
Chapter eight- I married a jack ass

I sat on the end of my bed and held back in my tears. I can't belive he got jealous over my own brother. When Jake never knew Ayden was my brother, he never gotten jealous.

'Oh thats because he never liked you idiot he only liked your ex- bestfriend.'

I shook my head, 'yeah but he said he love me'

'he lied'



I rubbed my face and groaned as i pulled my hair. I am talking to my inner thoughts.


Its been 3 hours since I have bee cooped up in this room. I decided to stop being a baby and ask for my phone back. I am 18 years old, I am not a child. And he is most definitely not my father.

I walked down the halls and realized I was lost. I looked around and groaned. How big is this goddamn house?

Fucking rich people..

"Are you lost my lady?"

I jumped and squealed I turned around to be face to Blue. He has a amuse look on his face.

"Don't sneak up on a girl my age Blue. I am getting old." I panted. My heart was pounding so hard Australia could hear it.

"And how old are you exactly miss?"

I giggled. "102 years old. I just take really good of my skin."

Blue laughed and smiled. I stared. He was really handsome if you looked closer.

"Where is my "husband" room?"

Blue face dropped, I saw his eyes glanced at the door behind me and I swear I saw his apple bob.

"Miss you shouldn't go in there at the moment."

I glared and crossed my arms. "And why not?"

He shook his head and sighed. "Please miss."

I ignored his pleads and walked towards the door. I didn't hear except silence. The door must of been really thick to be sound less.

I opened the door and slowly peeked inside. My eyes bulged and i swear i could throw up. In my face was dark chocolate tits jumping up and down while grinding on top of Ivan. He was groaning and his hands were gripped around the girls waist. Her palms were pressed on his chest. They were butt naked and he was appearntly deep inside her because she kept shifting pushing deeper.

I quickly shut the door and stared at the ground, my hands still tightly wrapped around the gold door knob.

"I married a jackass."

I looked up to see pity in Blue eyes.


"I married a jackass." I croaked out a laugh. "I married a jackass."

I tocuhed my eyes and felt my eyebrow twitch.


I ran back to my room. I can't believe...


i am sorry for the short chapter, but the next 2 chapters are going to be very innaporpriate for young readers, so if you are not 15 or older, please skip these two chapters. Thanks I warned you kids T_T

blueeyed_jemcreators' thoughts