
History me know

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What is History me know

Lee la novela History me know escrita por el autor Rashid_Ali_Pardesi publicada en WebNovel. ...


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Yakinkan Aku Jodohmu

Nadia, saat ini bekerja paruh waktu sebagai salah satu karyawan di Anugerah Komputer di Kota Yogyakarta. Namun, selain itu dia juga sambil menjalankan kuliah S1nya di sebuah Unversitas. Waktu yang 24 jam sehari, terkadang terasa sempit bagi Nadia. Waktunya untuk bekerja 8 jam sehari di Anugerah Komputer, ditambah dengan waktu kuliahnya. Tak jarang, Nadia bahkan terkadang hanya mampu tidur 2 jam dalam 24 jam karena banyaknya tugas yang harus dia kerjakan. Di tempatnya bekerja, Nadia bersama kedua rekan satu shiftnya bernama Kak Rara dan Mesya. Keduanya, sama-sama orang asli Yogyakarta. Berbeda dengan Nadia, yang berasal dari luar Yogyakarta. Nadia, memilki perjuangan hidup yang berbeda dari keduanya. Karena dia juga harus jauh dari orang tua dan hidup indekos. Rara, dia dipanggil oleh semua rekan kerjanya dengan sebutan Kak Rara. Selain karena dia yang sudah bekerja di sana jauh lebih lama, namun juga karena usianya yang jauh di atas rekan kerja lainnya. Kak Rara, seorang janda dengan satu anak usia sekitar 5 tahun. Namun penampilan mereka berbeda, karena Nadia mengenakan kerudung sementara Kak Rara dan Mesya tidak mengenakan kerudung. Di suatu ketika, datanglah Huda. Dia merupakan salah satu pelanggan setia di Anugerah Komputer. Huda, membuka usaha servis laptop dan komputer di sebuah ruko kecil. Dia cerdas, berwawasan luas dan juga periang. Meskipun dia meliliki kekurangan yaitu disabilitas, dimana lengan sebelah kirinya tak bisa tumbuh normal seperti orang kebanyakan namun hal tersebut membuatnya minder sama sekali, bahkan dia begitu percaya diri. Huda sudah mengenal Kak Rara dengan sangat baik, karena sudah beberapa tahun terakhir ini Huda cukup sering ke Anugerah Komputer untuk membeli berbagai perlengkapan dan spare part komputer di sana. Kak Rara pun terlihat sudah semakin nyaman saat ngobrol dengan Huda. Sementara itu, Huda juga selalu terlihat nyaman jika ngobrol dengan Kak Rara. Keduanya bisa sejam bahkan dua jam kalau sudah ngobrol entah apa saja yang mereka bicarakan dan terlihat begitu asik. Kak Rara pun diam-diam ada rasa dengan Huda, namun ternyata berbeda dengan yang dipikirkan oleh Huda. Huda menganggap Kak Rara sebatas seperti kakaknya sendiri saja. Namun hal itu tidak membuat Kak Rara menjauh, kedunya tetap dekat. Hingga pada akhirnya Huda menyadari kehadiran Nadia. Huda yang melihat Nadia sebagai wanita yang polos dan unik, justru ada perasaan tertarik. Namun Huda justru berniat mendekati Nadia melalui Kak Rara, yang tentu saja membuat Kak Rara tidak menyukainya. Namun di depan Nadia, Kak Rara tetap bersikap biasa saja. Selama berbulan-bulan, terjadi perang dingin antara Kak Rara dan Nadia yang mulai menyadari bahwa Huda sepertinya ada rasa dengannya. Namun Nadia sendiri tidak yakin, karena setiap Huda datang ke toko, dia selalu ngobrol begitu asik dengan Kak Rara. Dalam hati kecilnya, Nadia ternyata juga mengagumi Mas Huda. Hingga tibalah saatnya Mas Huda benar-benar menembak Nadia. Nadia yang baru pertama kali ditembak oleh seorang pria semasa hidupnya, bingung bagaimana menanggapinya. Hingga pada akhirnya Nadia memberi jawaban kepada Mas Huda, kalau dia akan mencoba menerima Mas Huda. Nadia dan Mas Huda pun mulai dekat. Sejak saat itu, frekuensi obrolan dengan Kak Rara menjadi sedikit berkurang. Suatu ketika, Mas Huda mengantarkan Nadia untuk pulang ke rumahnya di Solo. Dan itu, merupakan kali pertama seorang Nadia diantar pulang oleh seorang pria. Setelah Mas Huda kembali pulang, Pak Samsul dan Bu Wati bertanya kepada putrinya. Nadia pun jujur kepada kedua orang tuanya kalau Mas Huda itu kekasihnya. Pak Huda menasehati putrinya untuk memikirkannya benar-benar. Beliau takut kalau sampai Nadia benar-benar serius dengan Mas Huda, nanti cucu-cucunya juga akan mengalami disabilitas seperti Mas Huda. Sementara itu Nadia yang sudah terlanjur jatuh hati dengan Mas Huda, tidak lagi mempedulikan masalah fisik.

