
Hollywood Relife

Reincarnated back in time as the son of a now deceased businessman, you now have the chance to do what you always wanted to do. Make money, make movies and enjoy life. But all is not black and white(maybe it is) as you don't know anything about Hollywood and have to start as a newbie. But you have done things like this before and can also do it again. Who knows, maybe you will even get an Oscar or a hot actress as your girlfriend? Anything can happen. AN: I am currently rewriting this. this may contain some sports themes but does not go too deep into it. Just buying a club and enjoying watching your team play. Mostly about entertainment industry

LuenorSureva14 · Ciudad
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49 Chs

Mr. Bean-1

The deal is done. The done is the deal. Jackson Entertainment acquired FoxTV for 1.8 billion dollars. Due to this, JE itself has gotten debts of 2 billion. A quarter of it is paid with the existing capital and the rest will be paid with the money made from Minions.

The acquirement raised some eyebrows but none were that surprised. Everyone knew that JE would venture into TV business soon but didn't know when.

James Case has been selected as the new head of the newly named Jackson TV since the previous president resigned because she didn't like the change of leadership.

James was the Vice President of JE's DVD and rental department and was pretty knowledge about the TV business.

When Harry submitted the new Ultimate Spiderman plan to Marvel and JTV, both were surprised.

"Collaborate with Pixer for help. I want the fist season to have about fifteen episodes. You can have Spiderman, Luke Cage, White Tigress and some other characters along with SHIELD to fight against the Sinister 6 and other villains. " Harry said.

James nodded and began to discuss broadcasting plans which bored Harry. He is primarily a director. He's not Nolan and is afraid of accountacy. So such detailed business talks bore him to death.

"Do you have any other plan for a new series? " Laurence asked. Harry took out some papers from his drawer and handed them Laurence.

Mr Bean?