
Hollywood Relife

Reincarnated back in time as the son of a now deceased businessman, you now have the chance to do what you always wanted to do. Make money, make movies and enjoy life. But all is not black and white(maybe it is) as you don't know anything about Hollywood and have to start as a newbie. But you have done things like this before and can also do it again. Who knows, maybe you will even get an Oscar or a hot actress as your girlfriend? Anything can happen. AN: I am currently rewriting this. this may contain some sports themes but does not go too deep into it. Just buying a club and enjoying watching your team play. Mostly about entertainment industry

LuenorSureva14 · Ciudad
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49 Chs

4- So it Begins (Rewritten)

"Mr.Jackson, we have started to work on the major renovation of the entire office and have raised some hardworking employees's salaries as you have ordered. It would take atleast a month for the project to finish. In doing that we have already spent around 3 million dollars leaving us with 12 million for our use." Lisa, his new secretary, informed him about the office renovation.

That was his first course of action as the new President of JTV. Getting the trust of his people. He was succeeding as his employees were now happier. The more are they happy, the greater their efficiency and productivity will be.

"Send an invitation to those aspiring writers that they can send their works to us. We can only select those which are under our budget and can make us money. I will personally look over some of them. " Harry ordered Lisa.

She nodded and left the room. Harry sighed as she left the room. He had so much work to do.


In an apartment (somewhere, for the plot)

Richard Curtis looked at the finished script with satisfaction. They had worked day and night for this. Rowan and him. It was their dream project. They had worked on this for years.

They showed it to many production houses and TV companies. But none accepted. It was far too childish and non sensical.

Now they again had a chance. Maybe JTV can accept this. They can only hope.


"All bad! Aren't there any good writers out there? What happened to the 100000 aspiring writers? " Harry shouted as he looked at the quality of scripts in his hands. All garbage.

"Maybe it's because JTV is always last in the rankings so people don't take it seriously." Lisa tried to lift her boss's mood.

People outside the office could hear Harry's shouts. They felt bad because their boss had done so much for them and they couldn't even complete one task perfectly.

" What's this? Love story between Devil and Angel? Even a child can think of a better story than this. Look at this one. A princess forsaking her royal status for loving a commoner. What would their child be like? Doflamingo? All shit! " Harry shouted.

He was losing it. First the low budget and credibility. Then the renovations, and now poor scripts. It's enough to make grown man mad.

"We have this one about a man who discovers that there's an alien in his backyard-" Lisa tried to propose another script when she got interrupted by Harry. "We don't have budget for aliens."

"How about adaptation from a K-drama? "

"Almost all of their love stories have the same plot. Something original. "

"How about this one? A man who is somewhat eccentric and still manages to be funny. He is somewhat crazy. Wait that's for kids. Sorry sir I will look for something new. " Lisa said.

Harry's brain began to process the clues just given to him. Funny and eccentric guy?

"What's the name of that? " He asked.
