
1000 Yrs Old Bodhi Bead

"Ohayo Tokyo Konichiwa"

"Sumimasen I'm foreigner"

" I don't speak Japanese"

"But I love Aoi Sora"



A iphone 11 rang with Tokyo Bon ring tone breaking the silence and waking up the young couple sleeping in the bedroom.

" who is calling at this ungodly hour " said the man rolling over to left side freeing the woman in his arm's .

" I don't know " said the woman wrinkling her brows while her eyes were still closed as her right hand reached for the phone on the night stand next to the bed.

" well, pick it up, it might be an emergency " said the man still half asleep.

" I know " groaned the woman as she picked up the call and answered in a sleepy tone" hello.. "

" It's time " said a deep voice from the other end of the phone call.

Hearing the words of the deep voice the woman's eyes opened wide and replied in a serious and clam way " I will be there " and ended the call.

After ending the call the woman looked up the time in her phone, it was 3: 45 in the morning and then she turned her head towards the man sleeping next to her with his back facing to her and question coldly " did you change my phone's ring tone "

Hearing the woman's voice the man shuddered and completely awakened from his sleep

" I thought it was my phone " he said turning to his right side facing the woman.

" this time I will let it slide " said the women rolling her eyes while gazing at the old worn out china smart phone on the night stand.

" there will be no next time ma'am " said the man trying to squeeze out the most charming smile he could " who was it ? "

" it was my bother, it seems something urgent just came up, they need me there, I will be leaving "

saying that the woman hopped off the bed revealing her alluring naked body and walk into the Bathroom.

seeing the naked back of the woman walking into the bathroom the man felt like he was looking at the perfect portrait that god has ever created, he sighed and thought to himself what virtue did he do in his past life to get such a girlfriend.

Jason Aaron, the man in the bed with no worth while achievements in his whole life except for bagging a hot and rich girlfriend is a slightly over weight average Joe in his early twenties with nothing to except from his life or future. His girlfriend and he are people of two different world but the world has its own way of bring people together.

Jason's neighbors, co workers, relatives, old classmates who never seem to take notice of Jason's existence in their life until this hot rich girlfriend was introduced in to his life. It's like she is the only thing that shine's light on Jason's existence. even though these so called neighbors, co workers, relatives, old classmates did not seem to understand how a average Joe like Jason could Land a rich hot girlfriend, but this did not stop them from hating and envying Jason and his luck.

" babe do you really have to go at this hour, its dark outside. " said Jason grabbing his worn out old china smart phone.

" yes, its urgent. don't worry I can take care of myself " said the woman as she walked out of the bathroom walking towards the closet.

" Or do you want me to come with you " said Jason fiddling with his phone.

" Babe I told you already when it is time I will introduce you to my family " said the woman as she strapped on her bra.

" okay, when ever you are ready. I am making a cup of coffee for myself do you want one for the road " asked Jason as he got of the bed and walked in to the kitchen.

" no, I am good " said the woman getting dressed

Jason lived in a single bed room flat, with his low paying job this was already more than what he could afford, thanks to his girlfriend who was more than willing to pay half of the rent.

After graduating from college he found himself a job in Customer service to support his daily consumption thinking that he would switch to better Job in future.

At the very start of the current Job he began planning for a new Job, but he has not found a suitable one yet.

After looking around for months, either he is not interested in the Job, or the job is not interested in him.

Wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans the woman walked into the kitchen while placing her phone in her pink Parda and taking out a small wooden box " babe this for you. "

" what is it? since when did we start giving presents to each other asides from on our birthdays. " said Jason looking at the small wooden box but he did not reach for it.

Few months ago Jason and his girlfriend made a decision to not to gift each other Except on their birthdays. they came to this decision mainly because Jason was financially weak and too prideful to except his girlfriends expensive gifts.

" who said this is a gift, this is a 1000 Yrs old Bodhi bead. keep it with you it helps in cleaning your thoughts, calming your mind and protects your soul. " said the woman as she took out a wooden seed like bead from the box. " and don't worry it is free, a priest gifted me this when I visited the Buddha Temple yesterday morning. "

" Since when did you start going to Buddha Temple? " said Jason taking the box and the bead.

" I went there to meet one of my company clients " said the woman passing the box and the Bead to Jason " now don't ask more questions, I don't have time to make small chat with you. "

" Okay " said Jason as he walked her to the building elevator.

" and one more thing Drop a drop of your blood on the bead and always keep it close to you " said the women waking into the elevator.

" wh.."

" Don't ask questions just do as I say, okay. " the women interrupted Jason before he could ask why.

