
Chapter 165: What have you been through in these few months?

Andy took a deep breath, where did this little girl come from?

I was just blowing off some steam!

"Luna, it's dangerous in the forbidden forest, and the Centaurs are repulsed toward wizards, they're not a friendly race." Andy decided to do his senior's duty, he couldn't just stand by and watch the little girl learn the hard way, could he?

Luna nodded and didn't say anything, just happily continued her meal.

Hermione glared at Andy, "Next time you say anything that violates school rules, it better be near a Gryffindor student."

Andy: "?"

Is that you? Hermione, your persona is falling apart!

After dinner and a little rest, Andy and Hermione went to the Astronomy Tower to count the stars together ... Well, it was Astronomy class.

With the Gryffindors.

"Today's Defence Against the Dark Arts class was just awful."

"Geez! Who would have thought that Professor Lockhart couldn't even deal with the Cornish pixies."

"The classroom was messed up."

"Neville was even suspended to the ceiling."

Before Astronomy class had even started, Andy heard the young Gryffindor wizard complaining about this afternoon's Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

What pixies?

The Cornish pixie?

Wasn't it the little ones that were eight inches in size, green-skinned, pointy-faced, and had a fondness for mischief?

What the...?

Order of Merlin Third Class recipient, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, the great Professor Lockhart ... couldn't even deal with these little guys?

Andy suspected that he might have heard wrong.

Andy turned to a young Gryffindor witch and asked, "You guys, in this afternoon's Defence Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Lockhart taught you to deal with Cornish Pixies?"


The little witch nodded, "What's wrong?"

Andy looked incredulous, "Lockhart ... can't even handle a Cornish Pixie?"

"That's not true!"

The little witch was obviously a die-hard fan of Lockhart, she just continued with her justification, "Professor Lockhart just wasn't prepared for it."

Andy: "..."

What does that have to do with being ready or not?

That's a Cornish Pixie.

What was the status of these little things in the wizarding world? Probably about the same as a mouse in the muggle world!

Is a grown muggle incapable of dealing with a few mice?

Unless he can't move his arms and legs at all.

How could a grown wizard not be able to handle a Cornish Pixie?

Andy felt that Hermione could handle those little things.

Andy turned back around and locked eyes with Hermione, "I have a feeling that we're going to be getting cheated off of our Defence Against the Dark Arts class again this year."

"I think it might have just been an accident."

Hermione was obviously a fan of Lockhart's as well, "Maybe after we've had our Defence Against the Dark Arts class, we'll really know what's going on."

"Hey! Lockhart can't even deal with a Cornish Pixie, I don't think he can use magic at all." It was the only explanation Andy could think of.

"Think of all the books he has written!"

The young witch argued reasonably, "You've read them, how wonderful are those adventures of his? Maybe Professor Lockhart just got hurt or...well ..."

Hermione struggled for a moment, apparently unable to find a suitable reason that would excuse Lockhart perfectly.

"Well?" Andy raised an eyebrow.

The young witch grunted softly, picked up her textbook and pretended to read it.

Andy didn't bother with her either.

At this moment, the string called 'reason' in Andy's head had basically snapped.

The books I spent so much money on ...

The complete set of Lockhart's books cost more than all the textbooks combined.  

All that money, that was all Andy's hard work for two months, boiling down one pot after another.

Bloody Lockhart!

And bloody Dumbledore!

'You guys wait for me!' Andy gritted his teeth.

Andy quickly sorted through his contacts in his head.


Andy shook his head, I'm afraid it wouldn't work.

The kid had been screwed over by Andy last term, so he probably wouldn't fall for it so easily this term.

Let's do a quick pre-selection!

"Hmm ..."

A person's name suddenly flashed through Andy's mind.

Rita Skeeter.

She was a super famous reporter, always known in the wizarding world for her big but made-up stories.

She was always able to pry out the little-known secrets, then spin them wildly and end up reporting them with three parts true and seven parts false.

Andy loved to read her articles.

If you analysed it, you could find the hidden truths in her reports.

'Maybe I should write a letter to her.'

Andy pondered in his mind, 'But before that, it is necessary to look for evidence.'

If Lockhart was really a watered-down bastard, at least I have to get back the money I paid for the book.

And by the way, screw Dumbledore over one more time!

Couldn't you have put a little more effort into finding a more reliable professor?

I'm just trying to learn properly, why is it so hard?


At the same time, the entrance to the Malfoy Manor.


With a soft sound, Snape, dressed in black, appeared out of thin air.

Looking at the open gate, Snape accelerated his steps and walked straight in.

The manor's living room.

Narcissa Malfoy placed two glasses of red wine on the coffee table, she glanced at Snape, nodded slightly, and was about to sit down next to Lucius Malfoy.

"We have some personal business to discuss," Snape said less politely.

Lucius Malfoy caught his meaning and patted Narcissa's hand, "It's getting a little late, so go back and rest."

When Narcissa left, Lucius gave Snape a somewhat surprised look, "Where have you been these past two months? How come there's no news at all?"

Snape looked at Lucius, "Have you done something stupid?"

Lucius frowned and looked a little less pleased about it.

"That thing that has fallen into Dumbledore's hands."

Snape said in a deep voice, "The Ministry of Magic's action this time was originally ordered by Dumbledore, and his purpose was to find the thing left behind by the Dark Lord."

Lucius' face paled at his words and a hint of fear flashed in his eyes, but he quickly returned to normal.

Voldemort had been dead for over a decade, what did he have to fear?

"You mean the diary?"

Lucius took a sip of his red wine, the corner of his mouth quirked up slightly as he said, "I thought that item would create a bit of trouble for Dumbledore! If he gets kicked out of Hogwarts, maybe you can become Headmaster."

Snape stared at Lucius, who had a slightly unnatural expression on his face and was about to say something when he saw Snape just roll up his sleeve.

It was the Dark Mark!

Unlike the previous mark which was so dull that it was almost on the verge of disappearing, the Dark Mark on Snape's arm was lifelike and was still twisting unnaturally on his arm.

"This is...!"

Lucius' face paled, and he hastily pulled back his own sleeve, on which the dark mark of the Dark Lord remained dim.

"Severus, you...?" Lucius looked at Snape with fear in his eyes.

What have you been through these past few months?


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