then continued to shove me closer to the edge until I stumbled and fell right next to it.

"W-w-wait!" I cried, shaking my head frantically.

"Liam, it's either you or the teddy." She continued to sneer at me, before she spat in my tear-struck face.

"T.. Tina.." I pleaded quietly, my eyes begging her to stop this madness. Tina simply looked away with her arms folded, not wanting to get involved.

"Don't make me repeat myself, crybaby." Alinna hissed, as she grabbed my shoulder and forced me onto my back as my head was already over the cliff. I shrieked as I saw how far it went down.

"SAVE LEO!" I cried, speaking of my Lion-shaped, bestfriend teddy. Alinna stared at me with hesitation, clearly shocked by my answer.

"Do you have no pride?!" She screamed in my face, before slapping me.

"Save him.. Save him.." I just continued repeating, not fully understanding the situation, I genuinely thought it was a game until Alinna grabbed me by my feet and tossed me over the edge. I heard Tina scream, as I slowly drifted through the air and further towards the river below. I was done for.

I landed, although I didn't hear the splash, nor feel the water rushing past me. Instead, I felt a stabbing pain through my torso, before I was out cold.

•The present•

"Dead, some might say." I finished, as I looked over at Ophiuchus. She had teary eyes, though she soon looked away and wiped them.

"Sounds.." She sniffled, subtly, although due to my Lion-like enhanced senses, I heard it. "Drastic." She finished, looking back at me. Her eyes were slightly red, though I didn't comment. I simply smiled softly and nodded, as I slowly lifted my shirt up to reveal a huge scar going through my back and all the way into my stomach. "Both sides, huh.." Ophiuchus commented, almost sounding impressed.

"It wasn't painful at all, it lasted about five seconds before it went black and now.. Here I am." I smiled again, despite my dreadful tale.

"What a sad, sad story." Virgo sighed, as she was stood behind us, with Taurus. I quickly got up and spun around.

"You were both there the whole time?!" I was shocked, and rather disturbed by this sort of stalker-vibe.

"I'm surprised you hadn't noticed us with your.. Super great Lion-hearing." She smirked, although I could see the pity within her eyes. I simply sighed and walked behind a tree. I sat there for a while, before I felt water running down my cheeks. It was difficult to prevent the tears, despite how many times I've thought about the past.. They always come sooner or later.

•The past, when Leo had his birthday at six-years-old•

I looked at the Lion-shaped teddy that mother had got me today. I didn't know why, how was today special compared to others? I continued to lay on my bed in silence, just staring at the teddy, before a warm, beaming smile soared across my face.

One of my brothers, Timothy, at the age of twenty-five(my eldest brother), lumbered in. He had his hands in his pockets as he sat on the edge of my bed.

"It suits you." He gave me a warm smile, referring to the teddy.

"..How?" I stared at Timothy, confused.

"You're very kind-hearted, selfless, loyal and strong. I know you'd be a great leader.. There are just many bad people out there who will doubt and manipulate you. You need to be careful." It was as if he had insight upon the future, upon my death. I didn't understand why he was telling me this now, until I was laying down with a rocky spike through my back and belly. It was a shame I had only just realised then, I didn't even get to thank him for such wise words..

Once he had told me this, I only nodded, still dumbfounded. I didn't really understand anything he said until now.

"Happy birthday, anyways, Lee-Lee." Timothy continued smiling as he squeezed my knee and walked back out.

The next day, I found myself eating breakfast while Alinna just continued watching me.

I was the youngest of the litter, and it seemed I was always the bullied one. The runt, some would say.

"Hey, Liam. How about you go and eat on the floor like the animal you are." She continued glaring at me from across the table.

"Isn't that a bit much?" Rufus commented, one of my brothers, he was fifteen.

"Shut it." She hissed at him, which did silence him.

Our parents were out on a trip, they left early in the morning and just about celebrated my.. Birthday..? yesterday.

"While I'm the eldest," Timothy started, now glancing between us from the end of the long table. "I'll have no arguing nor attacks upon Liam. Anyone who wishes to go against our little brother, will face me first." He was the kindest of them all, always the one to defend me. Yet again, I didn't have chance to thank him for his kindness, either.

"Tch, whatever." Alinna huffed as she looked at her food and began picking at it. I sighed in relief as I quickly gobbled up my porridge.

Timothy laughed quietly, looking back at his own food.

"Can you not be so loud?" Tyson asked me from next to Alinna, opposite. He was the last of my brothers and the second youngest at thirteen.

I simply stared at him as I slowly continued eating.

Rose, my eldest sister at twenty bursted in through the large doors. She was the one studying for medical stuff.

She sat down beside me and began eating her own food while reading a book.

I began poking her arm, as she just glanced at me and nodded. I sighed at her anti-social behaviour and just continued eating.

Three months later and our parents had returned, to bad news.

I heard sobbing in the living room from my bed, so I slid out of it and went to check.

"Mummy? Daddy? What's wrong?" I stood in the open doorway, as light from the fireplace shone from it, the only light still visible in the house.

My mother walked over to me and sat on her heels, as she cupped my small face in her hands. "Don't cry, Sweetie," She still had tears and snot dribbling from her face. "But your.. Older brother..-" She bursted into more tears as my father slowly walked forwards and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Timothy won't be with us much longer." He finished for her, and that was when my heart sunk and I still didn't understand the meaning of it.

"He's going to leave the house..?" I squeaked, my eyes tearing up slightly as my father shook his head slowly.

"He's going to die."

Another few weeks later, and that's exactly what happened. He had a special illness, that was untreatable at the time.. It also led to Alinna having an opening to me, as none of my other siblings were so caring compared to Timothy.. No where near..

My parents had another trip to go to, despite their pain and suffering, they had left for another few months. That was when I was sacrificed to the Gods, led to the cliff, and fell into the abyss of the mouth of sudden death.