" yes, Ma'am! " said Jason as he watched the elevator door close.

Walking back into his flat Jason then went to the Kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. with a his phone in one hand and coffee in other Jason sat on a chair taking a sip of his coffee.

Finishing his coffee Jason decide to play his favorite mobile game - Mobile Legends Bang! Bang!

After losing 4 matches in a row Jason decided to exit the game. he was not depressed and upset about his lose instead he was quite satisfied with the result.

His hand speed and awareness are actually Pro level, but he still loses, because he loves to play support when most players are not willing to play the support role.

In a Ranked match, the Support players are hard to use especially above epic level. fortunately he is able to get MVP eight out of ten times even if they lose, thanks to his losing streak and the game's codes he is always stuck with pig teammates affecting his rank. so, he can't make it into mythical glory by the end of every season.

Fortunately he is not the competitive type this doesn't effect his calm.

Looking at the time, its almost 5: 30 am.

Jason turns on his laptop and logs in to various job searching websites to find a job that suits him.

The company he is working at present is called 'Hipower service', with zero percent potential and future, and Joke of an experience. He felt that if his life continued to go on like this, and sooner or later he would face downsizing with company's current status.

At the end of the day, it's the boss of the company who makes Jason curious.

The company is runned large number of lazy relatives of the boss, so the management is in chaos. The boss's eyes only thrifts, how to save money and the rest he does not care at all.

Whats more astonishing is that company has not received a single business past few months but it still continues to provide its employees with promised base salary.

Jason has worked for 9 months in this company, During first month, on average a day he would can receive more than 200 calls, in the second month the calls dropped to an average of less than two hundred calls a day, and during the third month the average calls received was less then a hundred. By the end of last month, it had plummeted to a dozen calls a day.

even though base salary is not much but considering the salary of all the employees in the company it is a huge number. It is rumored that the boss of company has a rich son who does business abroad and this company is completely opened for the boss's fun, it does not matter if there no profits, as long as boss is not bored and is happy all is good.

Browsing for a while, Jason did not find any fitting job so he turned off his computer and got ready to take a bath, as he removed his sweat pant he felt the small wooden box in his pocket.

He almost forgot about this, even though his girlfriend was highly educated and independent working modern women she was bit old fashioned and conservative type who seriously believed in superstitious stuff. seeing that these stuff matter some to his hot girlfriend Jason also got along with it.

" since she wants me to drop a drop of blood on it, so be it " said Jason piercing his ring finger with a pin. he then squeezed out a drop of blood from the ring finger and dropped on the Bohdi bead.

As soon as the blood came in contact with the Bohdi Bead Jason felt his conscious being sucked in to the bead.

After a brief moment Jason found himself in a completely different surroundings than his single bed room flat. He was in a dense forest and the sky was colored green with no clouds or sun or moon. then he head a loud Laughter, which sounded out of nowhere but everywhere

" Haha ha ha .... finally someone is here I thought I was going to miss the great chance Haha ha ha "

hearing this voice already scared and confused Jason almost witted his pants. then he frantically shouted " wh .. who's there show yourself? ..... stop playing ghost!! "

The unknown is the most scariest, right now Jason was facing the unknown, one second he was in his flat and the next he is in a haunted jungle. all his survival instincts were ringing crazily. His current response was already commendable.

" Ghost! boy you thing I am playing ghost? I am a ghost Haha! " said the voice with a eri laughter.

This time Jason didn't shout asking for answers but tried to calm himself down.

" um.. even though your spirit roots are not unto this kings standards, you will do for now since the great chance is about to befall this world any time now. I can't delay anymore. don't resist boy offer you body this king "

" what? offer my body!!... "

' calm down calm down ' muttered Jason to himself and gathering all his courage he replied to the voice " senior offering my body is not a problem since I know I can't resist your might but before I offer my body can I know the cause and effect of this matter otherwise my soul can't rest in peace and this vessel of your's will be contaminated with my resentment"

Since Jason knew he has no say in this matter he decided to delay and buy some time till the Great chance that the voice speaks off arrives using his web novel knowledge.

" are you threatening this king, let me tell you this king is know as Millennium Bodhi King, a mere mortals resentment doesn't effect me. enough ... time is nearing, I have waited about 5000yrs for this opportunity, I can't delay any more. " said the voice and then soon Jason felt like being crushed by a huge pressure threatening to wipe his consciousness out of existence.

" If you want to takeover my body it isn't going to easy. I am not going down without a fight." shouted Jason gathering all the strength he can spar while resisting the mountainous pressure.

Just then another voice suddenly sounded....

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