MAMAEZR · Ciudad
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Billionaire Met His Match

Finally today my revenge is completed. the man who killed my father will be on the streets today begging for mercy. "Sir, please switch on the TV." my assistant came running in looking scared. "We all thought that Jones & Jones company has gone bankrupt. The chairman Mr. Jones has run away and investors are outside the building in rage. it looked like it is the end for the company but a miracle has saved them... yes the eldest daughter who has left the country a long time ago is back and she has promised her investors that she will save the company and give them their money back." I saw that... My blood was boiling, I spent my whole life for this revenge... this vengeance! That bastard took everything from me and my family. I want to see him in the same condition once my father was... but this bitch... she just came and saved everything. NO! NO.. NO... NO... I looked at her face talking to angry investors... I never wanted to make this fight personal but now you have little girl... now you will face me. you want to save your daddy dearest company?... I won't let you... and for this mistake... you will get punished little girl... " Get me every thing about her" I turned off the Tv. I will fucking destroy you for ruining my plans... just wait and watch... They have never met. She doesn't know he is burning in vengeance. He won't give up. He doesn't know she is extremely intelligent and a market genius. she won't give up. one is destined to win and other to lose but what the winner will get and what the looser will lose? They are destined for each other but everything and everyone around them won't let that happen... This is no revenge regret story... this is his revenge and her fight story...

Dreamer_heaven · Ciudad
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8 Chs

Knox The Quiet Knight[Failed Project]

After a tragic accident a young heiress turns to the virtual world for a escape from reality. Eventually she is forced to return to that reality because of her mothers greed. But remember reality can always change in unexpected ways. There is no reset in this world, but what about the next one? Come along with Knox as she is dragged about on an online fantasy game by unruly children all the while lamenting her purpose in life, and her self worth. Rising to the top of the game, and becoming OP through her own hardwork, and a bit, well actually a lot of real world money. No one ever said gaming wasn't expensive... Find out what happened to Knox that made her become this way, and what she was like before, and perhaps what she'll become in the future? A journey to becoming a gaming God, and a normal functioning person in the real world, well, at least normal or above... This is the story of Knox The Quiet Knight, and her real world equivalent. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHORS CONTENT AND POTENTIAL CONTENT DISCLAIMERS ***This novel will have domestic violence, death of loved ones, guilt , and in very later chapters sexual topics discussed or implemented into the story.*** Author will warn in chapters beforehand in authors notes, and in chapter headings before beginning of said chapters if any sexual content will be contained there within. But as the MC is still a kid currently, this will be much later in the story when the character is older. Just wanted to put this warning in here incase any of you thought this would be only a wholesome child's gaming life story to warn you before hand that while that may be what it is or close to in the beginning, as the story continues it will have adult topics implemented into it. Author has warned you~ No plans for super gorey scenes at the moment, so you should be safe to eat your spaghetti in peace for now~ Also, this is the story I will put the most effort into quality checking. Most of the other stories aside from Beastly are just random things yours truly wrote down for lols.

Scynthea · Adolescente
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Haruhism of a Lesser

Dear Prof. Rearden, I, Haruhi, wish to whisk you away to a faraway world named Earth 3^(n-42) where magic is in every word of prayer. Where the Gods preside over every man and their kin, nations have their disagreements. Where The Man decides, from himself He derives the cultures of creation. Yet man still young—in his twenties—pulled by indigent bootstraps to war lives his life unyieldingly. Yet he is still a young man, and like a young man, he is selfish. Whereby selfishly he claims through war his fame he is destined to be the lesser of his subordinates. Cruel irony in life that through infamy he’ll thrive but destroy every one who loves him. And never though any fault of his own; his circumstance is by fate all ready-made. The Gods do avail of theatre and play—the actors, the arena, the show. An endless entertainment for all who’ll avail it, the other to man in mirrors shown. An end-of-monthly subscription for grading and a mission to complete two chapters each time. From April to May through February and March on the first and sixteenth, is whereabouts I will arrive to deliver a chapter and wish you thereafter a merry, joyful time. Revel and roister, Faust and his Oyster, the first of his tragic? tale. And 10 speeches by King whose day was just passed, I hope these and class readings suffice. Therefore, for these days, I will put the other agent away to focus and learn on creative direction and spurn any other invitations for Wednesday after work. See you soon, -Haruhi

Suzumiya · Militar
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7 Chs

MHA: A Titan's Journey (Dropped)

What if an otaku brought the powers of the 9 titan shifters to the world of My Hero Academia as a quirk? Follow our MC in the vast and strange world of quirks where he makes a name for himself and uses the titans to protect his loved ones and develop them more than their counterparts did in Attack on Titan. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Discord: Abyss (Rahul)#8342 This is my first fan-fic and honestly I'm just writing this for my own amusement. Like all authors, I do expect criticism but try to go on me too hard. For why I'm writing this, I read a similar fan-fiction and it really got my mind rolling about the potential it had but sadly it had so few chapters that it made it hard to enjoy it so I hope to at least make a 100 chapter fan-fic. Also I'm writing this as I was kind of disappointed with the Titan powers and shifters themselves in AOT as their titans had so much potential but the 13 year lifespan and the shifters themselves kind of ruined it so I hope to develop them in my fan-fic. Also tell me in the comments where I should nerf his powers (if should desired) and improvements. Also I am keeping the harem as I feel like for a story like this having one girl would be a little boring and reputative and I don't have the confidence to write more than 2 girls (3 at most cause I have somewhat an idea). Lastly I don't own any of the My Hero Academia or Attack on Titan characters and plots (series in general) and all credit goes to the original authors. Thank you for reading this and enjoy Disclaimer: The image does NOT belong to me. All credits go to the original artist. Image URL: https://attackontitanime.blogspot.com/2019/04/attack-on-titan-9-original-titans.html If you want the image taken down, message me on discord and I'll take it down.

Abyss_123 · Cómic
11 Chs
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