
His Human

"...Hmh...it seems like you really like disobeying me kitten, so I'll have to fulfill the promise I made to you the other day"... My eyes widen I didn't need to be told twice because i recalled everything he said 4 week ago outside Tom's cafe... "You think just because the moon goddess paired me with you I'll accept you?...you are nothing more than a weak, stupid, annoying teenager who is nothing more than a waste of space...stay away from me because if we ever meet again, I'll make sure to make your fucking life a living hell." "Excuse me assface, your car hit me and you're acting as if I jumped in front of your stupid ugly car .. I'm ignoring that its a Porsche.. Apologize now before I slap your arrogant face" ---‐‐----------------------------------------------------------- Lira thinks werewolves are just myths and farytiles...what happens when she's mated to one...an alpha known for his ruthlessness and merciless reputation... Killian hates humans.. he sees them as cunning and vicious killers..What happens when he finds out he's mated to one?? Will Killian be able to accept his fate or will his past destroy his future... WARNING...this book consits of mature language, sexual themes and violance

Adele_Hlandziwe · Fantasía
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34 Chs


Lira's POV

The next day I decided that I was going to escape...I tried to convince Killian that I need to go for a walk in the woods but it felt like he read through my lie...He just dismissed me telling me that if I ever tried to escape he would know and if I did escape, he would hunt me dowm, find me and punish me for going against his words...The looked he gave me after saying those words had me convinced...

I wasn't going to give up that easily...I had a family to go back to...that being Sara and Mark...I knew they were worried sick, heck I was in every news channel this morning...My aunt filed a missing person's report the day that wolf man took me...I was sad that I couldn't reach out to her through a phone call or a text...I begged Killian this morning after watching the news, his answer was cold and blunt..

"This is your new family, you can't go back because you'll be risking their lives if you do...More people will come after you because they know what you are to me..."...I didnt understand what he was saying but most importantly what I was to him...All I knew was that I was stuck here, with him until I could escape...

I made my way down stairs when I heard Killian arguing with a female voice...I slowly stood behind the wall to eavesdrop on their conversation...

"You can't expect me to give you up Killian....I don't care if she's your mate or not...She's human...she doesn't belong here...She doesn't know anything about running a pack...Understand one thing Killian, you are mine and I will be your luna and your queen.. not her...I will not give up and if that means killing her, then so be it..."...I heard an animalistic growl rip through the house...It was so strong that the hoise shock....I then heard a deep voice so gruff and filled with anger...

"Lay your filthy paws on her and I'll make sure to dismember your body slowly before I kill you...You will stay away from her and if I just so find a single hair on her heard missing....I'll kill your family first and then you will follow them, slowly and painful but surely..."....After hearing that threat I was practically shaking from fear...I wonder who this human was...she surely had to be important to him that he needed to shake the house just to prove his point...

I heard the female speak..."Is that a threat Killian...Are you willing to risk your..." she was cut of by Killian's deep chuckle..

"Tsk..tsk..Christina, we both know I don't make threats...I tend to make promises and you know very well I'm a man of my word...Do your self a favour, don't make me fulfil my promise because sweetheart, you know I won't hesitate to..."....I gasped...That's his fiance... I felt weird...It was as if I was happy that he threatened to kill her...the thought of him with another woman infiltrated me....

Just as I was about to tiptoe my way back to Killian's room, in lightning speed, a hand pulled me roughly to the centre of the living room where the conversation was being held at...I felt the sparks that were tingly on my arm and came face to face with an angry Killian...I averted my gaze from him and wished I hadn't...

Standing before my was a beautiful model-like woman...She had black hair that was stilled into a neat bun...Her skin was milky white and her piercing green eyes were filled with anger...She looked at me like a pile of shit and I had to admit...I felt like a pile of shit compared to her.....As if she noticed me downgrading my self, she smirked...

"So you're her...I can't believe Killian is willing to make you his luna...She chuckled...You seem more like a little scrawny bitch than a luna to me...Killian growled and stepped forward but she didn't budge....Calm down Killian...soon you'll get bored of her and come back running to me, and you know what?...I'll be waiting for you with wide open arms because no one will ever replace me in your life and we both know it....Enjoy your little human and when you get bored, you'll know where to find me.."...And then she did something neirther me nor Killain expected...

