

— ???POV —

I never expected this day to turn out like this.

I have a secret that not many if any except that bald woman and King Odin knows about...

I am not from this world.

I came from a planet which does not have a name.

It wasn't because my planet was a backward planet, rather it couldn't be far from the truth as it was vastly advanced in technology compared to Earth.

My planet didn't have a name, because naming our planet would be like going against the order of our Queen. And yes, we had a Queen.

On our planet, we were under the rule of a Queen. The strongest warrior that this universe has ever seen.

Our queen, she had many achievements under her name but the most astonishing one was...

She was one of the few in existence who got the privilege to see the 'Creator Of All'.

'The One Above All'.

That's what we used to call our 'creator'. Our Queen was the one who told us about him. She told us that 'he' was the one that gave life to all there is and 'he' was the one to create us too.

I am not being sexist by calling him a 'He' as he really was a man. At least he was in the form of a man when he met our Queen.

Our Queen told us so, and hearing it from the mouth of our queen who was infamous for despising every male in existence, was proof enough for us to believe him to be a male.


We were a race of Empaths...

We had the ability to perceive the mental or emotional state of any individual. It was the most common and hereditary trait among our people, but that was not all.

We had other abilities such as telekinesis, clairvoyance, telepathy and Dream manipulation (Even though no one dreamt on our planet) with so much more.

We all had the so called superpowers that this world describes our traits as, but they still vastly varied from person to person.

Those who were strong in telekinesis were weak in clairvoyance and telepathy, and vice versa...

Everyone's skill varied. Some were strong and some were weak.

And then there was her. Our queen.

The strongest of us all. She was on a completely different level than all our race combined.

The power to move planets with her telekinesis? She was able to do it.

The power to communicate with the entire Planet and conversing with someone who is worlds apart through her telepathy? Easy peasy lemon squeazy.

The ability to learn about anything with a single touch including the history and future of the object or person she touched through her clairvoyance? She could do it without breaking a sweat.

All these overwhelming feats were like a child's play to her.

These were not even her strongest feats...

She could play with people's minds on a whole different level.

Making someone forget about his name to someone even forgetting about his existence was just a simple portion of what she could do with her power.

We all saw what she was capable of and believe me....

It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

Many from outside our planet, challenged her in the hopes of sitting on her throne but lost. They lost because of a simple weakness they all shared. The weakness of having to breathe.

They all need to breathe to survive, but how will they survive if they forget how to breathe in the first place? Get the picture? I guess you did.

She also destroyed the memories of trespassers that came to our land and made them forget about our planet's existence which led to nobody knowing that we existed in the first place(which changed after I came to this planet).

Sometimes, I think that even most of my memories of her are also forged by her.

That's how powerful she was. That's how terrifying she was! That's why, we were scared of her.

She was not tyrannical per se.

But she was strong and we were scared to approach her because of her enormous power and cold personality.

But It all changed after the arrival of a certain someone.

It changed after 'he' crashed onto our lands.

A trespasser Stronger than any that we have ever seen.

The Man with the most terrifying aura after the Queen herself!

He was different from us, he was special.

Yes, we all had powers which might seem very special in human eyes, but, except for our queen...

Nobody among us could move and destroy planets without breaking a sweat. Nobody among us could shoot lasers from their eyes which was hot enough to melt our entire Planet.

We also had the ability to fly, yes.

But no one among us was as fast as him.

He was so fast that he could travel our entire planet before any of us could blink and 'Mind You'.

Our planet was 3 times the size of the Earth.

He was just beyond everything we all could imagine...

What do human beings call it?

A God, yes, a God....

He was like a God to us.

Even our Queen, being as strong as she was, couldn't keep track of him.

She was strong, Yes. But when it comes to things like speed and physical strength, she was no better than a normal girl.

Maybe that was the reason she fancied him...

He was the only man except The Creator she could respect...

He was an abnormality to her. Not because of his strength but because he was not afraid of her...

It was not because he was arrogant enough to think that he could beat her, No. Even with his strength our queen could kill him, and even he knew that but...

On asking why he was so carefree around her, the answer he gave us left us all stunned.

He said that he was not afraid of her because he considered her a Friend.

A friend he said...

What a weird man he was.

He was also unbelievably naive.

Trusting others without a second thought was one of his 'specialties' as he trusted our queen with his life after only knowing her for 2 days.

He also foolishly jumped in to save the Queen from many futile assassination attempts at her life that were bound to fail even if he didn't help...

But he still did.

He knew she was strong enough to protect herself but he still jumped in to save her because he didn't want them to accidentally hurt her...

He was not underestimating the Queen, we all knew that.

It was very well shown in his emotions to us as well as the Queen that he was not scared for her rather...

He was Angry-No. He was Furious.

He was Furious at the assassins for trying to hurt the Queen.

