
His last bite

His eyes searched for his next prey as he finished his lunch. Hunger lingering inside him, as he searched with his dark hungry eyes for something to satisfy that monster inside him until, he got his eyes laid on the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. Thus, he declared, this would be his last meal, his last bite. For the sake, of that one woman who stole his icy heart with her warm, innocent eyes.  ... Yato Takashi. One of the alpha vampires. His speed faster than the wind, his teeth sharper than a needle, and a heart full of guilt. Finds himself cold and lonely in the middle of an icy forest. Wondering if anything will change in his life. Soon on one of his hunts he finds himself memorized by the beauty and the fragility of an unknown woman who seems more of a human than a vampire. And there goes his heart, this love at first sight forces him to cease one of his most important ways of surviving. To put an end to hunting. With the intentions of getting closer to the gorgeous human without scaring her away. Will she be worth ceasing his main food supply? Will she realize the sacrifice the alpha made just to win her heart? ... Book cover made by using Canva. Fiction only

IM72 · Others
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I like it with you

As night slowly fell, Asami inquired, "Should we go back?"

''Yup, that's what I've come to believe too. Okay, let's get moving.''

I reached out a hand without meaning to, and to my surprise, she accepted it as I got up. My stomach started to feel funny, and then my eyes started to go wide. How? This feeling is unlike any other I've experienced before; it's warm and kind.

As I drifted off into thought, she awoke me with, "Let's go?"

I replied, "Yes," and we started strolling back towards the house.

As we strolled among the trees, I remarked, "So...do you find okay here?"

''The clear night sky and cool mornings are wonderful. It's beautiful.'' she said, looking up at the clouds.
''That's really sweet.''

''Do you know? This place has made me feel a lot more at ease than the busy city. Thanks for this..." She said, her face aglow with gratitude.

And before long, I, too, was smiling.
''Oh. Look at your face!" she cried, pointing at me.

''You are smiling finally!''

When she said, "No, I... maybe," I grinned even brighter.

"That's a nice grin," She laughed, and then both of us were stunned into silence.
She bowed her head in shame and said, "I'm so sorry."

''No, no! Totally fine! Really, I appreciate it," I said, staring nervously down at my shoes.
Then that's great! She exclaimed, "Smile more!" And skipped along the path, and all I could do was grin even bigger. People often remark that a grin can spread happiness to others. True.
"You broke the TV!" As though shouting from within the house. We were curious about what was going on, so we knocked. Ito made the entryway.

''OMG! PLEASE HELP ME! Ito yelled while going behind us.

"RAY IS GOING TO KILL ME!" As Ray approached from the front.

He screamed, "HE BROKE THE TV! Ray shouted.


Ito pleaded, "Please, have mercy!"

We shared a chuckle at the sight of them bickering.

Asami exclaimed, "Wait...a TV?" as she heard the news.

There was widespread fear.

''The TV, the TV, the TV, oh yes!'' It was quite difficult for me to elaborate.
Ito stutters out, "Yes, the TV...i-it w-was...the TV is no was..."

''We installed a television since we knew you'd be bored otherwise. On your behalf!" Ray exclaimed.

''Wow, that's really nice of you to do!'' Asami beamed her trademark smile and thanked them.

''It's nothing, really,"

"Of course!" Both of them smiled nervously and said no problem.

"Wait... it's broken?" I said as we sat down.

''It was broken by him...pardon him if you may" Ray yelled as he threw daggers at Ito,

"Bad vamp—!"
''Vampirous T-TV destroyer!'' Ray corrected himself.

''I know how to repair it! I swear!" he pleaded.

Ray asked, "How do you handle a meal?"

Asami replied, "Um...that is an issue sort of." as she got off the jacket.

''This is what I expected! That's why Ito and I went out and stocked with food for you.'' Ray said, "I hope you know how to cook!"

''What incredible generosity! Much appreciated for everything!'' She bowed and expressed gratitude.

''It's all right, we'll depart.'' Ray wished her a good time as he and Ito left the house.
His parting words were a whisper in my ear as he walked away.

"Come immediately," and he left.

As I took a step, I said, "So... have a great dinner?"

"Yeah...of course," she said. The final word was spoken with a hushed voice. What? Is it possible that she wished to turn back?

"Take care," I urged.

"Sure," she replied, staring at the floor.
Perhaps she felt that she had lived enough here and wanted to return home.

I said tentatively, "Is something bothering you?"
''No...um...yes. Just wanted to say how much I appreciate all your help. It means a lot that you helped me your friends and I am a total stranger.''

Finally, she whispered in a trembling voice as I stared straight at her, "You are amazing....but.....I don't want to be lonely again."

"Again? "

"Nothing! It is just that....I... feel alone here. It's great but…th woods sometimes are scary." She had a hard time coming clean.
The thought that I had made her feel lonely caused an instant scowl on my part.

''Let's go.'' I blurted out.

"What?" she asked in disbelief as she looked up.
When I said, "I'll take you somewhere...special," my voice dropped.

''No, it's ok with me. I hate to be an inconvenience.'' She cried, "Nothing crucial!"

I told her, "No, you are coming with me," I said as I handed her jacket.

''Is that Ito's jacket?'' I asked.

''Oh, he did give it to me, he said. He's a really kind guy.'' She praised his effort.

After taking a whiff, I said, "I'll wear this you wear mine." It had an Ito fragrance on it. I said after smelling it. Nuh-uh.

''No, no! It's fine.''

''This is cozier, and it's OK with me. Greater than what Ito has! You're going to freeze!'' I pushed until she agreed, and then I quietly jumped for joy inside.
We got about halfway away before realizing that the site was too high for any human to safely climb.

I told her to "Now...close your eyes."

''What? "Why?" she questioned.

''Don't think about it; just do it! It is that

crucial! Please don't risk opening them!"

''Or else you'll suck my blood, okay!" she squealed, covering her eyes with her palm.
Good. What I did was pick her up. ...and then ascended.

It's terrifying for her.
''Yato! What are you doing?" she cried out in alarm.
I told her to be quiet, with what reason? I don't know. But shortly after we arrived. She didn't weigh a thing. The perfume of vanilla in her hair sent a jolt of excitement through me. The sensation of her smooth skin was so strange. I screamed internally as a shade of bright pink came on me cheeks.

I stutter-bumped out, "We a-are...here," as I hastily set her down.

She exclaimed, "Omg...this is high.''

I said, my eyes veiled in shame, "UH....FORGET ABOUT HOW YOU CAME HERE AND BY W-WHOM BUT...THE V-VIEW!" NO. The emotion is one that I will never forget.
She looked at me and said, "Okay...but are you okay?"
The answer was a resounding yes from me.
Then she took a look around and was awed by the scenery. Half of the forest was visible from the top of the rock.

''Wah! She grins broadly and declares, "That's awesome!"
"I know," I responded, observing her perfunctory look about.
''You know...animals and birds add to the pleasant atmosphere as they live among the trees and plants that surround us in this forest. Giving us company....''

I asked, "So... feeling a little lonely now?"

She answered with a gleeful "nope" as she embraced the present.

With a hushed, "Yato," she got my full attention.
I hung on every word of "Thank you...for making me feel okay...''

To my surprise, she turned to me and said, with a slight smile, "I like it with you." Her eyes met mine and peered straight through me.
My breath suddenly stopped.
What the heck was that? What is this strange, peculiar, yet utterly enchanting sensation? Admiration?
Was it my attraction to a lady who was both unlike and like me?
For the rest of the night, I just gazed. In the beauty of those eyes. And from that moment on, I could not get that image out of my head. Never.

Bonus update! Enjoy!

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