
His Cruel Revenge

Teja Narayan is a neurosurgeon. She changed a lot because of her past. She is a confident, lovely, innocent, bold, and self-esteem person. Tanish Kashyap is the CEO of Kashyap Enterprises. Teja is his obsession. He forced Teja married to him for revenge. There are two reasons for his revenge:- 1. Teja slapped him which hurt his male ego. 2. Teja is his obsession. But, Tanish's father decides to marry his choice of girl. Who is this girl Tanish's father choose? Is Tanish getting married to Teja for his revenge or did something else happen? This is the sequel of Dream- An Ambition. I hope you will love it. I highly recommend you to read Dream- An Ambition first.

Tripti_Narayan · Ciudad
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176 Chs

Chapter 19- Harshness!!!

Tanish POV:-

I am so happy today. I am planning to have a dinner date with Teja.

I know Teja is working overtime in the hospital to stay away from everyone.

Maa is also worried about her as she didn't tell her about her overtime.

In the morning, she called me and told me to take Teja for dinner as she is working overtime and Teja will exhaust herself.

I told her that she doesn't need to worry about Teja. I will handle her.

I called her director and told them to give Teja a break.

Also, I told them that she would not be working much after our marriage.

He has to take care of her schedule.

He agreed immediately.

I come to my office and start doing my work.

My PA entered and told me about my meeting with our staff today in our meeting room.

I nodded, and he gave me some main files to review and left.

At 1 pm, I ate my lunch and took a rest.

I went to the meeting room, and everyone started to come to the meeting room and took their seat.

One of my employees stood and was about to start his presentation when my PA came to me and showed me something, which made my blood boil.

I stopped the meeting and saw the Live telecast, which is showing on the online news.

Yes, you guessed right.

I am seeing my fiance is proposed by none other than my rival, Mr. Suray Pratap Suryavanshi.

And the mistake she did that she forgets to wear her engagement ring.

My temper rose badly when that bastard kissed my fiance and told her he is waiting for her his whole life.

He even gave her his BLOODY BOOKEY!!!

What the hell is wrong with everyone????

Why are they after my wife???

First that f**king bastard AKAASH and now my rival BLOODY SURAYA PRATAP SURAYAVANSHI!!!

I looked at everyone who is looking at their phones with shock.

I know, they are looking at THAT BLOODY PROPOSAL!!!

I called Teja immediately and told her to come to the office.

We started our meeting with my bad temper and everyone's fear.

After all, everyone knows me as my bad temper.

Meeting starts, and one by one, everyone starts to show me their reports, work, and ideas.

I yelled at everyone and fired five employees.

Suddenly, my PA entered the meeting room and told me about Teja.

She is waiting outside my office, and I yelled at him not to let her enter my office.

I dismissed the meeting and starting to go to my office.

I saw her standing outside, and her back is showing me.

Whenever I look at her, I want to make her mine at the very moment.

I can't do that right now.

After all, I promised her.

But I can leave my mark on her.

I took long strides towards her and caught her wrist.

I pushed her with me in my office and pressed the button so no one can see what is going to happen in this office.

" Tanish!!! At least tell me before pushed me directly into your office. " Teja yelled at me, and my temper rise.

I turned towards her and saw her tremble look on her face.

But she is trying to hide this with her confident look.

My eyes suddenly shifted to the bookey in her hands.

I took that bookey from her hands and threw it on the ground.

I crushed them under my feet.

" Tanish!!! What are you doing? Why are you crushing them? " Teja asked loudly and trying to push me away.

I caught her hair in my fist and pushed her face forward to me.

" How dare you, Teja? How dare you accept this bookey from him? " I yelled and pinned her on the table harshly.

She yelped because of the harshness.

" Tanish, leave my hair. You are hurting me, for god sake. " Teja yelled.

I caught her jaw tightly in my other hand.

" Why are you not answering me? HUH??? " I yelled at her.

She flinched.

" Tanish, listen to me. Calm down. I didn't know he was about to propose to me. I met him by coincidence. He- " Teja is explaining, but I cut her off.

" How many people did you f**k in your past, Teja? " I asked, and she got stunned, looking at me in disbelief.

She slapped me on my right cheek tightly.

I look at her with shock.

She pushed me, and I took four steps back.

" Tanish, mind your language. Just because I slept with you in the past doesn't mean I become a wh*re. I never was and am that type of girl who slept with anyone just because of pleasure.

You know what, you can never understand me neither in the past nor the present.

I disgust you, man wh*re. " Teja growled at me.

I launched at her and caught her wrists in one hand and her hair in the other hand.

" You disgust me, HUH!!! I will show you that only I am the one who can touch your body, my wh*re wife. " I yelled and smashed my lips on her.

Third Person POV:-

Teja is trying to push Tanish away. But Tanish is not ready to leave her.

Tanish is busy savoring her while Teja is feeling disgusted by his touch.

Tears are falling from her eyes by Tanish's cruelness.

Tanish bit Teja's lips harshly that her lips tore, and blood comes out from her wound.

Tanish wants to show Teja that she is his only.

But, for Teja, it is pure torture.

This kiss is breaking her self-esteem, fighting spirit, a strong Teja.

She doesn't want to accept her fate.

She doesn't want to become a wh*re.

But, in front of this hulk, she is just weak.

She can't fight with him in strength.

Tanish left her lips and attacked her neck.

He bit her hard leave a mark on her.

He looked at her with a victory smirk.

On the other side, Teja becomes dead.

She looks at Tanish with dead eyes.

" This mark made you remember that you are mine, dear. " Tanish cooed her, but she felt dizzy.

This environment is suffocating her.

And she fainted and was about to fall on the floor when Tanish caught her in time.

He took her to his office room which he used when he stayed in the office the whole night.

He laid her on the bed and pecked her on her lips.

He sat beside her and looked at her with love.

" Why do you took my devil out? Why can't you show obedience to me like a good girl? " Tanish asked the sleeping Teja.

He sighed and called his rival.

He comes out of his room so that Teja didn't disturb her sleep as he knows about her overtime work.

Tanish POV:-

" Tanish, what a great pleasure? Why did you call me? " He asked sarcastically.

" I want to ask two questions, and you will reply to me truthfully, understood? " I ordered.

I heard a sigh from the other end.

" Fine, ask me as I don't have much time to waste on you. " Suray replied.

" First, how do you know Teja, my fiance, my soon-to-be wife?

Second, why the hell did you propose to her as almost all over the world know about her? " I asked.

" For your first question, I met her at the party one time and fell in love with her ten years ago.

Even my mother loves her.

But we didn't know anything about her except the fact she wants to become a doctor.

For your second question, I didn't know that she is your fiance. I was busy with an important project.

I didn't get the time to check the latest news.

When I saw her in the cafeteria, I proposed to her immediately by bought the bookey for her. " Suray replied honestly.

" And why the hell did you kiss her on the forehead and cheeks? " I asked angrily.

" Have you forgot that you want me to answer you truthfully for your first two questions. Now, why am I gonna reply to your third question? " He asked annoyingly.

I know he is teasing me, bloody bastard.

" Suray!!!! " I yelled.

" Alright, Alright! I will tell you.

I want to make you jealous as I know how much you hate me, happy. " Suray replied.