
His undying devotion

Irene Hensley, the Daughter of a director fell in love with her junior at school-Ethan, who loved her dearly. Having strict parents, she had a hard time dating him. "Ethan, let's break up," One day, Irene said despite feeling pain inside and forced Ethan to part ways. "I understand. I hope you won't regret today's decision and remember my words." Those were the last words he said to her before leaving. However, ten years later, she broke free from her family's confinement and decided to live for herself without getting married. After several attempts, she got accepted for a job where she ran into the company's CEO. The face looked awfully familiar yet foreign as she felt nostalgic and her loud heartbeat. Being suspicious, she observed every move of the CEO, who turned out to be the person she thought he was-Ethan Marc. He later sent a marriage proposal to her home and they arranged everything without Irene's opinion. ___ "Didn't I say I'll never let you go? Was my words a joke to you? You'll pay for the words you said by staying with me." Ethan pinned her down to the bed while whispering in her ear, "The soft guy you knew is long gone." ___ Even though Irene and Ethan were able to start anew, another devastation of their relationship is soon to appear. When there are optimistic times, there's also desperation which was no different in Irene's life.

AS_Tomoki · Ciudad
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43 Chs


My father took a deep breath, his gaze still fixed on the moon above. And then, slowly and haltingly, he began to speak,

"In the beginning, I forbade dating because I was afraid you two might choose the wrong person and get hurt," my father began, his voice tinged with regret.

"And your sister fell for a low-life who left her, just as I feared. Later, you got caught doing the same deed. As a parent, I was afraid. I didn't want the story to repeat, so I had to force you to separate. I was unable to perform the friendly communication that you needed. I wanted to apologize for that, but I couldn't bring myself to do so since you left."

I listened to his words, feeling a mix of emotions. I had always known that my father was overprotective, but I had never realized just how much fear and anxiety lay beneath his actions.

"And then I got involved in illegal mercenary work, which I didn't wish to do so," he continued. "That's when the CEO appeared. He made our company go bankrupt and took all the illegal funds under him to take care of it. He saved me from going to jail."

I felt a sense of shock and disbelief at his words. So that was the reason Ethan made our company go bankrupt, not to threaten me. It was a huge misunderstanding.

"I asked your sister to call you for money so you'd at least come home to pour your anger at us, but you sent the money instead," he said, his voice heavy with emotion.

"The CEO - your husband later came over, and I wanted to show my gratitude to him. That's when he talked about you. As an adult, I knew what face an honest man might make when he is sincerely talking about something, and I saw that face on him when he was talking about my daughter. He asked for your hand in marriage, not in exchange for the deal, but from pure love and sincerity. He promised to keep you happy and prove himself right for my daughter."

The more I listened to his words, the more I fell for Ethan and also the pain inside me increased for misjudging him.

"Being a parent, it was normal for me to say yes, but I still refused him politely," he continued. "But he refused to give up, and I thought it was time for you to get a husband. And since you worked under him, you probably knew a lot about him. So at last, I said yes, and we both knew you wouldn't agree. So he said to leave the rest on him, and I did so."

I sat there, trying to process everything that my father had just told me. It was a lot to take in, and I wasn't sure how to feel about any of it. But I understood how important communication was.

Before I could convey my feelings in words, I felt my inside getting heavy. I was always surrounded by people who loved me, but I didn't even realize and said hurtful things to them. I felt my heart choking with emotions, unable to express a word.

"I know it's late, but can you please forgive this worthless father, who failed to give you the warmth and time you needed. I will be better from now on," my father said, his voice thick with emotion.

I felt my father's weak hands embrace me for the first time in my life as I bit my lips to prevent myself from shedding tears. "I forgive you, Father," I said, my voice shaking. "It was also my fault for saying hurtful words without knowing anything. Please forgive me too."

"No, you were right in your own way. I deserved that," he replied, his hand running through my hair. I could hear his silent sobs as I closed my eyes, trying to control my emotions.

At that moment, I felt a sense of release, a letting go of all the hurt and pain that had been building up between us for so long. It was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and I could breathe again.

As we sat there, watching the moon, I felt a sense of peace settles over us. And I knew there was one more thing left to do. I needed to get my husband back.

The morning after my emotional reunion with my family, I eagerly waited for Ethan's arrival, as he had promised to see me soon. However, as time passed, I became increasingly worried when I didn't receive any texts or calls from him.

Just after noon, a car arrived, and I rushed outside in anticipation, only to be met with disappointment when I saw that it was Mr Paul driving, not Ethan. Saying goodbye to my family, I got into the car and immediately asked, "Where's Ethan?"

Mr. Paul hesitated and blinked for a moment before replying, "Sir didn't inform you?"

"What do you mean? Where is he?" I asked, feeling a sense of unease creeping over me.

Mr Paul remained silent and kept driving, which only served to make me more angry and anxious. "Why aren't you answering? I asked you a question. Where is Ethan?" I demanded.

"Ma'am, please calm down," Mr Paul said, his voice soft and gentle.

"I'm leaving the car. Answer immediately!" I threatened, feeling my patience wearing thin.

"Ma'am, please don't. Since sir didn't inform you, it must not have been important," he replied, trying to soothe me.

"I don't care what it is. Answer my question," I said, my voice rising in frustration.

"H-he left the country this morning!" Mr Paul finally admitted, his voice breaking slightly.

The words hit me like a ton of bricks, and my heart sank as I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Ethan had left the country without even informing me? Thousands of negative thoughts rushed through my mind, and I felt hurt and betrayed.

"Where did he go?"

"I only know that much, mam. I apologise!"

As we drove in silence, I blankly stared ahead, not knowing how to feel or what to do next. It was as if my whole world had come crashing down, and I was left feeling lost and alone.

The rest of the car ride was a blur, and before I knew it, we had arrived at our destination. As I stepped out of the car, I felt a sense of emptiness wash over me, and I knew that I had to confront Ethan about his sudden departure.

But at the same time, I couldn't shake off the feeling of anxiety. How could he leave without even telling me? What was going on? And where had he gone?

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