Why was he furious about that? No one knew....

But we all knew one thing that surprised all of us.

He was making our Queen smile at his actions.

How do I know all of this you ask? It is simple really.

Our minds were connected with the Queen and we were feeling the emotions that she was feeling.

They were not as strong as she was feeling them herself, but they were still strong enough for us to know that.....

Our Queen was falling in love with him.

But her love wasn't successful, at least not completely.

Before it could become successful, that trespasser's enemy came....

And he destroyed our Planet!

I was a unique one even among our race, as I had many unique skills like stealth, age regression, face changing and many more..

But the one that saved my life was 'Precognition'.

I had a vision..

On that vision, I saw a man with scars on his face destroying our world and massacring our entire race but that wasn't what scared me the most...

It was that there was no sign of our Queen and her 'Friend'.

They abandoned us in my vision..

I wanted to tell everyone about it but I couldn't, and how could I? I never told anyone that I was a 'unique' after all.

It was a secret as it helped me win many competitions that were held in our world.

And now that came to bite me in my ass.

If I were to tell anyone, I was sure to be sent to jail before those events could even happen and I wouldn't be able to stop anything...

Which led me to escape my home Planet.

I was scared. I wanted to live.

I knew that our Queen and her 'Lover boy' were going to abandon us and I didn't want to die or more like....I couldn't let myself die.

It was because there was something else I saw in my vision.

It was a vision of someone whose emotion I couldn't feel properly but–

It was downright Terrifying.

Way more Terrifying than the trespasser's 'Godly' strength.

Even more Terrifying than Our Queen's Powers herself.

It was not aimed at me but the one it was aiming at was crying and begging for mercy...

But he was not getting any.

The reason I left my planet, was because I saw this man and found him to be from an unfamiliar planet. I knew...If there is someone who could avenge my race...

Then it would be him.

I didn't know who he was or which Planet he was from but I had a lead, because...

I was able to identify his race from my vision.

He was a Kryptonian.

Just like the so-called 'Tresspasser'...

To meet him I searched for his coordinates for more than 200 years and I was finally able to find them...

In a backward planet called Earth.

I was surprised he was not born yet.

Our planet was destroyed after five years of me leaving that place, and I wanted revenge!

I could have done anything to get revenge against the person who killed my race!

And so I did.

I took shelter in this world by altering the memories of a Couple who were raising a child in the mountains all by themselves.

I changed their memories to think of me as their son and they raised me like one.

I wasn't particularly attached to them but the same couldn't be said about their daughter...

Sasha. My sister, and my Little Niece's mother.

I didn't want to get attached to anyone in this world but I guess I did and it led to me seeing the wrong in my ways...

I was wrong in manipulating her into thinking that I was her brother. I was wrong in manipulating her-No, 'our' parents into thinking that I was their child.

And most of all...

I was wrong in abandoning my home planet and running away.

I panicked and blamed it all on my Queen and The Kryptonian without even knowing the reason why they were not present in my vision...

I should have tried to know why they did that.

There may have been some sort of delay on their arrival or anything for that matter..

But I guess they wanted to assure 'his' survival first before engaging in a losing battle..

They wanted to protect him. Their Son.

The kid standing in front of me looking sad is definitely their offspring.

I don't know the whole story but I know this kid is half Kryptonian and half....us.

He is one of my own. The last of our people.

He is our King.

I was scared after seeing him so close to Annie, because he felt like our Queen as he has her face and her eyes (the same eyes that change colour depending on their emotion).

The Queen still scares me huh?

He also has the overwhelming power that his Father used to have but it is nothing in comparison to the trespasser's strength, at least not yet.

I know he will be FAR stronger than both of his parents...

Because he is the person I saw in my vision.

This child will avenge us...

He will avenge his Parents, his home planet and his people!

He will do it because he is our King! He is our last Hope!


I knew that I still wanted revenge but damn...

I really am a pathetic person aren't I?

He is just a kid right now damnit.

A kid who is most probably hurt because I showed him my scared expression.

He is like his mother in that regard too huh?

She was also hurt when we showed fear in her presence but she was able to hide it well because of her amazing control of her emotions...

I shouldn't have done that.

I am not going to use him for petty revenge.

I have things that are more important to me than revenge right now *looks at Annie*

I guess I can understand why The Queen and King abandoned us huh? *looks at the kid and smiles*

They wanted to save him..

They needed to save him!

They knew the consequences of doing that but they still did it anyway because they loved their kid...

I don't know where they are right now but their legacy is safe...

And I am going to keep it that way.

I am not going to burden him with our cause. He can do whatever he wants—

Wait a minute.

I didn't think about it at first because I was surprised(and scared) but—

Why is he here!?

And why is Annie glaring at me!? [Definitely not because you made MC cry]

What the hell is going on!?