
Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma (Harry Potter)

Erwin traveled to the world of Harry Potter and awakened the card drawing system. Start with a phoenix as a pet. It’s nothing to accompany Qiu to play Quidditch, and go to the library with Hermione to read books. Or join Luna in the hunt for the Horned Snorer. During the summer vacation, you can also find your veela fiancée. Erwin thought this was his leisurely life in the wizarding world. However, his subordinates did not think so. Queen of Knockturn Alley: You are the god of the underground forces! Lockhart, Minister of Magic: England wizarding world, you are the uncrowned king! Many years later, after defeating the Dark Lord and joining forces with the White Demon Lord, Erwin, known as the Grey Demon Lord, shook his head helplessly. This is really not what I want!

Big_Big_0235 · Derivados de obras
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505 Chs

Chapter 140

Chapter 139 12 Grimmauld Place, Kreacher

Early the next morning, Alvin called Sirius up.

"I don't know why you are so anxious."

With a piece of bread in his mouth, Sirius Black complained vaguely.

Alvin paid no attention to Sirius's complaints. His time is very tight now. He needs to deal with Sirius's affairs immediately, and then rush to France~.

Nicole sent him a letter stating that in the next week there will be a meeting of alchemists from all over the world in France-.

Alvin is very interested, so he has to deal with everything in England as soon as possible.

With Sirius, who had finally finished breakfast, the two Apparated to Grimmauld Place.

Sirius took Alvin to the middle of No. 11 and No. 14, Grimmauld Place, and introduced him: "My home is at No.12, Grimmauld Place. This house originally belonged to a Muggle family, but my ancestors Seeing it, the Muggles 'please' go away.35

When talking about the invitation, Sirius sneered, expressing his disdain for it, and then he made a strange gesture, and Alvin saw a house that suddenly appeared between the 11th and the 14th.

Walking into the house, a smell of dust and rotting wood came up, and the candles on the walls flickered on and off.

"Kreacher! Are you dead? If not, get out of here! 39

Sirius shouted at the air with a very bad tone.

"Oh, the shame of being kicked out of the house by the mistress, my little master, I didn't expect you to escape from Azkaban."

In the shadows, a thin voice came over, and Kreacher's figure appeared there, walking towards Alvin and Sirius Black.

"Let me see, the scum master also brought a friend, one, eh? This respected young master, hello. I didn't expect my master to have such a pure-blooded friend as you…"

"Shut up! You old thing!"

Blake interrupted Kreacher's thoughts, and then looked at Alvin in surprise, "I didn't expect you to be a pureblood. Speaking of which, I still don't know what your name is?"

This is what Sirius remembered. For two days, he didn't even know Alvin's name.

Alvin said softly, "Alvin Gaunt, a student of Ravenclaw."

"Huh? Gaunt, or a student of Ravenclaw? I haven't heard any news from the Gaunt family when I was in school. I didn't expect that they still have clansmen living in England, and they even joined Ravenclaw."

Black sighed with emotion, and no longer entangled, he himself was an outlier, all the members of the Black family were from Slytherin, but he became Gryffindor and was regarded as a disgrace to the whole family.

"Whatever you want to find, let Kreacher take you to find it.

Alvin nodded and looked at Kreacher, "Kreacher, where did you put the box that Regulus gave you, give him to me."

Hearing Alvin's words, Kreacher's eyes became terrified, and Blake's eyes also changed.

"What box? What do you know?"

Alvin stopped Black's inquiry and continued to say to Kreacher: "Regulus asked you to destroy that box, didn't you fail? Give it to me, and I can help you fulfill Regulus' last wish." 5

Kreacher finally couldn't hold it any longer, tears flowed down big and big, and his figure disappeared in place, but he soon reappeared with a locket.

He looked at Alvin expectantly, and said sobbing: "Dear guest, you. You must not lie to Kreacher, do you?"

Alvin assured him solemnly, then took the locket in his hand.

Blake listened to their indistinct chatter, and his heart was filled with anger. He couldn't provoke Alvin, and he couldn't provoke his own house elf?

He yelled at Kreacher, "You vile house-elf! Tell me everything you know about Regulus!"

Blake's order made Kreacher unable to refuse, and he could only choked and said everything.

"Back then, Young Master Sirius escaped, but it doesn't matter, he made the master heartbroken,

"Master Regulus is different from Sirius. He knows what his bloodline and noble surname means…"

・・・・For flowers・0

"Say the point! I order you to say the point! Kreacher!" Sirius was about to be mad at his house elf, and he had to hurt him a few words at this time.

Kreacher was a little scared after being yelled at, and he finally came to the key point, "Master Regulus joined the Dark Lord's command, he was very happy and proud, until a year later, he found Kreacher. ."

"Master said the Dark Lord needs a house-elf…"

Hearing this, Sirius noticed the key "What did the Dark Lord make you do? 35

Kreacher said to himself: "At that time, Master Regulus contributed Kreacher, he said, it was an honor.

Speaking of this, his voice was full of fear, "The Dark Lord took Kreacher to a cave by the sea. There is a small island in the depth of the cave, and there is a large black lake in the cave…"

"He told Kreacher to finish a pot of potion in a pot, then put the locket in it and refilled it again. Kreacher was very uncomfortable. There was a corpse in the lake trying to drag Kreacher into the water. Fortunately, Regu Master Luth's call, Kreacher can escape back."

"Wait, is the locket you're talking about the one you brought over just now?" Sirius asked eagerly, the item that can make the Dark Lord care so much is definitely not easy.

"Yes, it is"

"Then how did you get it back?" Sirius questioned Kreacher as if he were interrogating a prisoner.

"Master Regulus, he asked me to take him to the black lake, he drank the potion in the stone basin again, then took out a similar pendant box and put it in, and refilled the potion. ""

Having said this, Kreacher was already weeping, but he still insisted on finishing the final situation,

"Master Regulus ordered Kreacher to go home with the box and not to tell the hostess or anyone, Kreacher did it, Kreacher didn't disgrace the master… But Regulus Master Si will never come back!"

After speaking, Kreacher was already lying on the ground, whimpering in pain.