She grabbed him by his collar and smashed her lips to his...I felt like someone was jamming a knife into my heart...Killian just stood there frozen...I couldn't keep the tears that were threatening to spill so I stormed off the house and into the woods...I didn't understand why I was feeling jealous and hurt...I mean she was his fiance and they were going to get married soon...I knew that but it was a hard pill to swallow...I so angry that I didn't realise I was so deeped in the forest....This was my chance...

After all, nothing was preventing me from running so I did....I sprinted forwad and didn't look back...I didn't want to go back and I felt as if my heart was being torn apart...Why was I feeling like this because I didn't know him nor did he know me....We were just strangers and I shouldn't forget that he made my life miserable when he job-blocked me.....I hated him...I need to stay away from him because with him, I felt strange...the way my body reacted to him was unnatural....

It scared me that every time I heard his voice my stomach tighted in a good way...Every time our bodies made physical contact I felt the heat that coursed through my body...I wanted him to touch me in many ways...I wanted to feel his body against mine and I hated it....I knew that my body wanted him, but my mind knew better...I was so consumed with my thoughts that I didn't see the huge black wolf that jumped infront of me...

I stopped dead in my tracks...This wolf was bigger, more vicious and deadly that the one's I've seen before...His blue-grey eyes locked with mine and I felt.....safe...I didn't understand why but I just knew it wasn't going to hurt me...It slowly approached me... It was taller that me, probably 7'6...

I saw the look it held, it was as if...as if it was hurt and moslty angry at me for almost escaping..I didn't understand why until the wolf transformed into a man...a man I knew very well...In front of me stood Killian...naked...And my was it a sight to see...

His skin was beautifully taned...I had to prevent myself from looking down there...His abbs looked like they were carved by the gods themselves...I was beginning to feel hot...I had to swallow the non existent siliva down my throat...His muscles bulged as he walked towards me...His sandalwood mixed with mint scent hit me hard that I had to take a step back away from him...He knew the effect he had on me...He smirked and took another step closer...

This carried on until I felt my back touch a tree...I knew I was trapped...I couldn't look away from his eyes because I was under his spell...Judging by the glint of amusement in his eyes and the cocky smile on his lips, he knew he had me right where he wanted me....He groaned, not in pain but in amusement...

"I'm beginning to think you like disobeying me little human...It seems I'll have to punish you from now on...what were you thinking little kitten..running away from me when I instructed you not to..."...He took another step...his hand grabbed my waist and he roughly pulled me that my body was pressed against his body...

I felt the heat rush into my core and had to close my thighs...My face was burried in his chest...He lifted my chin to look in his eyes...I gulped when I saw the anger and lust that flashed through his eyes that were now a darker shade of grey with a hint of ocean blue... His voice was now deep and low.

"I think I'll have to chain you to my bed...that would keep you from running.."...I shivered at that thought and he chuckled...

"You would like that wouldn't you...My..My little human, you have a dirty mind..."...His lips made contact with my neck and I had to suppress a moan...He tightened his hild on my waist and I gapsed from the impact...he smirked from my neck...He continued trailing light feather kisses from my neck to my shoulder...My mind was clouded by his body touching mine and I didn't want it to end but I knew I had to stop him...my body wanted him but my mind told me other wise..

"Ki.killian please.."...I felt him humm in my neck...I was about to tell him to stop when he found my sweet spot and  nipped on it...I couldn't hold back the moan and I heard him groan...

"The things I want to do to you little human....how I'll enjoy bending you over my bed and having my way with you...After I'm done with you, you won't be able to leave my bed for a week..."...I clutched at his shoulders tighter as my core felt like a pool of wetness...

"I can smell your arousal little human...soon I'll make you mine and you'll never think about any other man besides me..but for now...I'll have to punish you for running away as you know..im a man of my word.."

And with that being said he lifted me over his shoulder and with lightning speed he carried me back into his house and I was tossed in the centre of his bed...I lifted my head to say something but he was already gone and the click of the door proved that he intended on keeping his promise...

I just hoped that it wouldn't be painful..I would take it like the proud woman I was...Nothing could ever change my mind on escaping him...not even him...

Heew...I almost got burned by the heat between these two...I wonder what the punishment will be🤔🤔🤔