
Homophobic (I hate gays but I don't hate you)

After being sexually assaulted by gay guys at a young age, Alberto Rodriguez developed a huge phobia for gays.. He depises them and doesn't want anything to do with them... he has a best friend, Fernando Sanchez, whom he cares for so much... What will happen when Alberto finds out that his best friend was actually gay?... Will Alberto end their 5 years friendship just because he's homophobic?... stay tuned to find out P.S. This is a BL novel; boyxboy .. if you don't like this kind of novel, I'd advise you to not read it..

Anthonia_Charles · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Chapter four

~~~~~~~~Alberto POV~~~~~~~

Fernando and I made our way into the cafeteria.. We went to our favourite table as I took my seat "wait here, I'll go grab us our lunch" Fernando said "Aight cool" I nodded as he left to get our lunch.. As soon as he left, My mind drifted back to class; fernan was acting weird in class today, why was he stealing glances at me?.. I noticed but I chose to ignore, not until I caught him staring at my lips and gulped!!... I hope it's not what I'm thinking... What if Fernando is... No it can't be!. Fernando is straight. We've been best friends for 5 yrs.. Fernando can't be gay. I'm just imagining things.. I must be outta my mind.. I shook my head, jolting out of my thoughts when suddenly, Fernando appeared with our lunch "Here" he handed me my lunch, which is a hamburger and a bottle of coke. He took his seat and started eating his, which was the same thing he got for me.. We ate in silence, until I decided to speak up " yo nando, why were you stealing glances at me in class today?" He choked a little and looked at me surprised "y..you noticed?" I smirked "of course I did.. the way you stared at me... More like you were checking me out" I arched an eyebrow, staring at him, waiting for a reply.. He stared at me, unable to say a word.. I smirked "ah! I was right.. you WERE checking me out" he finally spoke up "nah man, you got it all wrong" he chuckled nervously "you see, I wasn't staring at you.. I was staring at the guy beside you" I arched an eyebrow "really?" "Yeah, h..he was checking you out with lust in his eyes.. I glared hard at him, telling him to back off" he said chuckling nervously.. I said nothing.. I just stared back at him.. I knew Fernando was lying but I just agreed to what he just said because I know he's getting uncomfortable having this conversation with me.. I decided to change the topic "So.. we have history class next right?" I asked as I took another bite of my burger "umm.. yeah we do" he replied calmly. I sighed "You know, history is kinda boring" he chuckled "yeah I know, but it ain't that bad tho.. I mean, we get to know stuffs that happened before we were even born" I nodded "yeah you're right tho".. Just then, a guy walked up to our table "H..hey Alberto" I looked up and stared at him.. hmm.. he's kinda cute tho "Can I help you?" I asked and he f*cking blushed "I.. I just wanted to know if you.. got my.. letter" he stuttered and blushed the more.. "letter?.. what lett.." I suddenly remembered the letter I found in my locker this morning.. I suddenly felt disgusted.. I stood up and walked real close to him, our face were just inches apart "you're Carlos right?" I asked and he stuttered "y..yes I'm Carlos" I smirked "Now listen and listen carefully, we are never gonna be a thing, you hear me?.. Never!.. and you know why?, It's because I hate fags like you .. I'm disgusted by your kind and I don't want anything to do with you fags.. Fags like you disgusts me alot" I shifted back and stared at him.. He was already crying "you're so mean!" he yelled and ran out of the cafeteria in tears.. I sighed and looked around, everyone was staring, witnessing what just happened, some even took video of everything.. But I don't care tho, I sighed deeply and suddenly the bell rang, indicating that lunchtime was over, Everyone started to leave... I turned to Fernando "fernan, let's go to class" He nodded and stood up, walking towards me "aight let's go" he said as we left the cafeteria and headed to class....


We entered the classroom and took our seats.. Mr Peter, our history teacher suddenly walked in and headed towards his desk and faced us "Good day class, today we'll be talking about the history of many countries... First, let's talk about China" I sighed and sank down in my chair, already bored *skip skip skip* *School bell rings* "ok class, that's all for today.. but before I leave, I have an assignment for all of you... But this assignment will require two people to work as a team... I'll call out the team's name and tell you what assignment you'll be doing".. I sat upright and stared, waiting to hear the people he's gonna pair up "ok, Evan and steve, your assignment is to write about the history of Japan... Tony and ken, yours is the history of Korea".. he kept pairing until it was my turn "Alberto" I looked up, hoping and praying silently that he won't pair me up with some fag "You and Fernando are to write about the history of Africa" I sighed in relief and nodded "ok sir" "Good.. you guys are to submit the assignment tomorrow.. I'll be expecting a really good history report from all of you.. Take care guys"He said as he left the class and so did my classmates... Suddenly Fernando jumped and hugged me, smiling widely "Wow we got paired!! Awesome!!" I chuckled "yeah I guess so" "I'm coming over to your house, we're doing the assignment at your house" fernan said grinning, I nodded "fine by me" Fernan grabbed my hand "ok then, let's go" I nodded as we started walking in the hallway.. then I remembered, I have a job! But I have an assignment due tomorrow.. what to do?.. I thought and finally had an idea "umm fernan.. you go on ahead, I need to make an important call" fernan groaned "no!.. you make the call when we reach home.. I've missed mama so much and I really want to see her" he whined like a baby and I chuckled "stop acting like a baby and go home, I'll come home when I'm done" Fernan pouted and nod "ok, but don't be late.. remember we have a lot of work to do" I chuckled "yeah I know.. I promise, I'll come home when I'm done" fernan nodded, turned and started walked out the gate. I sighed and brought out my phone and started dialling one of my co-worker's number while walking inside the hallway, unaware of where I was heading to.. Before I knew it, I was in the school garden.. hmm.. when did I get here?.. I turned to leave but stopped when I heard sniffling sounds.. is someone here? .. why is the person crying?.. I turned and started following the sound until I got to the wisteria tree.. I looked behind and saw that guy.. what's his name?.. ah Carlos!.. sitting on the ground crying his eyes out.. I wanted to leave but I couldn't.. I was feeling bad for him tho.. He noticed my presence and looked up "W.. what are you d..doing here?.. haven't you embarassed me enough?!" He yelled as more tears fell from his eyes.. I sighed as I started to feel guilty.. I pushed away every thought about him being gay and squatted beside him "look, I'm sorry ok!.. sorry for hurting your feelings but you need to know that we can never work out.. we're two different people that can't be together" he said nothing as more tears fell from his eyes.. I sighed, turned and sighted a pretty flower.. I strechted my hand and grabbed the flower and faced Carlos "look carlos, you need to stop crying... You're a really good looking guy with awesome personality and any guy would be lucky to date you" I gave him the flower "consider this as the start a new friendship" he collected the flower and stared at me "y.. you're not disgusted by me anymore?" I smiled "of course not... We're friends now" that was a lie.. I'm still pretty disgusted but I'm not heartless yunno .. He suddenly jumped on my body, hugging me tight "Thank you" he said sniffling... I swallowed my disgust and patted his back "it's ok.." he broke the hug.. I stood up and strechted out my hand "come.. let's leave before we get locked up in the school" he nodded and took my hand.. I pulled him up and we walked out of the garden; out of the school building "alright I'll be going now.. take care of yourself" I said as he nodded and smiled "I will.. bye Alberto" he waved and started walking to his house... I sighed and started walking home too, having that strong feeling that I'm forgetting something...