
His Human

"...Hmh...it seems like you really like disobeying me kitten, so I'll have to fulfill the promise I made to you the other day"... My eyes widen I didn't need to be told twice because i recalled everything he said 4 week ago outside Tom's cafe... "You think just because the moon goddess paired me with you I'll accept you?...you are nothing more than a weak, stupid, annoying teenager who is nothing more than a waste of space...stay away from me because if we ever meet again, I'll make sure to make your fucking life a living hell." "Excuse me assface, your car hit me and you're acting as if I jumped in front of your stupid ugly car .. I'm ignoring that its a Porsche.. Apologize now before I slap your arrogant face" ---‐‐----------------------------------------------------------- Lira thinks werewolves are just myths and farytiles...what happens when she's mated to one...an alpha known for his ruthlessness and merciless reputation... Killian hates humans.. he sees them as cunning and vicious killers..What happens when he finds out he's mated to one?? Will Killian be able to accept his fate or will his past destroy his future... WARNING...this book consits of mature language, sexual themes and violance

Adele_Hlandziwe · Fantasía
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34 Chs


Lira's POV

Ive been searching for a job for the past 2 weeks. Everytime i would send my applications and resumme i would get rejected within 24 hours...I never understood why because i clearly had one of the best qualifications in town...Not to brag but i passed with a distinction in all of my modules each year...i worked my ass off in collage and i wanted people to notice that..

I decided to actually get my ass off the couch today and look for a job in a bar or something...i was becoming desprate and i needed to paymy rent...I quickly took a shower and got dressed in my favorite blue jeans, a black tshirt and black combat boots.. After tying my hair in a pony tail, i made my way out my apartment and into the streets of Seattle....

I decided to start small, entering into small restaurants and fast foods...I really didnt have any luck there either...I was about to giive up my hunt when a farmilia cafe came into view...Yess Luke's dinner..how could i not realise sooner....

When i arrived here a month ago, i didn't know where the grocery stores were so i had to eat juck food for a week..and this was my favourite diner so far...i was a regular here and i was forming a friendship with the owner..Luke...Luke was a slim guy who was in him mid 30s, he reminded me of Tom but only slim and british....He had shaggy brown hair and brown eyes...He was such a nice guy that i didn't hesitate talking to him the first time i ate here...what can i say..im a friendly girl...

I decided to go for it...i entered and made my way towards the counter...

"Ohh hey love...how you doing today"

"Hey Luke..im ok thanks...but i need your help"

Tom's face showed concern and worry so i proceeded explaining...

"I've been trying to gst a job for the past few week but i had no luck...Im starting to think im jinxed or something...My rent is due next week and I'll have to pay double because i couldn't pay last month's rent too...i..i don't know what I'll do...so im begging you Luke..please can i work for you...I'll take any job you give me..I'll even spin the signs if you want me too...."

"Ohh love, im sorry to hear that...but

You're in luck because Emily quit her job today...talking about how she couldn't handle the pressure...So I'll fill you in her place as a cashier...i know you'll work hard and i have my faith in you.."..

The moment Luke said those words i felt tears of happiness inmy eyes...i was so happy that i immediately squeezed him in a bone crushing hug...

"Oh my god thatnk you so much Tom

..i wont disappoint you, i promise..."

He smiled and ushered me to a table so we cpuld disscus my shits and my pay...i dint care how much i would earn because i was just glad that i finally got a job..i knew it wasn't  my dream job but at least i would be able to pay my rent and get a few groceries too....

"..so I'll need you hear every morning at 6am sharp love...I'll hand you your uniform and you'll start tomorrow"..i beamed and quickly shook his hand eager to start working....

He then stood up and went to the back..he came back 2 minutes later with clothes in his hands...he smiled and handed them to me..

"Here you go love...this is what you'll wear every morning here...We'll discuss about your extra shifts next week...right now i just want you to get used of how things work around here"

"Okay Luke..thank you so much, you won't regret this..."..i smiled...he chuckled

"No problem love, i hope not too...now get out of here and get some rest...tomorrow will be a busy day and i want you fresh and ready"...i smiled and said my goodbyes and went back to my apartment.....

I decided to call Mark and inform him about my job..i dialled his number and after two rings he answered...

"Why hello squeeky...i hope you're calling me to inform me about something good"...i smiled picturing him wiggling his eyebrows..classic Mark..

"Hey, stop reading my mind please...anyway...I got a job at Luke's joint...i know it's not my dream job but it'll do until i find a real job"...i smiled sadly...i felt Mark sigh...

"Im happy for you Li..and  you're right, its not the best but you'll have to work with what you have....and as my bestfriend i want you to know I'll fully support you, thats why i deposited you money to pay for your rent....and no..you'll have to accept it this time...Lira, its my duty as my bestfriend to always support you any how, and since i can't provide a shoulder to cry on, I'll sent you money instead.."...Mark was still in New York and got a job at Microsoft...he was living his best life so because of his busy schedule, he couldn't come and see me now, in my current situation....i should always check my massages...

"Mark you didn't have to...thank you so much...I'll pay you as soon as i..."

"Ohh hush Li...you don't need to pay me..stop robbing me my duties please...i love you Li and I'm always gonna look after you.."

"Thank you so much Mark...please let me make it up to you when we meet...its the least i could do..please"

"Fine..since you're begging ill have to agree....but i get to choose how you make it up to me.." i was already imagining him  wink...a smile broke on my face and i realized how much i miss him....we talked for about 2 hours until i decided i needed to cook diner since i had a bright day waiting for me tomorrow....We said our good byes and i was happy i that i had a friend like Mark...i don't know what i would do without him...

I made dinner and decided to clean my apartment because i knew i wouldn't get enough time to, now that I had a job....