
The Wedding


I worn a beautiful smile when I see how it feels when you were married at the guy you loved. I love him, but the problem is? Does he loves me too? Is it possible that later or a year comes. He'll know how to love me? There's a part of me that I'm happy, yes I'm happy with just three months were sharing a room. Roof top, a home, and sharing our blessings. Were not fighting for too much, were just fight with just a little problem. But soon on, were accepted that we had the same bad experiences. Do you know how much I'm happy, when he says he started to like me. But I hear something bad, but I forget it. There's a part to me, that I'm afraid. I'm afraid that he'll left me with just a woman. And afraid of him, loving me back. It's just a feeling that I never experience. Yet I have my ex, I have a boyfriend on the past. Do you know who? He's Edward, after we broke up, because of our fixed marriage. He didn't go out, and sometimes I see him going out with a girl. I'm not afraid if he'll forget me. I'll promise to myself, that if we faces each other. I'll take my compliment to say sorry with him. That's usual with those partners who brokes right?

Beside me are the make up artists, they make me glow up. To give a good presence with my soon to be spouse. I can't wait to see him, waiting at me on the shrine. Where we faces the priest and say our vows, and share our feelings in front of them. It's wonderful to know that we have to say our feelings. In my past it's just a dream to me, that I'll married someone who I love the most and it's him. I swear... This present time, I wonder on how I walk? Would I walk fast just to be with him, or walk like a model just to impress them as well as him? Or I'll walk with my pleasure to love him and my faith on him? I think it's good to walk with faith and more formal if I walk with a pleasure. It's good to know on how will he loves me back. I was staring at the mirror on how my figure loks like, it's light make up but it gives my face more presentable. And it suits with my gown. I watch them going out, I stand when mom comes in.

"Hi mom!" I said with an overload happiness.

"Oh my baby, you look so stunning. Your same as me, were more the same. Hahaha... But baby, if your married and have childrens with you spouse you're still my baby. I pleased you to take good care for your husband, for your upcoming childrens..." I feel my cheecks burn up, when she says our childrens. Wow as in wow? Should I gave mom a new little kid? To shown her that I can gave her a lot? Hahaha... I can't do that unless he will.

"Mom!" I accost her, she laugh. She stop and face me, she holds my cheek and hug me tight.

"I'm much more than happy when you bring me a good news from your family." she said and tap my back. I nod slightly and chuckled.

After one hour dressing me, I stand to saw my whole figure. I turn around, I was stoped when they take the belo on the top of me. I smile in front of the mirror. How beautiful I am...


I walk towrads him, with my parents beside me. I'm on the center of them. They're holding my back. I feel nervous, on how he made a look at me. He was staring at me from head to toe. Is this fine Am I look so nice, stunning? Arrgh I can't look at him directly, it's been a time to goes to the shrine beside him. He stares at me, he msiles. Wait, am I dreaming? He smiles at me.

"Take good care with our baby, Bryle. I know you, I was watching you movements. Once you hurt our daughter. I'll made a big distracting punishment. That will never be forget. Hahaha... I'm just teasing you, but please... Take good care for you wife." dad said and laugh. I saw him sighed, is he afraid? No don't be!

"Baby, I love you as always. Mom's here when you needs me. Bryle, as my husband said. Take good care for her, is it okay to you? That you were about to marry her?" mom ask him. I bit my lip. No! Don't be so rude!

"Yes, it is okay for me Mommy." hooh, I'm so... Hooh thank you Bryle!

"Then we'll leave the both of you. Baby huh? Don't forget to bring me what I need!" mom's teasing me. I see his brow raises. Hahaha he didn't get it.


"We gather here to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision

to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly

declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this

commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover,

companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in

which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one

in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which

both give their love freely and without jealousy.

Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams.

It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be

loving and unselfish." the priest started the ceremony.

"Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, standtogether, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all the days of your lives?" ask the prist, we glance at each other. I quickly turn my look at the priest. It's embrassing!

"We do." we both said in front of the priest. I look around, they were watching us. I saw mommy and his mom crying whilst their hands are approached.

"Do you pledge to share your love and the joys of your marriage with all those around you, so that they may learn from your love and be encouraged to grow in their own lives?" the priest ask again. I turn my look at him. I used to wipe my burning tear.

"We do." we both answered. We shared a stares at each others. There's a pain in his eyes, I can't manage my haert beat. Would he promise? He'll love me, I swear!

Ring boy walks toward us, I and Bryle faced. He handed the smooth thing on the top of it was our wedding ring. That was supposed to be the proved that were lawfully married.

"May these rings be blessed as a symbol of your union. As often as either of you look upon these rings, may you not only be reminded of this moment, but also of the vows you have made and the strength of your commitment to each other. Mr. Quantumn, please repeat after me..." priest ay the vow, and he repeat it. He pulled the ring and take it to me. He started to put it on me. He was serious.

"I Mr. Bryle Kenneth Quantumn take you to be my Mrs. Althea Zhine Lewis-Quantumn, and to be my lawfully wedded wife. I choose you to love and cherish me in sickness and in health. I will choose to love you too, I'll do my best to be your husband. I'll promise that I'll share my feelings to you. I will always love you, until my last breathe." he said, I was crying when he say his vow. Wow as in wow! I'll take you too! I cry with happiness and love.

"Ms. Lewis, please repeat after me..." I pulled the ring too and put it on to him, whilst I say my wedding vow. I cried a lot, because of bad and good attachment. Bad attachment, while he put it on me, there's a pain in his eyes. I feel that there's a woman that he only loves was watching us. His eyes stared to me and transfered to the woman who sits on the middle. I look at her. My tears burst out, I see her smiling with a pain. There's anpther reason too, were both 18 years old, and too young to dive into such an event. Good attachment, while I put the ring on him. I saw his eyes at last transfered in me again. Anothere reson is, he promise and I promise too. Because I love him, but he'll use to love me. Just a little bit or at once. I smile, with pain. I worn a fake smile.

"I Ms. Althea Zhine Lewis-Quantumn take you to be my Mr. Bryle Kenneth Quantumn, and to be my lawfully wedded husband. I choose you to love me too and cherish me in sickness and in health. I will choose to love you too, I'll do my best to be your husband. I'll promise that I'll share my feelings to you. I will always love you, until my last breathe." I said it to him too. I was supposed to be responsible about my tears, but he used to give me his handkerchief to wipe my tears. I take it and smile sweetly.

"Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have the gifts of your lives united. By the power vested in me, I shall now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." the priest said. I stare at his eyes, he do it too. I feel ungracious, because these time. His girl friend? Or anything watching us. He step closer to me, were still having an eye contact. It seems that were knowing at each other in eyes conversation. He move closer again without broking our eye contact and then... I close my eyes, but I can't feel anything approached me. I open my eyes, and then kaboom. I see him, kissed my cheeck. It makes my cheecks burst with fire. I heard his heart beat, were same. We have the same heart rate. Our hearts beat so fast.

"Around of applause for our newly wedded couple!" said the priest. Mom stands within his mom and they clapped, also their relatives. The audience clap, well except for the woman on the middle. She's watching me, with a peaceful smile. From the start I never knew taht she would be his girl friend. If I don't love him, I think I'll gave him on her, She's poor. I can't look at her. I'm feeling guilty, but this is my chance to be more nicer for him.

Hooh, Good Day everyone. I wanted you to support my story. This one is my first time in writing. I hope you guys loved my story

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