
Hitman's Multiverse Adventures

A regular man from our world gets to reincarnate and travel various worlds of fiction assisted by the memories, experiences and abilities of Agent 47, along with a Hammerspace and infinite ammo weapons. SI with Multi-series crossover. First up Harry Potter world!

6Arkanos6 · Película
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83 Chs

Crouch, aim and Shoot!

Finding Crouch was not difficult. I kept track of his mother, his elf and his father, start with his father and go all the way back to his mother.

I first located Barty Sr. at the Ministry. He was a paranoid man, almost second to Moody. From his secretary, I found his house. From his house, I found his wife. From his wife, I didn't need go too far.

Because I used the smartphone to cast Imperio. Using smartphone as magical focus doesn't need the swish and flick. But I cannot use the phone chantlessly, at least not yet.

Anyway, I cast a Imperio, and made the woman to follow me to an alleyway. When I was sure, there was no security tag-along, I made her go back to the house and bring the House-elf along with her to a secluded location, to where I gave her the portkey. I even instructed her to destroy the portkey, if she or anyone else suspects foul play.

After doing that, I apparated to the place, which was a muggle abandoned office space, and hid behind a wall in the Cloak. After a scant few minutes, the woman arrived with the elf tagging her.

Quick note about House elves. They are pathetically weak creatures, who are basically magically leaches. they have no benefit, apart from status symbol.

Every ward can be erected to prevent entry to House elves, and they cannot apparate over longer distances without leaching off your own magic.

Long story short, House elves are not the hidden glorious untapped potential which Self inserts find. They are basically like cutting off your arm and enchanting a metal arm to take its place, so that you can brag about having three arms.

Every thing an elf can do, you can do too, and with wands, it is significantly simpler. And besides, having an elf is a security threat, because he may be bound to obey you and serve you, but the creature can decide to go around its vows to betray you. Just like Kreacher did. After all, delaying life-threatening information slightly until you are killed, is not against the vows of an elf in servitude.

Among the purebloods, only a few families who want to show off their status symbol or want a ready babysitter allow an elf to serve you.

And I had no need of an elf, as I had full fledged wizards and witches who serve my family. We had the tradition to bring a few muggleborn children who showed accidental magic, and sponsoring their education. That way, the talented ones took up better positions under our wings, and the less talented ones, at least by our standards, were serving the family. Even the Maids and Butlers in our homes, were squibs from various families who were made to swear an Unbreakable Vow to serve our family unto death and beyond.

Therefore, I didn't see the hype of having multiple leeches on my magic, to spend time, effort and money to train them into uber powerful ninjas, who would in reality be weaker than an adult wizard physically and magically, drain your magic for tasks you could accomplish yourselves without the stupidity of less intelligent creatures affecting the quality of work, And having a creature who knows all your deepest and darkest secrets around you all the time. They would be like spending a lot of gold to make Sand Canons, a derogatory description of something which is inferior and worse than even glass canons.

That is why, when I saw the dull eyed woman holding the House elf at the tip of her wand, I wandlessly cast an Incarcerous spell at both the wife and the House elf.

I then disarmed the wife and pocketed her wand. I knew she loved her son so much, that she ended up convincing her husband to blemish his integrity and hide him in his house for twelve years.

I used Legilimency on her and her elf, and found her son, and other information I needed for my plan.

I then used Diffindo and slit the throat of the elf, and went behind the bound woman to garrote her. She needed her moment of clarity, for when she is embraced by death, she must know the cause of her demise.

When I released her from her Imperio, I saw the clarity in her eyes, which was bubbling underneath, when she tried her best to resist my Imperio spell.

I saw her struggle futilely, and saw her ask me in a pained voice, "Why?"

I saw the desperation in her voice, as her eyes laid on the cooling corpse of her house elf.

I saw the spike of fear and terror in her face, which softly marred into resignation. She had stopped struggling and saw her end was near. This bravery in face of death, was quite welcoming, and I decided to end her swiftly rather than see her suffer.

I let her go from the garrote and she fumbled back on her knees. I pointed her wand at her, and saw her look at me for the very first time. Of course, I was using a Polyjuice potion.

"I am going to kill you, but unlike before, where I intended to make you suffer by strangling your life out of you, I decided to make it a painless death."

My wand was aimed at her, and she knew what I was going to do.

"I am sorry, it must end this way. Do you know what your son is doing as of right now?"

The sudden shift in our conversation, must have thrown her off. "What?" Seeing her need to stall for more time, I clicked my teeth.

"You seem to misunderstand dear. I already took your portkey and the tracking bracelet you had on you. You have no one coming to save you. And seeing as you hope to make this harder, I see no reason to explain as I was planning before. Long story short, Your son is a Death Eater, I am going to kill him and expose him. You are going to die earlier than intended. Goodbye darling."

I pointed the wand at her, and followed up with a swift "Avada Kedavra!"

The green light sparked through the wand, and she lost the light in her eyes. Her body fell on the ground, and I decided to leave along with her wand, which went in my hammerspace, which was now part of the collection of others wands belonging to the Black family, Nott, Avery, Mulciber, Rowle, and other victims whom I ganked.

Apparently, until I enter Hogwarts, Trace does not apply to me. I tried using the lumos spell in the Diagon Alley, and in London, but there was no notice sent to me. I had asked my father, and he told me it was so that students who wish to study abroad do not get tagged with the Trace.

But apparently, it was to allow pureblood children to practise spells before arriving at the school and demonstrate their superiority over mudbloods. This is why, Hermione could cast a few spells in the Train.

This was all playing to my favour, and now I had the location of Barty and apparently he was seen with a "roguish" man, whom Barty called his friend.

What a find! And all in a day's work!