

Months went by as she continued to blame herself for the constant neglect and emotional abuse. When she turned 20 years old Ann met a young man named Malik , Malik was everything that Ann dreamed about. He made her feel bubbly, and secure. Like the type of feeling that you would get when you'll see your "high school crush in the hallway at school". They both knew that they loved each other , from the moment they laid eyes on one another. Malik tried silly things to get Ann's attention. Like suggesting that Ann should come over and braid his hair, or to put a simple puzzle together. She didn't want to seem too eager to respond, Although the feelings that she felt for him were undeniable. Not exactly knowing where things would lead. Ann nervously agreed and waited for his response. Further on along the way Everything started to get more serious over the next few months.

The two of them started planning their lives together. No matter if it was as simple as living in an apartment or having a nice house on a beach, with the summer time breeze. They knew no matter where they'd end up they'll always have each other. The both of them had big dreams.

But they also had two different outlooks on life. One wanted to achieve their goals. No matter who they've hurt in the process to accomplish it…. And the other just wanted to be loved without the feeling of being a pest or begging for something as simple as a response. Unknowingly the selfishness of malik started turning Ann's heart sour and bitter. She tried holding on to the good memories that she shared with him. Yet the feeling of hopeless romantics started weighing on her chest. Ann tried talking to her friend Lexi about the situation. But she didn't give any good advice either. All she suggested was that "Ann should move on with someone else and forget about Malik". Even though it all sounded so good. Ann just knew where her heart resides and there was no coming back from it. She knew that she loved Malik beyond any comparison. So Ann tried once more to contact a dear friend and ask for help. This time Ann reached out to Brenda, Ann knew Brenda for approximately 2years and she always knew exactly what to say. Since she had been in this position before herself. So she knew exactly what to tell Ann.

"Follow your heart , and not your mind. For your mind wants the easy way out, But your heart? Your heart will put up a fight no matter how many times you've been in a situation before. Your heart always knows best". Brenda sighed to Ann, this gave Ann the slightest bit of hope. Although she was so ready to give up Ann tried once more to win over maliks heart. Yet this time everything felt so different. Ann let everything settle with the relationship for a few days with no contact with Malik what so ever. Until Ann bumped into malik at work. Ann was so certain that she was so over Malik since she hasn't thought about him in days. That she didn't realize that the moment that she saw him again all of these emotions started fluttering and rising inside of her. Ann nervously waiting for her first love to contact her, she tried everything to keep herself from looking emotionally vulnerable. Even though she had so many questions and so many reasons as to why she didn't want to be with him anymore. As she patiently waited. Ann noticed Malik seemed as if he didn't have a care in the world. Although Ann knew this was all a front. She knew that deep down Malik loved her very much, and wanted to reach out to her. But his pride kept getting in the way. He also feels the same as Ann. Ann and Malik both want to love each other past their limits. Yet both of them want to be equally happy. As weeks went by, Ann found out that she was pregnant but didn't know how to tell Malik since she had always miscarried. This little bundle of joy made her so happy that she didn't want to share it with no one. Her intentions were to keep the baby a secret. And to tell anyone whom asked her about the baby. That She had a miscarriage so no one would ruin her blessing. Ann knew unfortunately this would make her look bitter and selfish. Although she didn't care how she would've been viewed. If it meant that she could keep herself stress free, And sane until her little one was born. It all sounded good until she actually had a miscarriage. From the constant stress of her relationship with the child's father. Down to her own mishaps. Ann's anger and rage grew ten times more than she expected. "All i have ever wanted was a family of my own, a place to call home and a family that loves me". Ann thought to herself. But every time she even gets close to having something of her own. It crumbles to pieces.... She cried for hours and even sometimes all night. But no one could hear or see her pain. "I'm lonely in a world full of people that (loves)me". Ann said to herself. She felt like the pain would never end.

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