
Hogwarts New Powerhouse

Born to a wizarding family with a history of magical prowess, Theodore's raw magic often manifests in bursts of electrical energy, causing accidental magical outbursts that leave a trail of minor chaos in his wake. This extraordinary ability has earned him the nickname "Stormrider" among his peers. As he grows at Hogwarts he begins to realize maybe Hogwarts Headmaster isn't as great as everyone thinks.

SirZurone · Película
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1 Chs

Teaser chapter

In the heart of Hogwarts' Great Hall, Theodore Stormrider and Albus Dumbledore engaged in a fierce, lightning-infused duel. The air crackled with energy as Theodore unleashed a barrage of electric-infused spells boosting their destructiveness, aiming to catch Dumbledore off guard.

Dumbledore swiftly countered, weaving through the storm of magic with graceful precision. Theodore, undeterred, conjured a dazzling array of illusions to distract the Headmaster with one involving a kiss between him and Grindelwald, creating openings for his lightning strikes. The two wizards moved with a fluidity that blurred the lines between offence and defence.

A beam struggle erupted as Theodore focused his lightning into a concentrated bolt combined with Espeliliamus ripping up the ground underneath the beam, meeting Dumbledore's opposing force espelliliamus head-on. The hall was bathed in a spectacular clash of magical energies, the wizards locked in a struggle of sheer power. Sparks flew as they strained against each other, seeking an opportunity to break the deadlock.

Breaking away from the struggle Theodore used the debris from the great hall to make a tidal wave of rock, wood, and glass straight at Dumbledore countered with the firestorm

That smashed the tidal wave in a collision cancelling both spells and leaving a pile of superheated material that set alight some places, Theodore transitioned seamlessly into a rapid assault, launching a series of Expelliarmus spells and complex hexes. Dumbledore countered with a whirlwind of Protego charms, deflecting each spell with a calm resolve. The pace quickened, with both wizards showcasing their mastery in the intricate dance of attack and defence.

As the duel reached its zenith, Theodore, with a calculated flourish, merged his lightning with a Disillusionment Charm. He vanished from sight and stunned his opponent, leaving Dumbledore momentarily disoriented. Seizing the opportunity, Theodore reappeared, unleashing a powerful barrage of spells from unexpected angles.

Dumbledore, with a twinkle in his eye, deftly deflected the onslaught, showcasing his proficiency in the art of dueling before sending a Bombara Maxima at Theodore who used protego that survived the attack Great Hall bore witness to a spectacle of magical brilliance as Theodore and Dumbledore engaged in a dynamic exchange, each seeking the perfect moment to outmaneuver the other in this electrifying duel.

As the intensity of the duel between Theodore Stormrider and Albus Dumbledore reached its climax, the magical maelstrom forced them outside the Great Hall. The night sky served as the backdrop for their relentless exchange of spells.

Theodore, fueled by determination, concentrated his lightning into a colossal bolt aimed at Dumbledore's defences. The Headmaster skillfully erected a Protego Shield that came out like like a large web, but Theodore's overwhelming power shattered it like glass. The lightning-infused spell surged through, striking Dumbledore directly. The impact sent shockwaves, leaving the Headmaster battered and injured piled up on debris.

A new resolve flickered in Dumbledore's eyes. The atmosphere grew tense as he, now more serious, unleashed a torrent of spells. Theodore, in a defensive stance, struggled to counter the relentless assault. Dumbledore dismantled each of Theodore's protective charms with a calculated precision almost mocking each attempt to protect himself, showcasing his immense magical prowess over him who was just a student.

Theodore, pushed to the brink, attempted to counterattack only for a protego to smack him in the stomach then used leviosa to pick him up and then used decendio on him making him into the ground, but he was able to finally fight back and destroy the hold on him and even though battered he put up a protego shield immediately saving him from Dumbledore's magical onslaught that left him little room for retaliation. The Headmaster's aggression intensified, creating an almost palpable pressure that echoed through the Hogwarts grounds.

In a final, decisive moment, Dumbledore incapacitated Theodore with a stunning spell after appariting behind him, leaving him vulnerable. But just as Dumbledore prepared to capture his opponent, Theodore, surrounded by crackling electricity, broke free from the binds.

With a determined expression, Theodore cast a unique teleportation spell, harnessing the raw power of his lightning to break through the protective wards of Hogwarts. The air crackled with energy as he vanished from the grounds, leaving Dumbledore alone in the aftermath of the electrifying duel. The night returned to an eerie calm.

Albus Dumbledore's eyes gleamed with a profound seriousness as Theodore Stormrider vanished from the Hogwarts grounds. Without hesitation, the Headmaster cast a spell that seemed to alter the very fabric of space. The air around the spot Theodore disappeared began to vibrate and shift, creating an eerie distortion.

A quiet distant, haunting scream echoed through the air, growing louder with each passing moment. The atmosphere twisted and turned, creating an otherworldly scene. Slowly, as if being forcibly materialized, Theodore began to reappear. First, his nervous system, followed by his still beating organs then his skeleton, and finally, his skin, nails and clothes.

Theodore hovered in mid-air, suspended in the excruciating process of being reconstructed. When he was fully formed with now a small puddle of blood that his heart splattered out due to being constructed without veins for a few moments, Dumbledore halted the spell. Theodore dropped to the ground like a lifeless puppet, convulsing in apparent agony.

He was now twitching and shacking on the ground with blood tears flowing out his nose and eyes as if he was crying blood with great struggle, Theodore managed to break through the paralysis, his bloodshot eyes locking onto Dumbledore with a mixture of a tiny and hatred. "What did you do to me?" he gasped before throwing up.

Dumbledore, his expression unyielding but to those that could read his eyes and thoughts an ounce of pity shone before being squashed by occulemcy, responded calmly, "You're not the first one to use a trick like teleporting with elements against me, so created a way to force them back to face me, you had so much potential Theodore but you made a mistake thinking you could fight me and escape" Without further explanation, Dumbledore cast a stunning spell that enveloped Theodore in a shimmering light, rendering him unconscious.

As Theodore lay motionless on the ground, the air of mystery surrounding his unique teleportation abilities mingled with the lingering echoes of pain and Dumbledore's unwavering determination. The Great Hall, still recovering from the intense duel, now bore witness to the aftermath of a battle between two wizards pushing the boundaries of magic.

Dumbledore picked up the unconscious Theodore and apparated out of Hogwarts.



Theodore's head shot up and frantically looked around and realized quickly he was in a cage handcuffed and surrounded by Aurours with their wands pointing at me and one medic rushing back behind the guards.

"Theodore Skyrider you are here to be sentenced for the attack on Hogwarts and its Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, how do you plead?" A man at a table surrounded by other people of the same outfit.

"Where am I?"

"You are currently at the Ministry of Magic being sentenced for your crime so answer"

"Not Guilty"

"We have sufficient evidence already so all those who have agreed to his imprisonment at Azkabam will start immediately take him away, DISMISSED" He smacked his gavel and got up and left the room.

Hey guys tell me what you think about this?

This story would be more about or main character going from a weak first year not able to control his abilities and at first he has a deep respect for Dumble Doosh but over his year at Hogwarts as his strength grows through the hardships he would face at Hogwarts his belief that Dumbledore is always right and knows what is right wavers until he dosen't trust him at all...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SirZuronecreators' thoughts