
You're scaring.....

Super time,

"Am so happy to see you my children,you have truely grown! especially you Kylie, ..sigh...it has'nt really been an easy struggle for all of us.."Mr Will said with a sad face and there was silence for some time,

"Anyway, we're here now,so tell me ?what happened in my absence ?"he added,

"Mama opened up a new grocery store since the old one was too small ..."replied Kylie,

"Yeah! and it's in a better spot where by we receive many customers now ,not like the old one where you have to sit a whole day until your butt hurts....."Martha then folded her hands and puffed her cheeks that made everyone laugh at her actions.

"Is that so honey?"Mr.Will asked his wife,

"Yes my dear, i really wanted to do something productive with the money we earned from the old grocery shop...and these two have been of great help for past few months especially Kylie here "Mrs.Hellen gave Kylie a plastic smile in which she also smiled back,

"What a frog....now she's singing praises after blaming me just moments ago "cursed within her.

"Am glad to hear that the family business is growing, i wish i could also put in some effort" Mr. Will felt bad that he had to put his family in this condition ,only if he had the money to treat himself and at some time take care of the family....

"You have done so much my husband,right now your health matters the most"Mrs Hellen supported him and so did the children.

And so the dinner was going on smoothly not until someone brought up THE TOPIC,

"It's good that Kylie will soon be working in the castle,now we shall be able to pay pay for your treatment Papa" Martha blurted out....

On hearing this Mr.Will stopped eating immediately,he even swallowed the last spoon of food without chewing,he turned to his wife,

"What is she talking about,huh?!!what is this am hearing Hellen?!!!"Mr. Will yelled which startled everyone,

"Wait you mean he didn't know?....oh geez this is bad....this is very bad....."Martha felt guilty,she then looked at Kylie whose eyes were glued to Mr. Will,

"Honey come down,you're scaring the kids"Mrs. tried to coax her husband but it didn't seem to work,

"Why?!!" he demanded,

Kylie saw how bad the situation was getting,she needed to do something.....fast....

"Well.....it's because....." before Mrs. Hellen could continue , "....I wanted"Kylie interrupted

With that Mrs. Hellen snapped and looked at Kylie,Martha also furrowed her brows in confusion,

On the other hand Mr. Will frowned,

"I asked mum if i could sign up since the job offer letters were being circulated across the village ,it wasn't in bad intention,I just thought it would be an easy way of getting the mo....."Kylie could no longer continue because of the raging man opposite her,

"Who told you I needed money,huh? i would rather

die than let you step foot in any castle !!"he shouted

"Papa don't say that!!" both the two girls cried out,

Tears started rolling down Martha's face,"Papa you want to leave us?"

Mr. Will now felt terrible ,he wasn't able to control his anger,in that process he hurt his children,his face became pale just by thinking of what he had just said,

"Honey am sorry,i really wanted to do something...

anything, i feel so helpless,the fact that i can't....." Mrs.

Hellen tried to control the tears threatening to fall,

Seeing his wife miserable,he got up hugged her.....

"Am sorry too"he then kissed her forehead.

The girls looked at each other as they smiled at the duo.....

When his wife was now calm,he let her go but before he could say anything else they heard ,giggles from behind,they turned only to see the girls happily eating so they joined continued with their

When dinner was done,the girls cleaned up, mainly the dishes, "Am glad to see that Papa and mama still have the same love for each other"Martha said with joy written all over her face,"Me too,you know what they say 'True Love never grows old'..."Kylie muttered with a grin,she then got the water on the table to drink .

"How about you?when will you experience this so called Love coz i see your not growing any younger"Martha asked with curiosity,

Kylie choked on the water she was drinking, when did they get to this ...

"Excuse me what?"

"I said when....."

"I heard what you said!" Kylie interrupted with an irritated look on her face,

"So..tell me"

"Am....waiting for the right time"

"When is the right time,you've never dated any guy ,even the ones that send you letters you reject them all in the name of ; I have to concentrate on my studies,Dad will kill me if he finds out,am not ready yet',

when will you be ready if you don't give it a try, Kylie!!"

Kylie was speechless,how can someone so young be lecturing her about love,

"Martha! what are saying ? if Dad hears you!"

"Dad is upstairs with mum and just to be clear here

Kylie,I know more than you can count..."

Kylie didn't want to interpret what Martha meant so she just gave her a hard glare,

"What? am not illiterate you know, I do rea...

Their conversation was cut short by loud noises coming from upstairs,the two ran as fast as they could straight to their parents' room.

They were welcomed by pillows,broken flower vessels ,books scattered allover the room,they searched the room for their parents,Mrs. Hellen was sitting on the bed with her hands supporting the head

while Mr. Will was standing facing the window with his hands in the pocket.

Mrs. Hellen then noticed the girls were standing at the door step"You two should be resting"she said with her voice cold, on the other hand the girls were frightened,they've never heard their mum speak in this tone....

not even Kylie.

"We were but we heard some noises so we came to check if all was well" the eldest replied,

Hellen sighed,"All is well,now go and get some sleep....

its late" she added,

The girls looked at their Papa who didn't say a thing or even turn to face them since the time the entered the room,Mrs. Hellen followed their line of she then gave them an assuring smile,

With that the girls went off to bed.