
Chapter 173 Moaning Myrtle

"Here, that's the lavatory."

Hermione thumbed through the Marauder's Map and quickly found the abandoned girls' lavatory located on the Second Floor of the Castle.

Andy followed where Hermione pointed her finger and saw that there was only one lavatory on the map, there was no entrance to the so-called Slytherin Chamber of Secrets.

Hermione looked up at Andy, "Andy, could you have guessed wrong."

Andy frowned slightly.

A wrong guess? Of course, there was this possibility.

But there was another possibility ...

"Maybe the person who made the map doesn't know where the entrance to the secret room is." Andy analysed.

Hermione pursed her lips, "Well, I'll go over and have a look after the afternoon's Transfiguration class."

Andy smiled cheekily, "That would be hard on you."

Hermione rolled her eyes helplessly, you're really good at making people work.

Putting the Marauder's Map away, Andy and Hermione said goodbye to the Weasley twins and ran to the Transfiguration classroom in time for class.


A flashlight went on.

Andy turned his head to look.

Only to see a small, very skinny-looking wizard, holding a muggle camera, taking a picture of Harry.

Harry, on the other hand, had a helpless look on his face.


The little wizard flushed slightly and held the camera in his hand like a holy relic, rambling on about Harry - it looked as if he knew more about Harry's story than Harry himself.

"Could I trouble you for another autograph?" The young wizard continued to demand.

"Yes, yes!" Harry had a helpless look on his face, he looked as if he was embarrassed.

A camera ah...!

Andy's eyes flashed, and then he walked into the classroom as if nothing had happened.


In the first Transfiguration class of the new school year, Professor McGonagall didn't teach new knowledge; but instead led all the young wizards to review what they had learnt in the first year.

"After not seeing you for two months, I thought you guys would be slightly better than you were in the first year."

After looking at the standards of all the little wizards, unsurprisingly, Professor McGonagall was furious.

"It seems like you guys have forgotten everything you learnt in the first year! I've been a professor for so many years, and you guys are the worst class I've ever taught."

Andy looked up abruptly.

This familiar feeling ... got that flavour.

Professor McGonagall glanced at Andy, pursed her lips, and said in a stern tone, "It looks like Mr Collins and Miss Granger are the only ones amongst you who have reviewed your first-year knowledge."

"Two points will be added to Ravenclaw for that."

After saying that, Professor McGonagall purposely swept a glance at a few of the Gryffindor students.

Professor McGonagall originally thought: as the Head of Gryffindor, I am now giving extra points to Ravenclaw students in front of the Gryffindor students.

So, these young wizards will now be ashamed of themselves, and then they will have to work hard to get ahead, won't they?

The results ...

Gryffindor's young lions simply don't understand what is called shame, they turned deaf ears to Professor McGonagall's words, fully demonstrating what is called Gryffindor's courage.

--I just don't know it; if you have the heart, you can beat me to death.

Professor McGonagall barely managed to control her anger with a few deep breaths.

Well…! In fact, under the anger of Professor McGonagall, the Lion King, the little lions of Gryffindor were all trembling in fear, with no colour in their faces, and almost cried out.

But magic is just like maths, if you can't do it, you can't do it, you're just scaring us to death, we're only at this level.

After class, a group of young wizards left the classroom shivering under Professor McGonagall's death stare.   

After moving away from the crowd, Andy looked at Hermione and said, "Wanna go to the library together? I'll hold your books for you! By the way, Hermione, do you want to go to the convenience?"

Convenience of what?

Hermione's face flushed red, she first looked around and realised that no one was paying attention to them before she let out a sigh of relief, and then gave Andy a fierce glare.

Andy winked, frantically hinting.

Hermione froze at the sight, then quickly grasped Andy's meaning.

The Transfiguration classroom was on the first floor of the castle, the library was also on the first floor of the castle, and the girl's lavatory ... was on the second floor of the castle.


Hermione let out a deep breath, she glared fiercely at Andy, "If you want me to go over and check it out, say it straight, say something ... Anyway, next time you speak, don't beat around the bush like that."

Andy felt somewhat wronged.

Exploring Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, is this kind of thing something that can be said out loud in the castle?

In case it was heard by some portrait or ghost, wouldn't it mean that Dumbledore would know about it as well?

"Hmph!" The young witch shoved the textbook in her arms into Andy's hand as soon as she could; and then darted towards the girls' lavatory.

Andy shrugged with an innocent look on his face.


Pushing open the old door, Hermione carefully surveyed the lavatory.

Perhaps it had been too long since anyone had been here, the lavatory looked very shabby, and the toilet cubicles were all decades old, with a thick layer of grey covering the washbasin.

Hermione closed the lavatory door with her backhand and glanced around the lavatory.

"Have you come to mock me too?" A slightly shrill voice suddenly rang out.

Hermione was taken aback and then reacted, "You're Moaning Myrtle?"

"Yeah! I am Moaning Myrtle."

Myrtle looked very exasperated, "The timid, cowardly, withdrawn, always hiding and crying Myrtle! Are you satisfied?"

Hermione pursed her lips, "Sorry! I didn't mean to mock you, I came here to find ..."

When she said this, Hermione suddenly looked at Myrtle and asked hesitantly, "Myrtle, can I take the liberty of asking, do you remember what you saw when you died?"

"What did I see before I died?"

Myrtle angrily approached Hermione, "The repulsive Myrtle is finally dead, that's what you think, isn't it?"

Hermione waved her hands back and forth, "That's not what I meant, I came here to investigate a past event. Maybe I can find the person who killed you."

"The person who killed me?"

Myrtle seemed to look a bit more normal, she recalled and said, "At that time, I was hiding in the toilet and crying silently, then someone came in, there were whispers, it was a boy's voice."

Hermione listened intently.

Myrtle continued, "The boy had a nice voice when he spoke, he should be very handsome."

Hermione: "..."

"I want to see what he looked like."

Myrtle's face looked flushed, which shifted to a look of fear, "I opened the door, and I saw a pair of yellow eyes, and then ..."

Hermione followed up, "And then you died?"


Myrtle suddenly screamed before 'whooshing' into the toilet.

Hermione shook her head and continued to search the lavatory.

"Looks like Andy guessed right."

The young witch thought to herself, 'The entrance to the Chamber of Secrets may be in this lavatory.'


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