

It was the system's new feature that made Michael travel to River town accompanying Jack. This new feature's purpose was to help Michael choose the right person to be his subordinate and manage his existing subordinates.

Subordinate: Gaya

Cultivation Level: None

Race: Demi human-Naga Race

Current Skills: None

Status: Meridians repaired - 10%

Loyalty towards the host: 50%

Trait: Warrior

The Trait feature would inform him about the person Michael is considering to recruit as his subordinate by letting him know his/her special trait. For instance, Gaya's trait was Warrior. He wouldn't be able to make her an Alchemist even if he gave her the Book of Alchemy unless he changes her trait from Warrior to Alchemist for 500,000 Badass points or adds the Alchemist trait on top of her current trait for 1.5 million Badass points.

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