
Chapter 54

Silence reigned as Princess Dodai pondered on her words...she wondered how someone could love her people put them first and still love her child equally and protect it?

Sure the ancestors were aware of what a great Queen she would make but why had they assigned Leah Queen?

They knew she wouldn't ever succeed the throne,they also knew it would be the beginning of the witches problems but they did it anyway...


In fate and Destiny there was always different ways to go about things.... different ways that could arrive at a destination whether good or bad.

But one couldn't help but wonder the destination it would have ended in if Leah became witch Queen.

Wouldn't it be way too easy?

Sophia had grown entirely fustrated since the ancestors where giving her Silent treatment.

Maybe going with Dodai would be a good idea...she would be an interceeder for her and Queen Merrai.

Maybe the ancestors really knew she would need Dodai and so sent her to her...

Nothing was a coincidence.

"Come Princess, we'll go together as you wish" She says standing up.

Once she was up from the bed the portal formed by itself again and she held unto Dodai tightly walking into the portal.

Dodai didn't think it would be easy but she didn't know it would be that hard, painful and extreme walking into a Witch's portal.

The heat she felt was intense...like her skin were peeling off little by little.

She could almost feel her clothes melting like when it's put into a fire...

Soon she was covered in sweat but she couldn't even sense any form of discomfort from Sophia....

Infact she was quite comfortable and at ease like it was only her facing it all.

When the walked out of the portal which was like an endless tunnel of suffering for her she breathed in fresh air realising she had been holding her breath for long.

Her eyes fluttered open to see Sophia standing directly in front of her making spells.

Immediately she stopped she felt at ease...the heat was gone,the pains and sweats were gone as well.

Was it real? Did she really get burnt?

"You did Princess, but because you were with me you didn't face any major burns or die" Sophia says.

Princess Dodai nodded still in shock...she couldn't believe it at all....

The king must have surely done lots of evil things to them to make their magic react as such.

They were standing at the gates of the castle..the guards bowed to Dodai immediately she was seen and rushed to open the gate.

Queen Merrai had gone on a killing spree when she realized her daughter was gone...

As if it did anything to bring her back...

Dodai raised her head high as she walked to the throne room along with Sophia by her side even when Sophia was fully aware it was like walking into a Lion's den.

The guards announced Dodai's presence as the door opened revealing Queen Merrai and her council.

Queen Merrai stood up from her throne upon seeing her daughter....she smiled slightly when she knew better than to welcome her with open arms...

But she was a mother...her child was what mattered to her and she couldn't deny that she was worried and scared to death about her only child.

"Dodai?" Merrai whispers.

No one heard her,they were to focused on their missing princess and the goddess next to her.

Merrai hadn't noticed Sophia yet her attention was solely on her daughter.

"Greetings to you all council" Dodai says loudly as her eyes leaves her mother's.

"Greetings Princess,we are glad to have you back" They say.

"I wasn't gone for long sir,I have a wedding in a few days so of course I wouldn't be that irresponsible" Dodai says.

"So do you mind telling us what to call you? You are a princess,you represent us and what would people think of the princess of Mayes going missing days to her wedding?" Queen Merrai finally says.

"I am sorry your highness but I fulfilled my duty as a princess of the land by agreeing to marry the second in command to King Ramos...so now I had to fufill a duty to myself" Dodai says as a matter of fact.

Sophia watched in silence... one day she would have to fufill a duty to herself even if it seemed wrong to her people.

So was life.