
Chapter 1

Arya lifted up the knife and brought it back down again with a swing. The think of the steel blade hitting the table caused her cousin to look up from his book.

"Arya, will you ever be able to chop an onion without hurting the table?" Arya looked up from trying to tug the knife out of the newly made gap in the table.

"I don't understand how your mom can cut onions so easily. It's impossible to cut into it and when you do you can't even look at it without crying." Darion, Aryas cousin, laughed and went over to the table, taking the knife in his hand and slicing down on the white ball that sat upon the cutting board.

"Huh," Arya said, "I suppose you can do it because you have had years to master your skill."

Darion raised his eyebrows, "skill? More like normal and average ability."

Arya glared at him for a bit and then decided she had better things to do and traveled to the market.

Once there she sought out a shady looking stall with black cloth hanging around the rotting wooden supports.

Inside the stall was the most beautiful women you have ever seen. Although you wouldn't know it because her face was hidden in a black shall that matched the outside of the stall.

"Hello aunt Agatha!" The women looked up as Arya called out her name.

"Hello Arya, what are you doing here," she said in an undertone voice, barely audible above the shouts and cheers off the market, "I told you not to come here when my boss was here!"

Just then Arya felt a soft weight touch her shoulder. When she turned around she saw a looming shape as big as a mountain and as their shape vended over Arya saw the many grotesque teeth and the three yellow eyes that made up the monsters face.

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