

Grey's POV 

As my imposing bodyguards swung open the massive conference room doors, I strode in with the air of a king entering his court. The entire room, filled with my executive team, rose to their feet to welcome me, the indomitable Grey Wang. As I took my seat and leisurely began to unbutton my perfectly thousand dollars suit jacket, they followed suit.

I am Grey Wang, the indomitable CEO of Wang's Empire, and in my world, punctuality was not just a virtue – it was an absolute necessity. I demanded precision, excellence, and commitment .There was no room for error, and no excuses would ever be entertained. The clock in my mind was even more ruthless than the one hanging on the wall.

With a commanding gesture, I beckoned for the meeting to begin. To my astonishment, they all sat there, poised and ready.

But then, m y crafted facade began to crack. My Personal Assistant,Blue, approached with a troubled expression and whispered something that sent shivers down my spine – my secretary, Jessica,responsible for the flawless orchestration of my meetings, was absent.

My patience, already razor-thin, wore even thinner as I checked my watch, each passing second stretching into an agonizing eternity. The silence in the room grew louder. It felt as if time itself was mocking my authority.

Five minutes turned into ten, then fifteen. I watched helplessly as Mr. Joe, the CEO of JOE Hotels, excused himself, citing other pressing meetings. I was not only embarrassed but seething with anger. What on earth could have possessed Jessica to be late on this pivotal day?

Finally, the massive doors swung open, and in burst Jessica – out of breath, and looking as if a tornado had just swept through her life.

"Jessica, you're late. Do you have any idea how crucial this meeting is?" I snapped, my irritation evident in my stern tone.

Her eyes, brimming with anxiety, met mine. "I'm so sorry, Mr Wang," she stammered. "I had really painful menstrual cramps this morning, and I couldn't even walk. It was unbearable, sir. I couldn't make it in time."

But before she could utter another word, I turned to my Assistant. "She needs to rest," I declared, a steely determination in my voice.

A smile flickered across her face, understanding the unspoken message.

"As of this moment, consider it her permanent rest," I declared. "Get me a new secretary by tomorrow."

And with those final words, I rose from my seat, a whirlwind of frustration as I stormed out of the conference room. The partnership contract with JOE Hotels, worth over 600 million, had been lost, and it was a bitter pill to swallow.

As I briskly made my way through the grand lobby of the hotel, I couldn't help but overhear her desperate plea as she tried to follow me. However, my bodyguards acted as an impenetrable fortress, preventing any unauthorized access.

It was the time for my customary inspection of the workers, a practice that sent a clear message to my employees – I demanded perfection, and nothing less. My sweeping gaze scanned the surroundings of my hotel, which had become the epitome of luxury and opulence in Shenzhen,China .

Wang's Empire was more than just a hotel; it was a realm of sophistication. It encompassed a thriving fashion line, a beauty section, and even a mini-restaurant and a VVIP lounge. Every detail was under my watchful eye, and the reputation of my empire was a reflection of my uncompromising standards.

Accompanied by my faithful assistant and flanked by bodyguards, I strolled through the hallways, an emperor surveying his kingdom. As we reached the restaurant, the savory aroma of fine cuisine filled the air, and the clinking of dishes and cutlery played like a sweet symphony in the background.

The chefs, in their pristine white attire, stood in a neat row, their eyes expectant, their faces reflecting a combination of awe and anxiety as they awaited my arrival. Each one gestured to welcome me, a display of respect that had been drilled into them.

But one chef, a young lady, appeared more nervous than the others. I couldn't resist the urge to test her mettle. With an air of authority, I approached her, and my gloved hand brushed delicately across her cheek, where a stray speck of food had landed. The young lady's eyes widened in shock, her anxiety unmistakable.

I turned to my trusted assistant, a look of discontent written across my face. "Fire her," I declared, my tone firm and unwavering. It was a decree, an example to remind my staff that there was no room for nervousness and eating on duty in Wang's Empire.

And with that, we walked back out, leaving the shaken young chef behind. In the world I had crafted, only perfection would suffice, and those who couldn't meet that standard were swiftly cast aside.

After I had made my swift exit from the restaurant's kitchen, I returned to my office. The day was far from over, and there were decisions to be made, contracts to sign, and deals to close. My empire never rested, and I was the relentless driving force behind it.

As I settled into the leather chair behind my organized desk, my phone rang, interrupting the impending tasks at hand. I glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was my mother calling. With a sigh, I picked up the call and answered.

"Hello, Mom," I greeted her, keeping my voice cool and composed.

There was no exchange of pleasantries, no small talk. My mother dived straight into her purpose for calling. "Grey, do you have any idea how long your blind date waited for you? Over an hour! You've got to be more considerate. I've been trying so hard to find the perfect, wealthy girl for you, and you just drive them away."

I listened to her scolding, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes, though she couldn't see it through the phone. My mother had been on a mission for years to marry me off to someone who could "tame" me and bring some balance to my life. But she had yet to understand that my empire was my true love, and my work was my priority.

"Mother, you know very well that my work comes first," I responded, my tone firm. "I'm not interested in getting married. I have a business to run, and that's where my focus is."

Her voice bristled with frustration on the other end. "Grey, you can't just spend your life married to your work. I want a daughter-in-law, a family. When are you going to give me that?"

My mother's words were laced with exasperation, but I remained steadfast. "I can't promise you a daughter-in-law, Mother. I've made my choices, and they revolve around my career. I won't be distracted from my goals."

The conversation continued with her trying to persuade me, and me stubbornly sticking to my stance. It was a battle that had played out many times before, and one that showed no sign of resolution.Marriage and family were simply not part of my grand plan.

After ending the call with my persistent mother, I returned my focus to the work before me. The stack of contracts and reports seemed endless, and I was ready to delve into them.

Just as I was about to open the first file, a soft, knock on the office door startled me. I glanced in the direction of the sound, my gaze locking onto the ornate, heavy door. In my world, interruptions were unwelcome, and anyone who dared to knock on that door was undoubtedly aware of the risk they were taking.

"Come in," I declared, my voice crisp and to the point, bracing for the intrusion. My gaze remained fixed on the door, awaiting the visitor.

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