
Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma (Harry Potter)

Erwin traveled to the world of Harry Potter and awakened the card drawing system. Start with a phoenix as a pet. It’s nothing to accompany Qiu to play Quidditch, and go to the library with Hermione to read books. Or join Luna in the hunt for the Horned Snorer. During the summer vacation, you can also find your veela fiancée. Erwin thought this was his leisurely life in the wizarding world. However, his subordinates did not think so. Queen of Knockturn Alley: You are the god of the underground forces! Lockhart, Minister of Magic: England wizarding world, you are the uncrowned king! Many years later, after defeating the Dark Lord and joining forces with the White Demon Lord, Erwin, known as the Grey Demon Lord, shook his head helplessly. This is really not what I want!

Big_Big_0235 · Derivados de obras
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505 Chs

Chapter 321

Chapter 321 Fudge Visits, Dismounts


The weather in July is sultry and unusually hot, and pedestrians on the road wearing short-sleeved shirts or shirts will sweat a little.

On Downing Street, several middle-aged men in black suits hurried.

After passing by the most famous building No. 10, I came to the door of No. 12.

The chubby man leading the way at the front took out a thousand paper cranes.

Then, a gate squeezed out from the middle of No. 10 and No. 12.

Fudge had a toothache, "This Gaunt really knows where to put it. 55

After complaining, he walked in first, and the Aurors behind him did not speak, and followed one by one.

During the whole process, the Muggles who passed by were unaware of it.

As soon as he entered Alvin's castle, Fudge was completely shocked.

He seemed to be walking into an ancient noble house in the Middle Ages, and right in front of him was a gorgeous fountain composed of twelve exotic beasts.

Both sides are lush and full of old trees.

The entire main building covers an area of ​​more than ten acres and is majestic.

At this time, a house elf came to several people.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen, my name is Baal the elf, and the master is receiving another distinguished guest in the drawing room.

"If you don't mind, you can come to the side hall with me and wait for 273 for a while.

An Auror wanted to say something, but was stopped by Fudge, who smiled very friendly.

"Don't mind, don't mind.

Alvin didn't make them wait too long. After about ten minutes, he let Barr lead people in.

Fudge also saw who the so-called VIP was.

"Mrs Longbottom."

An old woman in a green robe, a fox fur scarf, and a tall hat with a stuffed eagle on the top frowned when she saw Fudge.

This man was Neville's grandmother.

She is not a good-natured person, and has always looked down on Fudge, the incompetent Minister of Magic.

However, the good tutor still made her nod to Fudge, and then left here. It can be seen that the old lady is not in a good mood now.

Fudge looked at the back of her leaving, a trace of worry surged in his heart, and walked quickly into the living room.

In the living room, Alvin took the seat, with Fleur and Arya on either side.

"Mr. Gaunt, it's been a while since you've seen you. You're better than ever."

Fudge looked familiar with Alvin, but Alvin didn't respond to his enthusiasm, just smiled and seated him with a few Aurors.

It didn't even mean to get up.

Seeing him so arrogant, the Auror who just wanted to say something just couldn't hold it anymore.

"Gaunt, it is already a great courtesy for Minister Fudge to come to the door in person. Not only did you not receive it immediately, but you were so perfunctory. Are you despising the Ministry of Magic?

As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere on the field instantly cooled down.

Alia's eyebrows narrowed, and a dozen wizards instantly appeared at the door, pointing their wands at Fudge and the others.

And Furong's face was also cold.

"What kind of thing are you, even a dog can bark without your master talking. 35

The Auror was even more furious. As a respected Auror, he had never been so insulted.

Even Fudge and them are only in the relationship between superiors and subordinates, and they will not scold at will.

In an instant, he took out his wand and was ready to teach Fleur a lesson.

But before he could make a move, Alvin's eyes flashed with gold.

The Auror was slammed out of the way by a huge force, and he knocked out a big hole in the entire wall.

The other Aurors were also shocked. They didn't expect that Alvin would actually dare to openly attack them, and they responded with a counterattack.

"Except your weapons!" 9

"All petrochemical!


Dozens of spells of different colors flashed in the air.

(bdba) Alvin didn't even look at it. With a flick of his wand, a silver shield appeared, and these spells disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.

The dozen or so wizards waiting outside the door were about to make a move when Alvin stopped them.

"You don't have to take action, otherwise my new castle will be damaged a lot."

After Alvin finished speaking, the deviance wand in his hand lightly tapped, and countless golden chains flashing with strange runes drilled out from it, like octopus tentacles swept towards the Aurors.

"The Lock of Heaven!"9

The Aurors didn't care about Alvin's counterattack, and cast protective spells to protect themselves.

However, the sharp spear facing the top of the Heavenly Chain shatters at the touch of a touch, and is bound without any resistance.

After being tied up by the Heavenly Lock, several Aurors were horrified to find that they could not feel the magic within their bodies at all.

"You, what have you done?"

All this happened so fast that Fudge was still standing dumbfounded, and there was no chance to speak up to stop him.

"Minister Fudge, are you here today to show off your power?39

Looking at the dead dog-like Auror hanging on the wall, bound by the lock of the sky, Fudge opened his mouth.

You call this a show of strength?

Of the six Aurors, one died within five seconds, and the other five lost their ability to resist.

"Mr Gaunt, this is all a misunderstanding, and the Ministry of Magic has no intention of being your enemy. 35

Fudge smiled reluctantly and felt extremely aggrieved in his heart, but he couldn't turn his face with Alvin even if he wanted to ask others, he could only temporarily surrender.

"Just now, my subordinates were also impulsive. I don't know that the relationship between you and me is like a friend. Let alone waiting for more than ten minutes, it doesn't matter if you wait a day.

Alvin sneered inwardly.

He is naturally clear about the purpose of Fudge's coming today, nothing more than to win over himself and prevent him from falling to Dumbledore's side.

And the reason why he shot so unscrupulously was also because of this, Alvin was sure that Fudge would not turn his back on him for this trivial matter.

But getting off the horse once was enough, and if he continued, he was afraid that he would really push Fudge in a hurry.

His face softened a little, and Alvin also waved his hand to release the control of several Aurors, and then pulled the unconscious hapless outsider in.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, let's just forget about it.

He said this as if he was the one who suffered, and Furong, who was beside him, covered his mouth and chuckled.

It's so bad.

After cleaning up and sending the comatose Auror for treatment, the atmosphere in the meeting room also improved a lot.